"Sailormoon Dark Episode 26," Pretty Soldier Sailormoon, PG-13

May 16, 2010 03:11

((As I'm editing old posts to put in links, LJ is suddenly telling me "Client post too large," even though it accepted my double-episode posts the first time. So a couple of eps are going to have to be posted separately now. Grrrr.
Somebody remind me that Eps of SMD are not allowed to go over 5,000 words from now on...))

Sailormoon Dark: Episode Twenty-Six
"The Final Galileon III. The Snare of the Unbearable Past."

Written by Laurel (Sailorhathor)

Inspired by the Japanese animated show Pretty Soldier Sailormoon.
The ideas for this fanfic were conceived in 1995, but this actual episode was written in August 2002.

Word Count: 5,172

"Another magical girls' battle in front of the university. This is quickly becoming the hottest news story of the week!"
"Some of us are magical boys, you know."
"I will be the first one to get the story! I will prove that the Sailor senshi are too dangerous to be allowed to continue fighting."
"What?! It's the enemies who are dangerous. The senshi are just protecting the peace and justice of the world."
"I am the only one concerned with justice! Let me judge who is divinely right and who is wrong."
"Don't you find that sometimes the line between them can get very blurry?"
Pretty Soldier Sailormoon Dark Episode 26: The Final Galileon III. The Snare of the Unbearable Past. The moonlight carries the message of love.

On the outskirts of the Mirai Mugen campus, Gen patted Kikan's face with a powder puff while her twin, Maba, yanked an errant string off Kikan's shirt hem.

"Thank you girls," Kikan gushed. "That will be fine; I'm all ready for the interview." She gave each girl a friendly peck on the cheek. It touched her sometimes how they fussed over her to make sure she always looked like a star. They were not just her stylists, they were also her friends.

"You're very welcome, Kikan-sama," the twins said together. They stepped back as Aquamarine Black set up the shot for the TV interview. Her cameraman, a rather nervous-looking Kamera, put the camera on his shoulder.

Aquamarine began interviewing Kikan about the tour, the upcoming show, and the latest album. Kikan answered every question with a smile and a sweet laugh, openly flirting with the male viewers. Gen and Maba looked on with admiring stars in their eyes.

"Are you looking forward to the upcoming show you and your sister will be playing with the Lightning Boys and Noble 6?"

"Oh, very much so," Kikan giggled. "They are all good friends of mine, and that lead singer of the Lightning Boys is very handsome."

"Hikari-sama!" the twins mewled, and covered their mouths, realizing they had spoken off camera.

Aquamarine laughed, but only as much as was appropriate for a newscaster. Wasn't good to overdo it. "Is it true that the proceeds from this concert will be going to charity?"

"Yes! All of the proceeds will go to various orphanages around Japan. My good friends Gen and Maba-chan helped me come up with the idea." She gestured to her friends off camera, who giggled and blushed over being mentioned on TV. "The plight of the orphan is a subject very close to my heart. If we can bring some joy into their lives, then we have done a good thing."

"That's very sweet. So how has college been so far this year? You are attending this college? Not getting too swamped by fans, are you?"

Laughing, Kikan replied, "No, we have the best fans ever. They're very polite. Yes, I am attending Mirai Mugen, and it's a great school. I love it here."

Aquamarine finally got to bring up the subject she'd been dying to since the interview started. "As a student of this university, what do you think of the recent incident involving the Sailor senshi and the battle in front of the university?"

Kikan's bright smile faltered the slightest bit. Off camera, Gen and Maba-chan's faces became slightly troubled. "Uh... well..." Black-san had saved the controversial questions for last! "I believe the Sailor senshi do whatever is necessary to protect the peace and justice of the world. They can't help where evil attacks."

"Are you sure they are the ones who are most concerned with justice?" asked Aquamarine with some anger.

Kamera loudly cleared his throat; why was A.M.-san always obsessing on the subject of justice and the Sailor senshi?

