Communities are Everyone's Problem.

Mar 16, 2004 08:10

In my email this morning, I got an invitation to join a community. After visiting that community, I found that not only was it completely uninteresting, but I didn't know any of its members.

Having said that, I'm annoyed. I don't like it when I get emails from people I don't know -- I think everyone shares that sentiment.

But this is the third time since getting my LJ that I've been sent a random invitation from some jerkoff who thinks that by emailing every username he can find, he can somehow implant the interest in my mind and make an instant friend.

How pathetic is that? And half the time, the communities I have been spammed to join are pointless, derivative or little more than an attempt to be clever -- the lonely outcry of some desperate twit who wants to force people to talk to him.

I don't have time for that kind of melodrama. LiveJournal is, to me, a place where I can air my thoughts in a harmless, uncensored manner, and allow my FRIENDS to be a part of it by offering alternative point of view. Through this medium, and the candid look at each other it creates, we all get to know each other better, and become better people.

You know... that classic method of social integration typically referred to as GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER.

I'm sort of busy working on that, thanks, and you're not helping, jackass. You're just pissing people off.

More later, kids.
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