Testing, 1,2,3,TESTING!

Jan 24, 2005 17:31

Wow, I can't believe I have come this far without flipping out and shutting off the computer. It's an unfortunate habit of mine, every time I try to get even remotely personal, an alarm goes off in my head. It's going off now, even though I haven't typed anything personal yet. *Takes a deep breath to steady himself*

Since it's my first entry, I suppose I should say a bit about myself. I'm sixteen years old, though it feels like five times that. I live in a town that I lovingly refer to as Nowheresville, since you have to go about 20 miles to get to the nearest city. I'm a junior in the local school, which, for lack of a better description, is a soap opera that even Fox refused to air.

It's fair to say I'm generally liked by most, save those who consider me'too weird'. In those cases.....well I'll give a simple quote by the great Janos Audron to explain:' They fear what they don't understand, and they despise what they fear. But, no, I do not hate them.'

Perhaps it's a tad,(okay quite),arrogant of me to say that they fear me, but in the other respects it's true. I feel more emphatic for them than anger towards them, because they need someone to push down in order to elevate themselves up. I don't hate them, but sometimes it sure can sting.

Well, I don't think I can say any more at the moment, my heart is trip-hammering already. I have to post before I spontaneously combust or something. Catch you on the flip side........
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