Kikan almost looked offended, but kept her cool. "Yes, I'm quite sure. Without the senshi, we'd all be in Hell."

"What about the boy who died from Sailorcosmos' attack? Was that justice?"

The anger was far too apparent in A.M.-san's voice now; she was ruining the interview with her personal pet vendettas. Kamera wished she was close enough to kick.

Kikan remembered how her friend Usagi had cried, how guilty she felt over the boy's death. This newswoman's questions were beginning to make her mad. "I was under the impression that not only did the boy have an existing heart condition, but he was also attacking some students with evil powers. Sailorcosmos had no choice. She had no way of knowing that the boy was ill and couldn't take the attack." Kikan's voice had become cold, and her body language echoed that she wanted to end the interview.

Aquamarine apparently wasn't done yet. "What about the people who say the Magical Samaritans' Law# should be repealed because of incidents like the death of this boy?"

The law that the newscaster brought up had been passed the first year of Sailor Moon's existence in modern society. It was created to protect all magical persons from being prosecuted for any accidental deaths or injuries to civilians that may occur during the course of defending the Earth. Kikan was quite familiar with it, and sighed at the idea that anyone would want to repeal it. "To those people, I would say that they shouldn't do anything hasty; it would be a knee-jerk reaction. The senshi are good people." She looked seriously into the camera. "All of the citizens who want to repeal the Magical Samaritans' Law should remember who has repeatedly saved their world from destruction. They should remember who makes all the sacrifices and takes all the chances with their own lives to preserve the peace of this world. And they should also remember who cannot lead a normal life because she must protect the innocent at a moment's notice. It's the Sailor senshi who must do these things. They can't protect the world if they're always worrying about possible prosecution for mistakes they might make. You tell those people to think about that." Motioning to the twins, Kikan started away.

Aquamarine followed her, still trying to ask the controversial questions. "But aren't you at all afraid for your safety, going to a college where there are so many attacks? Do you think this indicates a high number of Sailor senshi attending this school?"

Stopping, Kikan opened her mouth to give a curt response, but was interrupted by two girls calling loudly to their friend.

"Akiko-chan! Come on!"


"There's another senshi battle going on in front of the college! It's nearly impossible to tell who the good guys and who the bad guys are, there are so many of them! Katsuya is taking bets; with your luck, you could win the whole pool."

"Awesome!" The three girls ran toward the front of the university.

Kikan barely had time to be horrified by the idea that anyone would take bets on the senshi when Aquamarine crowded past her, pulling Kamera by his ear along behind her.

"Noooo A.M.-san! I still haven't recovered from the last battle we filmed!"

"Quit being such a wimp and act like my cameraman! I'm not missing an exclusive like this." They ran in the same direction the students had gone.

Realizing they were now rid of the newscaster, Kikan turned to Gen and Maba. "We better join that battle. See if we can sort it out."

The twins nodded in unison. "Right Kikan-sama."

Disappearing around a secluded corner, Kikan held her pendant, the Hieroglyphic Mirror, over her head. "Hathor Galactic Power, Make-up!"

Streams of blood emerged from her necklace on all sides to form a "wall" in front of her, like a levitating puddle. Then the puddle splashed Kikan all over her front, as if she had fallen into it, although she was standing up the entire time. As the blood ran off her body, it appeared to dissolve Kikan's clothes, and then formed spirals that moved around individual parts of her body to create her fuku. Hathor placed her necklace over the middle of her front bow where it stayed; this caused the horns of the Sistrum to magically emerge from her chest in a burst of light. With an ecstatic expression, Sailorhathor pulled the staff from her chest as she laid back to make this easier for herself. The staff eventually became too long to draw out in this manner, so Hathor stood upright again and pulled the staff forward so the rest of it emerged from her torso in one sweep. The transformation was complete; she took her pose with her staff as Sailorhathor.

