It's time to break out my PIMP CANE.
Do you love The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Do you love Derek Reese? Then join
the_other_reese right now, as it is the place to be. I mean, check out that layout! You've got Derek-centric icons and fic and vids and picspams and fanmixes and all that good stuff, but, for my money, the best reason to join is
miniglik's nigh-daily
Poll of
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Alas, though I love The Sarah Connor Chronicles AND Derek Reese, I hate communities.
Nothing! That is why Joss is KICKING MY ASS. And I voted for Felicia.
If you ever have anything you want to say though, come by and post. You don't need to join or anything. I think I have it marked where nonmembers can post.
Cow linked me to a post with you and rawles discussing the shame of the BAG-character-love. And the feet. And...
I succumbed early. I have even overcome the embarrassment. Fan. Girl. CRACK, I say.
(Thanks about the header.)
Also, again, FEEL NO PRESSURE on the com. It's the first one I've EVER made. I almost universally ignore them.
But the CRACK pulled me in.
(Note: don't listen to any recent BAG interviews either. It just makes it worse, and then you'll hate yourself for thinking he's not so bad and actually pretty likeable. I'm warning you.)
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