"The Lesson Pt 2," Miracles, NC-17

Feb 09, 2010 01:40

A Miracles Fanfic
by Laurel (Sailorhathor)

Rating: NC-17 for language and graphic sexual situations, including encounters between two men and in part 2, a threesome between two men and one woman.
Pairing: Alva/Paul. In Part 2, Alva/Paul/OFC
Timeline: Written in November-December 2003
Word Count: 7,303 this part
Beta Thanks: Thanks to Brave Lass for the beta.
Author's Notes: This story came about because of a brainstorming session between my friend Brave Lass and myself. We were discussing various plot devices, and she mentioned that Paul could be possessed by a dying incubus. I thought it was a wonderful idea, to the point that I asked her if I could use it for this story. She granted her permission. This is how "The Lesson" was born.
Sir Hugsalot is a "Simpsons" reference. "Indra" is part of the Sanskrit word "indrachaapa" which means "rainbow." I thought it sounded pretty. :)

Although he felt it would be inadvisable to do so, Alva could not help but fall asleep, he was so tired. He awakened to the sun shining in his window, and an intense need to urinate. It hurt a great deal, but Alva got himself to the bathroom, then sat back on the bed with a pained look on his face when he was finished.

Alva knew the first thing he had to do was get a fix for his back. Through the open bedroom door he could see Paul asleep on the couch, his chest softly rising and falling, so he experimentally called to him. Paul did not move; he slept so deeply that even Alva's loudest voice could not wake him. Good.

Alva picked up the phone on the bedside table and dialed someone who could help. "Hello, Indra?"

The friend of Alva's arrived a half hour later and let herself in with the key he kept hidden on top of the light outside the door. She had elicited SQ's expertise two years ago when she kept seeing the spectre of a dead friend. During that case, Alva's back had been bothering him quite a bit, and Indra had done a pretty good job of fixing it quickly. She'd been his massage therapist ever since; it is what she did for a living.

The black-haired woman carried her portable massage table into his bedroom. "This thing just seems to get heavier and heavier every time I carry it up those stairs. Hi Alva."

"Sorry I couldn't help you, but you know..." He pointed to his back. "Good morning."

"Good afternoon, you mean. It's after 1."

"Is it?" Alva glanced at the clock. "I had no idea I slept that late. Did you see the sword down there?"

"Yeah. It's got a file folder stuck on the end of it." Indra set up the table. "Would you like me to get it?" she asked with a sarcastic curtsy.

"Would you?" he retorted with an equal amount of good-natured sass.

Rolling her eyes, Indra patted the massage table. "Hop on up while I'm downstairs." She turned back to add, "And this time, you're paying me."

Alva, chuckling, climbed carefully up on the table, making more than his share of uncomfortable grunting noises. She was really going to have to perform a miracle to get his back in line this time.

When she returned, Indra leaned over Paul, her straight hair and bangs hanging over his face, and snapped several times only inches from his nose. Paul did not react. She shrugged, then carried the sword into the bedroom.

"I knight thee Sir Hugsalot." Indra touched the flat side of the blade to Alva's shoulder.

"Gah! That's cold!" he cried, flinching. "And don't play with that; it's real."

"I didn't use the sharp side. Killjoy." Indra, pulling the file folder off the end, put the sword down on Alva's desk.

"Which file is it?"

"Ahh... 'Incubus,'" she read. "Ooh lala, porn."

He winced, but not where she noticed. "I should have known. It was no accident that the sword impaled that file." Alva sighed.

"Uh, what was it?"


Indra gave him a strange look. "Anyone ever tell you you're an odd duck?"

"All the time," Alva answered, and held out his hand. "Let me see it."

Indra already had the file open. "Hold on a sec. Woah, look at these illustrations! Did you draw these?"


She saw that look in his eye. "Fine. Party pooper." Indra placed the file on the table in front of his face.

"Please work on my back. I only have a few hours before the sun goes down."

That comment furrowed her brow. "Odd duck." Indra went into a small case to get her massage oils. "So what's the story with your friend out there? He tie one on last night?"

Alva replied, "That's Paul. He's... sleeping."

"Like the dead." She got the oils she wanted and put the case aside. "Is he just the deepest sleeper ever?"