Gen and Maba crossed their transformation wands over one another and shouted, "Pulsar Quasar Galactic Power, Make-up!" The twins transformed together. A spiky ball of light, one of them pulsating, emerged from each wand. They held hands above their heads, front to front, as the lights spun around them and created a bodysuit and skirt on each of their bodies. The two girls held each other loosely about the waist and leaned back so the balls of light could fly inbetween their chests. The lights darted down their bodies, puffing here and there to make a tiara, choker, collar, and front bow on each girl. Again Gen and Maba linked hands and turned back to back, with their hands over their heads in a reverse of the position from the start of their transformation. The space behind them allowed the light balls to fly in between their bodies and settle briefly on their lower backs like a writer dotting an "i," leaving behind their back bows. The girls twisted around again until they stood side by side, and crossed one foot over the other twin's closest foot so the balls of light could land there and create a pair of blue sandals on each twins' feet, one pair being a lighter shade than the other.

Sailorpulsar palmed one of the light balls, regarding its brilliance thoughtfully, and Sailorquasar held the other one up as they victorously took their senshi pose.

"Don't rush in. Let's stay on the outskirts of the battle until we know what's going on."

"Right, Hathor-sama!"

Vivian found herself actually getting bored watching the fight that would not officially start when some of the students started to yelp and point to the elevators. "Quit circling each other and fight. Huh?"

Light was coming out of the elevator shaft, streaming from between the closed doors. "The elevator is heading down here! Should we stay or run?!" Indeed, the numbered lights that indicated where the elevator was and where it was headed showed that it was coming down to the first floor.

What the students didn't know was that they were seeing the light from the transformation of Tara into Sailorganymede. As soon as the elevator doors closed, she had shouted, "Ganymede Satellite Power, Make-up!" and held up her henshin wand. Energy flowed from the wand to spin a multi-colored cocoon around Tara's body, which hardened into a shell made of hundreds of jewels. Suddenly, one of Sailorganymede's fists punched through the jewel cocoon, followed by the other, until she had quickly broken apart a large section of it, her face showing great amusement at this task. She gave the cocoon a few spunky side kicks to demolish it completely and show that she had fully transformed into Sailorganymede, with Bejeweled Goblet in hand.

"Sailorganymede is in da house!" she cried in an exaggerated manner, and looked at her companions in the elevator.

Prince Ganymede and Sailoreuropa were plastered to the opposite wall, strained looks on their faces. "We transformed back in the room. Did you have to transform in such tight quarters?"

"Er, sorry!"

The three came running out of the elevator and headed for the front doors of the building. Several students glanced into the elevator and then did a double take. "Jewels! The floor is covered in jewels!" They dove for them, quickly turning the elevator floor into a mass of struggling bodies.

Prince Ganymede briefly took the time to look back, then shook his head and headed after his teammates. "You'd think they were playing Twister in there or something."

When he took the time to stop and glance back, Vivian took a good look at him. She realized she could smell familiar cologne... the Kindergartener's cologne. It had made an impression on her because the scent smelled so good, such a turn-on. Made it very difficult to play hard-to-get. Why did the male senshi running through the lobby right now smell like Nathan? They couldn't be the same person... no way. They must use the same cologne.

Still, the possibility intrigued her. Vivian would have to keep a close eye on that one.

On the way out the door, Prince Ganymede scowled at his sister. "Sailorganymede," he remarked, pointing to her fuku. "A common soldier."

"Save it for later," was her curt reply as she pulled the door open.

The workmen were right there; they begged, "Take the fight somewhere else! We're supposed to fix the damage you magical people did the other day!"

"I'll try; now get to safety." Sailorganymede assessed the situation as quickly as possible, then pushed her brother in the direction of the stairs. "Help Callisto." She turned to Soldierchlorine. "Hi; you'd probably recognize me better like this." Ganymede stretched out her face with her hands. "'Help, help! I can't breathe with this blue disc over my face!' Or maybe you remember me from upstairs? What do we have here?"

