Comic-Con 2011: The Totally Abridged Edition

Aug 01, 2011 08:25

I hope I can find the time to write epic posts for the three of you who will read them, but I am woefully behind on even writing down notes. So let this totally abridged narrative suffice for now!

I totally boarded my flight with a guy who taught Kevin Pereira. I totally used my magical smartphone to find us an exquisite lunch. I totally saw Patrick Rothfuss by the Guild booth. I totally chatted with John Layman and Rob Guillory. David Mack was totally happy to see me and shook my hand. I totally bought a signed, numbered copy of Hark! A Vagrant. I totally told Ryan North about seeing his play, and David Malki ! totally told him how he used my Machine of Death book as a prop. I totally made people laugh with the dialogue I drew on the Dinosaur Comics whiteboard. Joey Comeau and I totally confirmed that the number of my Hark! A Vagrant book, 131, was prime. I totally took an adorable picture with Joey Comeau and Emily Horne. I was totally the first person to ever ask Emily to sign the Dinosaur Comics book since she designed it. Paula from Dr. Comics totally found me before I found her and totally gave me a 20% off coupon. I totally used my magical smartphone to participate in a Doctor Who scavenger hunt. I totally met matchboxslayer after almost exactly six years. vixyish, Conan, his wife, and I totally laughed at a Felicia Day- and Tara Perry-less Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em. I totally made them monologue about bananas.

Bonnie Burton and Adrianne Curry were totally hilarious. Chris Gore was totally a pig, and Seth Green totally should have been on the panel instead of being in the audience. I totally passed Felicia Day in the hallway. I totally met Jo Chen and told her her covers were gorgeous. Christopher Moore was totally amusing, Jim Butcher totally admired Darth Vader for being a capable administrator, and Amber Benson was totally hilariously shamefaced about stumbling into blasphemy. The Behind the Music panel was totally basically the Avatar music panel even though Dexter and Falling Skies were there too. I totally made it to one of seanan_mcguire's panels, where she spoke about coffee, shoes, and ichor. I totally saw Peter Dinklage and Lena Headey signing things for Game of Thrones. I totally failed to get an Avengers shirt at the Marvel booth. I totally had a short conversation with Adam Sessler about shaving Blair Herter's chest last year. Morgan Webb looked totally hot. I totally chilled with David Mack at Trickster and listened to Tom Morello do an acoustic set. I totally drew a model in four different poses with graphite and pastels. David Mack totally compared my "art" to Matisse and asked if he could keep it. I totally got to watch one of my favorite artists in action.

I totally watched Seanan literally ask someone for the shirt off her back. I totally saw all sorts of awesome costumes including Nightwing, Barf, and Ash. I totally met the illustrious DongWon at the Orbit booth, which totally had a Feed/Deadline display. I totally saw Stan Lee being Stan Lee. I totally met Antony Johnston and then got Mark Waid to sign my Daredevil #1, and he totally also embossed his Braille signature. Javi totally thanked me for the tacos, but I reminded him that he totally bought me a burrito and I totally owe him pie. I totally let the "coolest kid ever" cut in front of me so he could meet John Romita, Jr. I totally met Nick Spencer, and he totally told me something I can't tell the Internet. I totally had ice cream with an urban fantasy author I didn't know. The Lost panel totally featured surprise appearances by Carlton Cuse in a Stormtrooper outfit and Damon Lindelof in a Dharma outfit. I totally met Michael Giacchino. I totally couldn't stop staring at this Adam Hughes cover. I was totally glad I'd bought the Freakshow trade earlier in the day because they sold out before the signing. Rachel Nichols is totally pretty. I totally ran into a girl I had met at an Improv Jam. I totally snagged my coveted Dexter bag at the Showtime booth. mutinousmuse and I totally continued our tradition of eating dinner on Friday at the Red Pearl Kitchen. I totally braved an inquisition by a drunk guy before seeing Captain America. I was totally too tired to really appreciate the movie, but the Avengers preview was totally awesome.

The line for the Chuck panel was totally ridiculous, but I totally made it into the Attack of the Show panel for the first time. Candace Bailey was totally adorable. Bustice made me totally embarrassed for humanity. I totally wanted to throw up just watching three unlucky audience members drinking horrific blended concotions. Amanda Tapping was totally brunette. The Being Human panel was totally entertaining for a show I don't watch. Sam Witwer does a totally hilarious Ah-nuld impression, and Sam Huntington is totally adorable. I totally saw Annie's Boobs but not Annie's boobs at the Community panel. Danny Pudi totally almost showed us his penis. I totally ran into mycenae for the third year in a row. I totally waited almost two hours to get into the Legend of Korra panel. I totally met ali_wildgoose and saw rawles. THE KORRA PANEL WAS TOTALLY AMAZING. Mark and I totally walked into the Alcatraz panel. Alcatraz is totally intriguing. Parminder Nagra is totally pretty. I totally ran into jules_anna after the panel. I totally walked into a panel featuring Thomas Jane. I totally learned some neat history about illustrative movie posters. I totally had dinner with matchboxslayer, after which we totally had frozen yogurt. I totally kept getting compliments on my Jayne hat.

I totally got in line four hours before the Doctor Who panel and only made it into the back of the Glee panel. The girls in front of me were totally fans of Team StarKid. The Supernatural boys were totally amusing. Hall H was totally full of sonic screwdrivers. Rory is totally going to punch Hitler in the face. Matt Smith is totally into the dark side of the Doctor. Karen Gillan is totally a Star Trek: The Next Generation fan. The Q&A totally featured three Daleks, Rose, Eleven, River, and a Weeping Angel. Jo Chen, Dave Gibbons, and Jeff Smith totally talked about what they liked and didn't like about their covers. I totally took a picture of all eleven Doctors in front of the TARDIS. I totally gushed to Jackson Lanzing and David Server about Freakshow, and we are now totally Facebook friends. I totally talked to Chris Roberson about Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love, which I haven't read yet. I totally bought an awesome ballpoint pen-drawn elephant shirt from local artist Katherine Brannock. I totally met Scott Westerfeld, who totally hoped I liked the rest of Extras. I totally had a turkey burger and Coke float with my Ann Arbor friend, Amanda. I totally fell asleep during Leverage.

The airport security line was totally like being back at Comic-Con.

felicia day, it's a small world, i am so awesome, not being a serial killer, pimpings, real life friends, personal, such is life, javier grillo-marxuach, comic-con, lj friends

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