Alva considered how to explain this to her, if he should at all. "Not exactly. He started working for SQ some months ago. Paul stayed overnight with me in case I needed anything during the night, because of my back."

"Ohh. You let him in on the business and everything. My, my, how were you ever convinced to share the wealth?" Indra asked with a grin.

Chuckling, Alva folded his arms under his chin and rested it on them. "Will you just manipulate my spine already?"

"Will do!" Indra applied her oiled hands to Alva's back muscles, beginning the extensive massage. "You really should see a doctor about this back. You throw it out a little too much, Alva."

"Already seen one. Said it was nerves. Too much stress. He told me to do some special exercises and sent me home."

"And are you doing them?" asked Indra, kneading at his lower back.

Pausing, Alva eventually replied, "I'm a very busy man, Indra."

"Uh huh, that's what I thought. You could at least buy some muscle relaxers."

"That's what I call you for."

She snickered. "Yeah, this is what you call me for." Indra knew all the best spots to which to apply massaging pressure. She found one of those spots and pressed her fingers gently into it, working upward.

"Ohhhhhhoooh, that's nice," complimented Alva.

"I know," she grinned. Continuing the massage, Indra figured this was as good a time as any to fish for more information about the wasted dude, while she had him loose and only getting looser. "So why is Paul sleeping so deeply again? I don't think you really answered that question."

Alva tried not to wince visibly; what was he going to tell her? Would he only be needlessly involving her to tell her the truth? "Ahh... well... the reason involves one of my weird paranormal explanations. Are you sure you want to hear this?"

"Hit me with your best shot."

"Well... last night, Paul and I encountered an incubus downstairs..."

There was a pause in the motion of the massage as Indra took that in, before continuing and saying, "Okay, go on. Incubus, like the file."

"Yes. We took it on, and we thought we'd killed it, but it survived somehow, and possessed Paul. The creature is holding on by a thread, using Paul's life-force to survive. That's why he's sleeping so deeply."

"Ah, of course," Indra mumbled. "Possessed by an incubus, that'll make you tired."

"It needs time to recuperate." Sighing, he said, "You don't believe me."

"I believe that you believe it, Alva, and that guy is sleeping like he's crashed pretty hard, but... well, that's a hard story to swallow. I mean, you're talking about monsters, right? Demons? They come into your room while you're sleeping and either rape or seduce you, and steal your soul? That is what you're talking about?"

"Yes. It's all true. That's how I threw my back out; it shoved me back into some boxes."

"Hm. That explains these bruises." Her fingers moved carefully around the marks on his back. "Is that why you wanted that file?"

Alva nodded, opening it up. "I hope it will give me some clues how to kill the incubus once and for all."

Remembering the illustrations, a sudden thought occurred to Indra about the file. "Alva... if he's possessed by an incubus, does that mean that he... did he...?"

Alva, closing his eyes, answered, "Any evasive reply I give you will just sound suspicious, so I'll just say, yes."

Indra's mouth popped open. "Alva Keel! I had no idea you swung that way - "

"Indra, Indra, I don't necessarily 'swing that way;' we're talking about an incubus," Alva attempted to explain. "They have strong sexual powers. Being around them is like an intense aphrodisiac. It greatly reduces your impulse control."

She smiled mischievously. "Did you like it?"

He could have done a slow burn in reaction. "Indra... he's a colleague. This is very serious."

"I'm sorry," she murmured, her apology genuine. "So what are you going to do?"

"Figure it out."

"Well maybe I can help with that. You can fight incubuses... incubi... much easier when you're all loosened up and back pain-free. Try this on for size." She kneaded his neck with firm, invigorating pressure.

"Ohhhhhh that's wooooonderrrrrfulllllll..."

She had to grin. "Good. Now read your demon porn."


Indra was sitting, reading a magazine, as Alva took a shower after his massage. He emerged in a navy terry-cloth robe, stretching and grinning.


"Much. I can move without pain, and my back is so relaxed..." To demonstrate, he walked around and briskly rubbed a towel through his hair.

"Great. Now if you just want to pay me on a regular basis, your back can feel like that once a week." Indra put the magazine down in her lap. "Either that or I need to have another paranormal experience and you can investigate it for free."