Sailorxenonkingfisher spun around with the Xenon Baton, the ribbon flying prettily around her, and struck a dramatic pose. "Do you want to play too?"

"I know who you are, and we have a Dark senshi here," Chlorine remarked, still taking a defensive stance. "Maybe if we team up, we can-"

"Well what are you waiting for?" Sailorganymede said, and lifted the Bejeweled Goblet. "Cup Runneth Over!" A waterfall of gems flowed from the cup.

"Xenon Strobe!" The ribbon spun, and the strobe light flickered wildly. Suddenly, it seemed as though Xenonkingfisher simply disappeared from the path of the Cup Runneth Over attack. Next thing they knew, she was beside Ganymede, whipping her with the ribbon.

"Ow, ow, hey!" She tried to grab the Dark senshi, but again Xenonkingfisher seemed to move too fast for the eye to detect, and was now behind her, kicking her in the behind and knocking her down.

"I tried to tell you; she has some sort of optical illusion power. The strobe keeps us from being able to see every move she makes, so she appears to move faster than we can see." Soldierchlorine was silenced by an elbow to his mouth.

Xenonkingfisher laughed boisterously. "You can't beat me!"

As she followed Prince Ganymede down the stairs, Sailoreuropa realized who she was looking at and stopped with a gasp. "Adam?!"

"You can call me Soldierchromium now. I didn't figure you for being one of these magical girls, Kita. The outfit doesn't suit you." He regarded Sailoreuropa with a scolding, but still interested, attitude. "You're still my property. So you should do what I say. Take that outfit off."

Europa clutched her Javelin tightly to her chest. "You can't tell me what to do anymore, Adam! I don't know what you're doing here, but I won't let you hurt anyone. My One-chan, my Onii-chan, and Callisto-sama taught me how to stand up to boys like you!"

Soldierchromium laughed at her. "You could never stand up to me."

Seeing that the new arrivals were distracted by Chromium, Princess Helenia smirked and tossed another attack at them. "Mirror Entrapment!"

The mirror box did not even get close to Sailoreuropa and the Prince; Europa saw it coming and hurled her Javelin into it. "Northern True!" The mirror shattered in a burst of black electricity and glass.

Prince Ganymede threw his cape over the two of them to shield their faces from the hail of glass. "Good job, but I don't think you can rescue Callisto from the mirror. We don't know if she will shatter too. Distract them, and I will get her out."

"Okay, Onii-chan!" Europa faced Soldierchromium again. "I take you both on if I have to."

Lappie worried about Sailoreuropa, taking on these two by herself. She needed help. "Europa, free Kazan from these rubies. Do it now!"

Keeping one eye on her enemies, Sailoreuropa picked up the Javelin, moved over to Kazan, and punched at the ruby encasings with the sharp end of her Talisman. No one interfered; their final goal was for Kazan to transform so they could get the Dragonfly. The rubies broke into chunks and fell from Kazan's arm. Europa carefully poked at the rubies around her hand, freeing that too.

The girl tentatively flexed her fingers. "Uh, thanks." She immediately checked on her sister, who was still trying to recover from the blows Chromium had dealt her.

Lappie tugged at her shirt with his teeth. "Kazan, come with me, my dear."

"Huh?! A talking dog?!"

Sailorarsenic urged her sister to go with Lappie. "Everything I've been telling you is true. Go with him."

Kazan looked at Sailoreuropa, prepared to hold off the two magical weirdos, so the boy in the cape could help their friend. What if it was true? They certainly needed her help, and in a way, she envied their devotion to each other. A part of her wanted to be cared for that way, but she couldn't yet admit it out loud. "Whatever. What you got to say, dog?"

"Lappie. Follow me, and I'll tell you."

"Why can't we talk here?"

