Those Aren't Rapist Shoes!

Oct 03, 2006 00:47

Before I get to the Monday night television, I have some fun links for you all! See, we ( developed all these extra bonus videos as a reward for solving the Codemaster's devious puzzles. Of course, only like five people bothered to stick with it long enough, and it seemed like a waste to hide them behind a barrier most people ( Read more... ), being indian, prison break, tv, pimpings, studio 60 on the sunset strip, veronica mars, oz, rob thomas, lj friends, heroes

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alannaofdoom October 3 2006, 14:41:26 UTC
[begins singing "My Heart Belongs To Clea," the new song she just wrote about the pure unadulterated awesomeness]

I have to say, it totally trips me out that Greg Grunberg is in this and not Six Degrees. Did he and J.J. break up or something? Heh.

I missed part of it because I got home late, but Nikki is super-extra-ultra awesome. I loved the note on the heart post-it. Hee! This is fast becoming a must-watch for me, also; S60 keeps sliding by because there's nothing else really on, and because Perry is totally awesome, and because Bradley Whitford has a startling tendency to look like an overjoyed five-year-old on occasion, which I find entirely endearing.

Poor Indian dude with no superpowers. Why does the Indian guy have to be normal, huh??

I'll say to this what my parents used to say whenever I would ask, "If there's a Mother's Day and a Father's Day, how come there is no Kid's Day?"



spectralbovine October 3 2006, 14:44:38 UTC
Our power to be superhot?


alannaofdoom October 3 2006, 15:02:39 UTC
Exhibits A thru C: Naveen Andrews. Sendhil Ramamurthy. Sunil Patel.

I don't think the world could even survive the existence of any more superhot Indians.

People of the subcontinent, I beg you: stop reproducing! YOU WILL BREAK THE WORLD WITH YOUR HOTNESS. PLEASE DO NOT BREAK THE WORLD. THANKS.

(Rejected jokes for this comment include:

"Who is that rakish young man in the icon staring at? Oh. Oh. ExcusemeIhavetogotakeacoldshowernowkthnxbye!"

"Earlier today, scientists positively identified the true cause of global warming.")


spectralbovine October 3 2006, 15:05:00 UTC
Haaaaa. Oh, Alanna. You are weird. But funny and endearing.


alannaofdoom October 3 2006, 15:27:30 UTC
I guess that's all I can hope for, really. Hee.

OMG why can I not focus on work this week. [chains self to desk]


alannaofdoom October 3 2006, 16:09:33 UTC
Oh and also!

Did it bug anyone else that Amanda Peet kept saying "co-meeee-dia del art"? Aauugh!

Also I took an acting class junior year that focused entirely and solely on commedia and shut up about Moliere, he is very much influenced by commedia. Sigh.


spectralbovine October 3 2006, 17:07:47 UTC
Did it bug anyone else that Amanda Peet kept saying "co-meeee-dia del art"?
No, because I am uncultured.

shut up about Moliere, he is very much influenced by commedia. Sigh.
Well, Danny did try to make that point. As did Dan (incidentist)!


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