"Hardy, har har," Alva said dryly. "But you do have a point about my back. I really can't ignore it and just hope it doesn't go out anymore. I do need to find a more permanent solution. My group needs me."

"Maybe you could actually do those exercises the doctor gave you. Novel idea, huh? Can't have you flat on your back when there are ghosties to bust."

Alva, stopping short, turned and looked at her. "You did not just make that corny joke."

"I believe I did."

The chuckling that followed was interrupted by a voice from the doorway. "What do we have here... did you bring me a present, Alva Keel?"

Alva recognized that voice; it was Inky's voice coming out of Paul. Turning, he wasn't really surprised to see Paul standing in the doorway with those disturbing green cat eyes. Damn! He'd awakened too soon! "Indra, run. Get out of here."

The magazine rolled off her lap. "What's wrong with his eyes?!" She rubbed at the back of her neck. "Do you smell that? God, what is that?"

Yes, he did smell it. The incubus had turned on his sexual charms. "You don't want her," Alva declared. "Let her go."

"I do want her," Paul replied, and advanced several steps into the room. "I want you, too." Smirk.

"Alva..." Indra fanned herself; her voice was heavy with confusion and, to his dismay, sexual arousal. "It smells like... aftershave... cologne... did you put some on, 'cause he hasn't shaved yet... five o'clock shadow..." She rubbed her knees together sinuously. "It smells so good in here. What... were you telling the truth? He really is possessed? Uh... God... is that why I feel this way?"

"Yes." Alva fought off the incubus' spell as best he could; he couldn't let this happen. "You need to get out of here before it's too late. Paul will seduce you if you stay."

"But I... I kinda want him to... want you, too. I'm so... uhhh..." Indra's breathing quickened.

"That's the incubus thrall talking. Go, NOW!" Alva grabbed Indra's arm and yanked her to her feet. Dragging her with him, he tried to sidestep Paul to get out the door, but Paul, snickering, blocked their way.

"You're just going to leave your good friend Paul here alone with the incubus?"

"No. I'm getting Indra out of here, and then I'll deal with you myself," Alva growled.

Paul shook his head, wagging an index finger at Alva. "Tsk tsk tsk. Naughty boy. You need to learn how to share. Can't keep me all to yourself." He spread his arms out across the doorway. "She stays."

Alva did not want to hurt Paul, but he had to get Indra out of here. Sighing in frustration, he asked, "Why do you want her? I thought it was me you were challenging."

"That's part of the challenge," Paul ferally laughed. "You obviously don't want this to happen. That only makes me want it more. I am evil, you know."

Indra suggestively rubbed Alva's chest, putting her hand inside his robe. "I'm really... oh, God, I can't believe this stuff is real. I don't wanna leave, Alva."

Christ... this was hard enough with Paul trying to seduce him, now Indra was helping him. Swallowing hard, he tried once more. "Please don't do this. She's my friend."

"So am I," he reminded Alva, "...and you did nasty things with me." Paul grinned at the look that comment got him. "I understand why you don't want her involved. It's because you can't handle it. I'm stronger than you."

After a long, angry pause at the incubus' conceit, Alva responded, "I just don't want Indra to regret this later."

"So you could handle both of us?"

Alva sighed; the gauntlet had been thrown down. "Let Paul out."

The Inky/Paul conglomerate snickered, before his eyes became brown again. Brown and frightened.

Again Alva had to be the pillar of strength, letting everyone know it was going to be all right no matter what they did, until he could figure out how to drive the incubus out of Paul. He actually hoped this time that both Paul and Indra would have that complete memory loss. Indra could probably deal with this, but Paul... and what if Indra mentioned this incident to him?

Alva finally opened his mouth to speak, but didn't get any words out because Indra kissed him. He gave in to that, knowing this was inevitable. Once he relaxed, Alva's body responded even more than it already had been. She slipped both of her hands inside Alva's robe, opening it up.

"I always liked your eyes," Indra said. "Make love to me!" She went in for another kiss.

Paul grinned as he moved in closer, to squish Indra between them and let his hands roam over both bodies. "I can see this one needs very little seducing," chuckled the Inky voice in a parting comment.