"It is a common thing for students to hear a dog talk and see a fellow student transform into a magical warrior, my dear?" Lappie asked with a tilt of his head.

"Right, right," Kazan sighed, and followed Lappie to the side of the building. The students who were watching the battle were too wrapped up in Callisto's plight to care what another regular student was doing, so they didn't see the dog as he chased his tail in a circle, and in a flash of light produced a silver and purple transformation wand.

Kazan started to panic, seeing the object lying on the ground. "Why would I want to do this?"

"Because it's your destiny, my dear."

"What has destiny ever done for me?"

Lappie scratched at his ear with his back foot. "From what I hear, destiny hasn't exactly been nice to you for a while now, hm? But sometimes, it gets things right. If you accept the powers destiny has again offered you, you will have a way to fight evil, in these modern times. Isn't that something you want?"

Picking up the wand, Kazan turned it over and over in her hands, her eyes closed. An image of her father being taken away by the police passed through her mind, and the words he said. Kazan, it wasn't me that did this thing! It was the evil inside me. I can't get it out! "Yes, it is something I want."

In front of the university, Sailoreuropa continued to hold off the enemy, though they weren't trying at all to fight her. Chromium and Princess Helenia were obviously too concerned with Kazan to give Europa any trouble. They had to get the Dragonfly for Sailordarkcosmos, or who knew what she'd do to them.

Europa didn't quite get why they weren't attacking, but better not to question this blessing. "You have the perfect chance, Onii-chan."

"Right." Prince Ganymede dramatically raised his arm, his cape flying out behind him with a flourish. "I am in need of my Assistants. Muffy, Stephanie, my Magician's Assistants, come forth!" He tapped his cane on the ground.

In a puff of smoke, two shapely women appeared, dressed in showgirl-style sequined outfits, but strangely, also wearing bunny ears on their heads. They presented themselves with much flourishing. "Taaa-daaa!"

Vivian had snuck her way outside and hid somewhere behind Prince Ganymede, far enough away that she would not get caught in the battle, but close enough to hear what they said. Muffy and Stephanie?! Weren't those the names of Nathan's lady friends?! Then that could only mean--

The Magician's Assistants gestured emphatically toward the empty air. In another puff of smoke, two frames with black fabric stretched over them appeared in their hands. "Taaa-daaa!"

Sailoreuropa clapped enthusiastically.

With more dramatic flourishes, Prince Ganymede took the frames and passed his hands through the middle of them to show that they each had a slit cut through the center. "These are my magical portals through which I can pass into all dimensions. Assistants, please place the portals over the mirror. One on the front side, and one on the back."

They did so, with Sailorcallisto watching them hopefully from within her glass prison.

"Now, I shall pass through each portal, moving through the world of the mirror and out its back side. Callisto will be brought out with me. A few magic words, and Through the Looking Glass I go! Ala throughglass-inni!" Prince Ganymede put his hand through the middle of the first portal. He went in further and further until he had stepped into the mirror completely.

"Taaa-daaa!" Muffy and Stephanie cried.

Amazed, Sailoreuropa went around to the back of the mirror. "He's gone!" She began to clap again.

Nudging her, Soldierchromium taunted Princess Helenia with, "It doesn't bother you that he's humiliating you by rescuing that senshi from your trap?"

Helenia scoffed. "Why should it bother me? The goal is to retrieve the Dragonfly. Who cares what else happens?"

Chromium smirked. "Right, right. Of course that's the goal."

Sailorarsenic finally got up and took the time to punch him in the arm, hard. "Don't you ever hit me like that again!" she yelled, and ran off to find Kazan.

Chromium smirked deeper. "How would you like me to hit you?"

Arsenic found her sister leaning against the side of the building with her eyes closed, still clinging tightly to the transformation wand.

"Kazan, they need you. Please make a decision," Lappie urged.

Sailorarsenic interrupted her sister's concentration by saying, "Why don't you ever visit Father in prison?"

