The Eternal, Unburied Hearts of Dead White Men

Dec 13, 2010 10:33

You guys, it's time once again for the Holiday Love Meme. The things people have said have already made me smile, so thanks, whoever you are.

Yesterday, I had two auditions, back to back! So the first one was like a warm-up audition, and it was weird because it started off with, like, an interview portion where the guy looked over my résumé and asked me what my favorite experience was and why and what was up with this Star Wars fan film. The second one was one I was looking forward to, since I knew several people involved. My audition group included some people from Ménage-À-Plot: A Surf-N-Turf Adventure, and I got to do a scene with Alice from Alice in Wonderland. I made people laugh with my monologue from Tragedy: a Tragedy.

If you are in the Bay Area, come see me in the last Theater Pub of the year, Code Red, where I will be performing an original monologue about the wonders of Vishnu Claus. Monday, December 20, Cafe Royale, 8:00! Be there or be unenlightened.

Poll Theatre is boring, television is awesome

terriers, tv, pimpings, personal, meme, theatre, the wonderful world of toothpaste, poll

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