Alva glared at Paul until his eyes turned brown again. He felt Indra's hands on his ass as she pressed up against him, squeezing and rubbing... and then another set of less delicate hands slipped over hers, helping her in her efforts. Looking over Indra's shoulder, Alva pondered the devious little grin that had plastered itself on Paul's face, wondering how much of his actions were ruled by the incubus and how much by his own desires. Alva was not, however, able to continue thinking so clearly for long, as Indra's crotch was pressed against his and she had started grinding against him quite aggressively.

"Rrrrrruuuh," he groaned with arousal.

Indra tucked her head into his neck and started to kiss it, which gave Paul room to lean over her shoulder for a hungered kiss with Alva. The sounds were right in her ear as they playfully rolled their tongues in each other's mouths for half a minute. Indra turned her head against Alva's neck to watch; she had never done a boy-girl-boy threesome before and this enticing sight she had not seen. "Oh, baby," she purred. Indra had no idea it could look so hot and sensual.

As if to reward her for her approval, Alva kissed her next with the same probing tongue. Paul's hands slid between them, cupping her breasts, and fingering at the nipples under her clothes.

"Mmmm..." Indra moaned, a small one at first. Her nipples began to harden, bringing more shrill reactive, excited noises from her. She leaned back on Paul's shoulder so they could kiss too, long involved kisses, while she softly purred into his mouth.

Watching them, Alva couldn't decide where to put his hands next; there were so many wonderful places. He observed Paul's fingertips rotating on Indra's nipples, slowly, as her chest worked harder with her ever-quickening breaths. That image was quite exciting. What would be even more arousing, though, was for her to be nearly naked, like him.

The room filled with the panting sounds of all three, all breathing hard now, especially as Alva began the unbuttoning of Indra's shirt. She watched him do it, pulling the tucked-in tails out of her skirt to make it easier for him, while her other hand ran through Paul's hair over her shoulder. Paul kissed her neck and ear.

Alva opened the shirt and made only a halfhearted attempt to remove it, leaving it partially draped on her shoulders so he could impatiently get at her breasts already. He simply pushed up her bra roughly, making her squeal and quiver, and started to suck at her erect nipples.

"Ahhh..." Indra sighed, now running her hand through Alva's hair, too. "Ohhhhh, Alvaaa... you feel incredible... mmmm, P - ...um, it was Paul, wasn't it?"

Pausing, Paul chuckled darkly. "Pay no attention to that reality check. Yes, it's Paul."

"Okay. Paul."

"Indra, Indra, Indra." He smirked into another kiss with her.

Alva rolled her nipples in-between his front teeth, switching back and forth between them. Feeling aroused and mischievous, and wanting to bring her closer to intercourse, he slipped his hand under her skirt, up her thigh, and right into her panties. Alva's fingers slid between her pussy lips to press and stroke at her clit; he got an immediate reaction.

Indra involuntarily broke the kiss with Paul and cried out, "Ahhhhh!" in surprise and excitement, shaking with a sudden heavy quiver. "You wicked thing! Come up here."

Alva did, grinning, and they kissed as he went on fingering her, his fondling becoming more and more aggressive. One finger ran the rim of her channel before sliding up inside her, while the pad of his thumb kept up the attention to her clit so she would become good and wet.

"Mmmmm... mmmMMMMmm..." moaned Indra into Alva's mouth. Reaching down, she took hold of the shaft of his cock and started to stroke it. Then for good measure, she hunted around behind her until she'd found the top of Paul's pajama bottoms and could plunge her hand inside. He certainly didn't stop her; on the contrary, Paul moved to make it easier for her to find it from that angle, and sighed with an excited shudder when Indra found it.

They all worked at each other for several minutes, both of Indra's hands busy stroking back and forth while Alva's fingers got her wet and sent shockwaves from her clit to her spine. The three of them were like some sort of bizarre machine, cranking and oozing steam.

Paul stripped off her shirt the rest of the way and unlatched her bra, removing that, too, while panting against Indra's neck. He reached across to shove Alva's robe off his shoulders; Alva dutifully shedded it, but he had to take his hand out of Indra's panties to do so. She made a small, disappointed sound, at least until Paul slipped down her underwear from behind.

"Hmmmm." Stepping out of them, she helped him remove her skirt too, so the only thing Indra now wore was a garter belt and grey thigh-high stockings. "Now it's your turn."

