Convo with Mags. sorry if its hard to follow
why is it a bigger deal when the female gets groped than a guy? i don't think i'd be bothered if an old lady messed with you
guys dont get raped by old ladies half often as girls do by guys
not to say i'm stupid, but i was just wondering
it is the same as asking why did only guys go to war in ww2
our women are our country
for some reason, that impressed me
i for one would *defend* my country
and you didn't have to conquer it either *smiles*
i wont fight or attack, that is why i wouldnt join the army unless i was conscripted
*nods* i'm not of that nature either. i figure there is so much that can be worked out through discussions
im not a pacifist, but i dont believe in offensive war
are you saying i'm a pacifist?
im not saying anything
i realize 'pacifism' is supposed to represent peaceful settlings of problems, but i would insult to be called one. i see pacifists as people that back down from a problem by trying to get on everyone's good side
I see pacifism as heading your head in the sand
yeah people like that irritate me along as those that have an opinion that's based only one what their parents have told them
i also hate the people who put down the government whatever they do, good or bad
kyle is a very good example of that
he is just a pretentious ignorant, stupid, young fool
you defend to say he isnt a bad person. well i havent said he was :P
yeah some people like stupid pretentious fools
none of us can claim to know absolutely, at least not without accepting other views
exactly. that's why i don't like to argue. i correct when i know i'm right, but that's it
i dont dislike people because i dont agree, i dislike them them because they are not likeable for my personality
there will always be people that automatically don't mesh with your personality, but if you at least tried to work with them, kudos to you
im usually very good at judging who id like and would interest me beforehand
so the ones that you see as pretentious attract equally pretentious friends?
different people attract different people
so what keeps your attention? in general
dunno reallyn but i know it inside
kyle, i dont like because he makes too many mistakes
vincent, i dont like because he takes extraordinary and disturbing lengths to get into your head
the really amazing thing about you is that your brain is always working. you can look at someone and observe them enough to know what type of person they are. i think few people are really good at that. i have my 'trial and error' method which is usually a hit or miss on judging someone
i liked you cus you compliment my own personality
i'm more of a feeler than a thinker i guess.
the basis for friendship is never common interests
thats a mistake people make
for example, me and kyle like a lot of the same things
but we arent friends
common interests make for boredom?
me and scott are like playmates, but im friends with him cus i have to mother him and in return i have fun
no, but if thats tthe basis for friendship then you are no more than acquaintances
i can't say it's a lot like that with rich because i don't have to mother him thankfully.
so scott's an aquaintance?
at school, he could make friends with everyone, but fundamentally he was an odd one out
he is a big kid and hasn't grasped real life fully yet
that made him an outcast like me
he has loads of mates, but they are all based on interests
he knows i can be more than tjhat if he wants it of me
and i know he is trustworthy and reliable in that respect if i chose to show weakness
at the moment, only you really see any weakness of me, but thats because i have accepted that if you are to live with me, you are going to see it sooner or later, and i trust you, whether you can help or not
i have no problem with it at all. i think i show the most weakness out of the both of us
thats a strength in its own right
that strength is...? :]
you have the abilty to be open, and you cant get help if you arent open. being closed limits you to what you can learn
personally, i can deal with most things by myself. i just want secure and affectionate companionship
thats why im open to you only
if i realise i need something else, i'll open up to help that need too
its a selfish way to things, but i know that i have to give to take
one reason why i only open up to a girl i love
*woman :P
i'm probably thinking more than i need to, but what is openness exactly?
for me, its telling the truth
showing weakness comes under that
*telling the truth about yourself
it reminds me of how jakk described me one time. i know some people see it as a good trait, but i wish i was stronger
strength is not the lack of needing help
strength is using what you have (what you dont need help about) and get (what you do)
using poor kyle again, i see him as weak regardless of what he thinks
quit bitching man! get offline, see the world, do something about it.
fearing to do something is not the same as not doing it as it is too risky
fear overwhelms and you dont see everything and dont think about the actual consequences
ah. i do something then wonder if it was a good choice
dont worry about what you've done, worry about what you can do, using the past as a learning experience
i would say likewise, but i don't want to assume things
i think i know why we are together
personality wise
first off, think of a scale that goes from open, shallow doers to average people to closed, deep thinkers
avrage people have a myriad of both and varies from person to person
open shallow doers?
do before you think as opposed to think before you do
i mean it in extremes
oh, i thought you called me shallow ^^;
they are people that befriend everyone, dont get close because they aren't too close, and gain and lose some many people because they dont think
kyle is in this group but not as extreme
he gets lots of friends, loses lots of friends, complains he cant get close, makes loads of mistakes
the opposite of this is
no friends, deep thinking, alone,anyone they do get close to would have to be very close else they are just being used for a reason
average people are a mixture of each side
one of the few times i'm glad to be average
now, i see you as an average person because you want to be social and have friends but you want the quality and depth given by the thinkers
im a thinker but i realise i dont want to be alone and am willing to one person in close, maybe a small group, so having a wish to be average
if the scale is a - b - c
then i think we are together because we are you b -> c me b <- c
you are something else. wow i can't be eloquent enough to think of something at the moment to describe what you are.
i have even worked out a rule
you can have a -> a b -> b c -> c a -> b b -> a c -> b b -> c
you cant have a -> c c-> a it just doesnt work in life
i get it. my examples aren't as smart as yours though
i have give examples for most of those
general, and personal if i think about it
a -> c is like having a valley girl in a mensa convention
c -> a is like having a claustrophobic in a mosh pit
they are too extreme for that person to cope and/or suceed
kyle is a -> c
he tries to everyones buddy with the best part of c
it cant work because c is only in the nature of people classed bs and cs
either he matures to be b -> c or accepts that socialising doesnt work how he wants it to and goes a -> b
a -> c and c -> a are more attention seeking
zay is c -> b like me, tho has c -> a tendencies
she wants to be adored
she wants everyone to care, but not have many close
so that's why she gets on your nerves sometimes?
i guess so
shes isnt an attention whore. she just has self importance issues sometimes
i should probably go to bed. i'm not going to. must study for biology test, but i should get offline
damn, you were encouraging my thinking!
because i love when you get like this. it's not often that i can think about things of this nature
i don't want mom getting up and yelling at me though
surprising im like this since ive had zero sleep
hehe that caffeine must've helped your brain
i took it 3 hours ago
i think im going to post this convo publicly if you dont mind
sure. you haven't posted in ages.
hehe, im sure i'll get complaints
but its honesty
lol rebels aren't supposed to care about things like that
im not
i want them to know
i should copyright my theorem :P
*giggles* would that make me part of the experiment?
makes everyone i meet one
i'm not making these assumptions from what i know, but what i see
so are most of the people you know at the uni in the B area?
no, they tend to be extremer here
a -> b and c -> b