Angrily, Kazan turned on her younger sister. "How can you ask me a question like that right now?! Can't you see I'm trying to make a really big decision here?"

Arsenic simply continued, "It's just that he asks for you a lot. Kazan, you should transform. I've had visions of your Talisman; it's a beautiful jeweled insect that has the power to dispell evil. Sometimes I wonder if it would be able to banish the evil still left in Father, and allow him to go to Heaven when they execute him."

Kazan gasped, clutching the wand even tighter. "Do you really think that's possible?"

Shrugging, Lappie said, "The Talismans do dispell evil," though he wasn't sure they should trust the sister's motives.

Her eyes wide with desperation, Kazan turned away and stared at the ground. "Father..."

For the last few minutes, Sailorganymede and Soldierchlorine had been working to overcome the illusions created by Xenonkingfisher, but had so far been unsuccessful. They were both bruised and scraped from her physical attacks. Both had nearly had enough.

"I didn't spend my youth in the Disco Room of Pipe Organ Pizza* and not learn anything about strobe lights." Sailorganymede waited until she saw Xenonkingfisher coming at her, then counted to three and punched what appeared to be the open air.

"OOF!" Ganymede's fist connected with Sailorxenonkingfisher's jaw, knocking her backward on her behind.

"YEAH!" Ganymede cried triumphantly. "Chlorine, when she attacks, don't react when you think you should--count to three and then act. She's not moving as fast as it seems."

"Excellent idea!" Soldierchlorine saw the ribbon of the Xenon Baton coming at him, ready to whip him smartly on the chest. He waited three seconds, then snatched out at the air, and discovered that Sailorganymede was right on--he now had the ribbon in his hand.

"Hey, let go!" Xenonkingfisher squeaked.

Grinning mischievously, Chlorine concentrated, squeezing the ribbon in his hand, and snickered as it began to smoke.

"HEY!" The Dark senshi finally managed to snatch the ribbon back. Still smoking, it now had a white streak on it in the shape of Chlorine's balled fingers. "You BLEACHED my ribbon!"

Sailorganymede snickered too. "Now that we're equally matched, we can really fight."

Behind the mirror, Sailoreuropa checked the other portal. "It's like he just disappeared." She reached for the fabric, intending to curiously put her hand through it.

The hand of Prince Ganymede popped through the slit in the middle of the portal, surprising Europa. She let out a squeal, then moved back as he stepped from the portal. He held the gloved hand of Sailorcallisto, who gingerly pulled herself from the portal and the trap inside the mirror.

"Yaaaay!" Sailoreuropa clapped. "What a great trick."

Muffy and Stephanie whisked the portals off the mirror, showing that it was still completely intact. "Taaa-daaa!"

Callisto worked to catch her breath. "Gosh, thanks Gany. Don't know how I ever would have gotten out of there without you."

Princess Helenia mocked them, clapping slowly and smirking. "Impressive. I hope you have more of those little portals, because I'm just going to put you right back in there."

"Three-Cube Box!" Prince Ganymede cried, splaying his fingers out at Helenia dramatically. At the same time, he tapped his cane on the ground. A six-foot-tall box made of three cubes appeared behind the unsuspecting princess in a puff of smoke. As the door on the front opened up, Muffy and Stephanie shoved Princess Helenia inside and locked the door shut.

"Hey, what is this?!" She poked her head through the hole in the front of the door, and realized that an outline of her body was painted there. There was another hole for one of her hands; Helenia stuck a fist through that hole. "Let me out of here!"

"Thank you so much for volunteering. Now I will demonstrate the power of the Three-Cube Box. First, the blade..."

Muffy handed him a flat silver blade, about a foot and a half wide. In a showy manner, Prince Ganymede held up the blade for the others to see. "You can see that the blade is real."

"Yup, it's real," Callisto assured.

"It's just a trick," Helenia mumbled with a roll of her eyes.