Alva was a pretty classic guy when it came to the stockings; he thought they were sexy. Must keep those on! While Indra slowly pulled Paul's shirt off over his head, giggling flirtatiously, Alva rubbed his cock against her ass.

They both chuckled, and Alva playfully bucked his hips toward her with a grunt, imitating the sex act. Then he stepped around her and growled at Paul. "Why are you still dressed? Get with it!"

Grinning, Paul glanced down at the loose pajama bottoms, then gave a long stretch, teasing them. "Mmmmmm..."

While Indra laughed, Alva growled again. "Mmrrruff!" They both went for the pajamas and nearly knocked Paul over yanking them down. Still close to the door, he grabbed onto the doorjamb to keep from falling and snickered at their eagerness. Now both men were naked and rock hard, ready for action. But who would get the first ride?

Alva stood next to Paul. "So, Indra, how do you want to do this? Knowing your preference is very important."

She rubbed a finger on each chest, circling a nipple here, a bellybutton there. "I was kinda hoping you'd make me the baloney in an Alva and Paul sandwich."

Paul looked at Alva and back at her. "What, do you mean both of us at the same time?"

Sucking at the tip of one of her fingers, Indra nodded coyly. "Double penetration. I've never done it before, but I've wanted to for a long time. With you two, I know it will be incredible."

The two men looked at each other, both not only thinking of how deliciously tight a fit this would be, but that they'd be rubbing against each other at the same time. Instead of answering, Paul hopped into the bed, scooted himself up against the headboard, and patted the sheets between his legs.

Indra, purring, crawled onto the bed and sat with her back against Paul's chest. He was cute and all, but she wanted to get off looking into those gorgeous eyes of Alva's. While Alva got on the bed, too, Paul fondled her tits and kissed her neck some more. She mewled appreciatively.

Alva reached into his nightstand, hunting around for a moment, until he found two condoms. "Put one on."

Paul frowned.

Before there could be even a hint of more protest, Alva held the condom out. "I don't care whether it's Paul or the incubus who doesn't want to wear it, put it on or I'll put it on for you! We're not taking a risk with pregnancy, especially with that demon inside you."

Smiling slightly, Paul took the condom and started to unwrap it. "So forceful. You almost make me want to be bad so you can punish me."

Alva had to grin back. "And you'd like it. Just put it on, wise-ass."

Once both men were 'wrapped up' and ready to go, Alva moved in, folding his legs over Paul's with Indra in the middle. Indra maneuvered her legs over Alva's; they three were a carefully pieced puzzle of heated human bodies.

"Are you sure Indra? This could hurt..." Alva remarked.

"Well..." She put her arms around his neck. "...it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all if you and Paul wanted to make sure I was good and lubricated."

They dutifully did just that, Alva kissing with her and fondling her clit while Paul played with her nipples, occasionally touching Alva or stroking his hair. After several minutes, Indra broke a kiss and moaned, "Now, now, please! I want you both NOW."

Alva signaled to Paul. "You first."

Paul raised one of Indra's legs; she put her palms on his thighs to lift herself up while he grabbed his cock by the shaft and slid the head of it into her channel. They both relaxed at the same time, which allowed him to glide up into her on her warm juices. Both moaned and shook in ecstasy.

"Ahhhh... ahhhh!" cried Indra. She caressed Paul's cheek. He let out a long shaking breath, rubbing his face into her hair.

Alva watched them both quiver like that and instantly wanted to get in on this. He moved closer, also lifting Indra's leg, and got Paul to lean back a bit with her held against him. This gave Alva room to start to insert himself too.

Gasping, Indra closed her eyes.

"Paul, relax now."

Nodding, he did as Alva told him. Alva's cock slid inside her, also; it was a snug fit. All three of them gasped and panted like the machine was about to explode in a burst of heat and steam. But while two gained control, the middle wheel temporarily slipped from the machinery.

"AHHH!" Indra cried as a rash of goosebumps swept up her chest; the pleasure had been so intense for her that she had cum once already. Her chest worked so hard and fast that Alva almost became concerned for her, but by the way Indra shook, he knew what had happened. "Ahhhh... ahhhhohhhhh, my God!" she rasped.

He smiled at her, wagging an index finger. "Naughty naughty. You're lucky women can have as many orgasms as they want."

