Apr 25, 2003 00:27
The storm is abrod, the time is near. Though I fear that the time may be to far for the end to be near my favor. Winter is coming...
Well the disscusion of paths came up...as I knew it would sometime or other... though i havn't thought about it in excess in the past years I did think about what I was told. I like people, individuals to be exact...even though i knew this before as my saying goes... I hate everyone but if I hate you personaly then that would be a different story...it is something i have said for quite some time now. I may like individuals but i have no desire to help them unlees they are close friends and even then i don't unless they ask, and when i ask they normaly refuse, therefore i don't ussaly ask. i like to learn peoples personalities but after i do i have no further use for them, and after meeting a good many of them I have no desire what so ever to help them (they will destroy themselves i don't need to try and postpon it, i would be giving them mercy letting it take its course) . I have thought about it and come to the conclusion that i have no path i will continue living my life and just let it run its course...if something happens between now and then, then so be it but i will not loose any sleep on this matter.
Besides the one thing i want the most is for it all to be gone, i'm just tired of the pain. But i wont become a terrorist just because it would be a path.
I am just me nothing more, nothing special...mother nature will take me...