Soldierchromium laughed, "You wish!" He did nothing to help her, just stood and watched with amusement.

"Watch as I now insert the blade, cutting our brave volunteer in half."

"I didn't volunteer."

"Ala slicebitch-inni!" Prince Ganymede drove the blade into a slot cut in the side of the box.

"GAAAAAH!" Helenia screeched. "That really hurt! I think you did cut me in half! Wait, did you call me a bitch?!"

"And now, the second blade..."

Once the second blade was in place and Helenia had screamed bloody murder again, Ganymede pushed the middle cube to one side, separating Princess Helenia's midsection from the rest of her body.


"Put that back, damnit!" Helenia yelled.

Sailorcallisto and Sailoreuropa clapped cheerfully. "You know, I've seen this trick done a hundred times, and I have to say it's never been done better."

"I agree, Callisto-sama!"

Prince Ganymede bowed.

Hissing at them, Princess Helenia barked, "Shut up."

Aquamarine and her cameraman finally appeared on the scene; they had been quietly filming the battle for the last few minutes. "Excuse me, could we have your name please?"

"Are we on TV?" Sailoreuropa asked, shrinking away from the camera with instant stagefright.

At first, Callisto started hand-fixing her hair, but then came to her senses. "Are you crazy? There's a battle going on here."

"Does it bother you to be filmed while fighting? Do you have something to hide?"

Sailorcallisto smacked her forehead. "No, I just don't want to have to save your ass when the bad guys take you prisoner."

Soldierchromium gazed into his hand, the red beams creating a ruby dagger there. He grabbed Aquamarine from behind and put the dagger to her throat. "What a wonderful idea!"

"Ahhhh! Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been taken hostage."

"A.M.-san!" Kamera exclaimed. He tried his hardest to keep the camera from shaking, like his hands.

"Why me?" Sailorcallisto sighed. "Adam, give it up."

"I call the shots! Hey, you two up there, stop fighting with Sailorxenonkingfisher and come down here, or I'll cut her throat!"

Panting from the effort of the battle, Sailorganymede stopped and looked at Soldierchlorine. "We have no choice."

"You bet you have no choice! You heard him; get down there," Xenonkingfisher commanded with a wicked smile.

Kazan peeked around the corner of the building to see how the battle was going. "Oh no!" She chewed at her lip.

"You see, sister, there will always be evil in the world," Sailorarsenic said quietly. "You have to decide once and for all if you want to stop it, or if you will allow there to be more death."

"Kazan, it's time to make a decision."
"But this will change my life forever. I've had about all of that I can take!"
"Maybe it will be a change for the better. Maybe you'll find something you've been looking for."
"No one asks for their life to take a drastic curve, but don't you find sometimes that those changes bring unexpected good fortune?"
"How will you know unless you try? We need you, One-chan."
Sailormoon Dark Episode 27: The Final Galileon IV. The Snare of the Unbearable Past II. The moonlight carries the message of love.


# The Magical Samaritan's Law = I completely made this up; it was not present in the series. It just seems like a good idea, with so many magical people running around, that there would need to be a law to protect them.
* Pipe Organ Pizza = This was a wonderful pizza place that predated Chuck E. Cheese and Showbiz Pizza back in the late 70s/early 80s. I don't think there are any of them left, but I absolutely loved this place. Not just because they had yummy cheesy pizza, but because they had all the standard play places that Chuck and Showbiz Pizza have now, and more. They had a huge movie screen that showed cartoons, a humongous stage with animatronic puppets, and a Disco Room with a cool strobe light. And, of course, as the name implies, they had the biggest pipe organ I have ever seen. Couldn't help but make a reference to my favorite childhood pizza place, next to Pistol Pete's Pizza. ;-D

On to Episode 27: The Final Galileon IV. The Snare of the Unbearable Past II.

sailormoon, sailormoon dark - final, sailormoon dark

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