"If that wasn't true, you'd have to punish me, too?" Indra joked between breaths.

"No, that comes now." Grinning and waggling his eyebrows, he patted Paul's cheek. "You try to keep up an opposite rhythm from me. I go out, you go in. Not too fast."

"Okay. You talk like you've done this before," Paul commented.

Just grinning, Alva brought his cock almost all the way out and pushed it back in again. Paul took his cue and did the same, in the opposite order. Within seconds, the room filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and slick skin pulling at latex. The men enjoyed the feeling of their own cocks rubbing together as much as how good it felt to be inside Indra's channel. Sweet friction built into such pleasurable urgency that they each cried out.

"Ohhhh... mmmuhhhh..." The sounds Alva made were more heavy, deep, shaking breaths than outright moans.

Indra was another story; she was very vocal. "Ahhh! Oh, Alva! Ahhhhaaaa, ahhhh, Paul! Ooooh, it's so good! Mmmrrr, Gggggoooood..." She stroked the side of Paul's head with one hand and caressed Alva's chest and neck with the other. Her breath came out in shrill pants.

The noises Paul made reminded the others of someone shivering from the cold, but much more intense; quick, trembling breaths passed his lips, with the occasional moan. "Huuuuh... ssss... mmm!"

Again, the three lovers formed a human machine - hips bucking, muscles flexing, heat rising - which the middle wheel kept well oiled. The final output of the mechanism would be the pleasure of all its parts. Their efforts need last only several minutes before each neared the climax of their endeavor.

Although growling himself, Alva commanded, "Hold it as long as you can."

"Wha - ?" Indra spat.

"Hold off your orgasm until I tell you to go." Pant, pant! "We'll go at the same time."

"Yeah!" snarled Paul, who had the most impish look on his face. "More intense that way!"

"Okay... okay..." Indra chewed at her bottom lip, her fingers digging into Alva's shoulder. "Ahhh..."

"Indra..." he scolded. Alva continued rotating his hips toward and away from her pussy, gaining speed. In reaction, Paul also quickened his sexual rhythm, closing his eyes and panting into Indra's neck.

"Alva... I can't hold it anymore!" she groaned hoarsely. "I wanna cum, baby!"

"Juuuust a little longer... mmm, rrr, grrrraaaah... GO, go nnnoooow!"

"AhhhhAAAAHHH!!" cried Indra, her body quivering, her nails digging into Alva's shoulder. "Ohhh, AlvAAA! Ahhh, rrrraaagh, PAAAul!" Her eyes fluttered as she made a few more guttural noises in the back of her throat. "Nnnnnrruh, ohmyGooood!"

That was as good an indicator as any that Alva could have received to the fact that Indra was having her orgasm; he released himself, too, cumming inside her. "Ohhhh! UhhhhIndra, nnnnnrrrraaaahhh! Paul! You - " Alva stopped talking when he noticed that Paul had a deathgrip on Indra's breasts, and was peeking from behind her shoulder. He gritted his teeth, his eyes glowing green. This instantly alarmed Alva, but he didn't have long to worry, because Paul also arrived a second later.

"RrrrrrrraAAAAAAAHHH!!" Paul nearly screamed, his eyes beaming with the green light. The way his cock practically jumped with spasms as he came, the intense movement made Indra's orgasm a multiple, and caused Alva's cock to suddenly harden again for a few seconds.

"Ahhhhrrr!" She gripped Paul's legs, making a loud slapping sound when she did.

Puffing heavily, Alva shuddered all over and waited it out; damn, that feeling of blood instantly rushing into his member was almost too much. His cock relaxed again, and he breathed out, making a, "Shoo," sound. "It seems Inky liked that too."

As he reached to touch Paul's hair, Paul let out a last breathy snarl, and passed out, his head practically falling right into Alva's palm.

"My God, that was... Alva? Is he okay?"

"He's lost consciousness again." Inside, Alva took a moment to pat himself on the back for temporarily wearing out the incubus. Sure, it was weakened and dying, but their sexual powers were legendary. "Indra, lay him back against the headboard."

She did the best she could to be gentle, but from her position, it was difficult; Paul's head still bonked against the headboard. Conk! "Ooh, I'm sorry!" The corners of Indra's mouth twitched. "His head made that sound it makes on Gilligan's Island when someone gets hit with a coconut."

