I Owe Rick Pickett Dinner

Sep 04, 2006 17:12

matchboxslayer: dude
spectralbovine: Yo.
matchboxslayer: i have urgent news to tell you.
spectralbovine: Good?
matchboxslayer: yes
matchboxslayer: very good.
spectralbovine: Tell.
matchboxslayer: so, i went on the wb studio tour (for the third time) with a couple of friends, and on the tour is a stop at the wb museum and inside are tv costumes, props, and a floor full of harry potter props and costumes etc...
matchboxslayer: well, there was a new addition since last year.
matchboxslayer: veronica mars.
spectralbovine: Damn. It's already part of the WB Museum?
matchboxslayer: they had her fancy green jacket costume, some logan and duncan clothes. lily's bloody outfit. keith and aaron costumes. a bag of diapers from vm's closet, the journal meg's sister had to write in and letters from meg to her aunt. a newspaper about something with keith i can't remember. the signed photo from aaron from the big haul.
matchboxslayer: a ton of stuff.
spectralbovine: Damn!
matchboxslayer: well anyways, i went back like a week later with my mom.
matchboxslayer: upon closer inspection of the newpaper, there is an article written by none other than sunil patel.
spectralbovine: DUDE.
matchboxslayer: you're in a freakin' museum!
spectralbovine: THANK YOU RICK PICKETT.
matchboxslayer: it was a science related headline. you can't read the article because it's on the fold.
spectralbovine: What was the article about? I'm supposed to be writing for ethicalmedical.net!
spectralbovine: HA!
spectralbovine: I LOVE YOU RICK.
matchboxslayer: crazy talk huh?
matchboxslayer: they won't let you take pictures in the museum though. but maybe if you convince them that it's you, they will let you.
spectralbovine: Absolutely. Oh my God. I am in the VM Museum exhibit. I AM PART OF VM HISTORY.
matchboxslayer: and warner bros. history too.
spectralbovine: AHAHAHAHAHA.
matchboxslayer: so i thought you would like to know, since that's something you could have gone your whole life never knowing. you'll have to check it out next time you're down this way.
spectralbovine: Absolutely! Thanks for telling me!!
matchboxslayer: no problem!

ethicalmedical.net, i am so awesome, veronica mars, rick pickett, lj friends

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