Alva tried to hold it back, but he couldn't help it, and snickered. "He's got a pretty hard head. He'd have to after the number of times... nevermind, Indra, lift yourself up and off our laps. Carefully. Make sure Paul's condom doesn't slip off."

She did as he suggested, being very cautious, finally stepping off the bed and getting Alva a trashcan for condom disposal. "Hoo... Alva, my God, is it just me or was that some damn mind-blowing sex?"

"Well, look, it wasn't just you." He gestured to Paul. "Help me lay him down."

Once they had him laid out on the bed, Indra folded her hands on Alva's shoulder and leaned on him; he hissed. "Ooh, sorry babe. I clawed you."

Alva grinned. "Sex foul."

Chuckling, she sighed at Paul's condition. "We didn't kill him, did we?"

Alva actually considered that with a concerned look. "I hope not."

Indra frowned, and patted his back. "What's going to happen to him?"

"I'm afraid that if the incubus stays inside him too much longer, Paul could be in danger of dying, too." Sighing, Alva sat back on the bed. "I think I know what to do, but Paul needs to be awake for it."

Indra yawned. "Then can we take a nap, too? I'm wiped out."

Pondering that, Alva lifted Paul's arm and let it go; it fell back to the bed with no show of will. "I think it'd be safe to do so."


When Alva awakened a few hours later, the sun had gone down outside his window. He, Paul, and Indra were all still naked with the sheets covering them loosely; Paul lay on his stomach with an arm draped over Alva's chest. Alva carefully moved the arm before getting to his feet to put on his robe.

Going over all of it in his mind, Alva thought he knew how to save Paul. It would be a big risk, though, but it was worth it. Indra could not be involved anymore; she could get hurt, so he stepped to her side of the bed and shook her by the shoulder.

Indra came awake slowly. "Huh? What... Alva?"

"Hi. What do you remember?"

"Umm... you came out of the shower and we were talking..." She was still half asleep, and looked down at herself. "I'm naked."

"Uh, yes, you are."

Indra craned her head around to glance at the sleeping lump next to her. Paul's face was turned to look at them, but partially buried in the pillow, and he was again sleeping so deeply that he didn't stir. She looked back at Alva. "His eyes were all messed up. Green, and they glowed."

A little bit of Alva was relieved that Indra remembered, while the rest of him worried about her inevitable reaction, which he was about to hear. At least he would not have to be completely alone in the knowing of this secret. "Yes. What else do you remember?"

Indra considered that a moment, looking at Alva. "We had a big-ass threesome."

Laughing nervously, Alva nodded, running a hand over his face.

"It was like I had no control over myself." She sat up unsteadily, holding the sheet over her body. "Your friend came in, and this feeling came over me... so intense that I couldn't resist it. And it smelled like men in here. Aftershave, the way their skin smells... it was like a locker room. Every smell you'd ever associate with what makes men attractive, it was all in this room. Then there were the sexual odors..." She shuddered, her eyes widening. "I can't talk about it, or I'll get excited all over again. What you were saying, about incubi and your friend being possessed, it was all real."

Nodding, Alva asked, "Are you alright?"

"I just got very well laid by two handsome guys; I'm perfectly fine," Indra laughed.

Alva nervously shuffled in place. "Are you sure? I would hate for this to come between us. I like having you as a friend."

Indra shrugged. "I like you, too, Alva. You're a fascinating guy. But I always kinda figured we'd have a roll in the hay at some point anyway. I mean, most of the time we spend together is filled with me giving you a killer massage and you moaning like you're having an orgasm."

Although he laughed, Alva's face colored with embarrassment. "So we're okay?"

"Yeah. I'm casual." She paused. "What about you?"

Alva considered it, and after a few seconds, nodded at her. "I'm okay. Might be a little awkward around you for a little while, but I can deal with it."

"Alright then." Indra looked back at sleeping Paul. "What about him?"

Sighing, he lamented, "I don't know. I think this could really bother him. Luckily, he's had complete memory loss so far about the sex. I actually hope that will last for his sake." He ducked his head, feeling sheepish. "I'm going to have to ask that you not mention this incident to Paul."

"No problem, if you think he can't deal with it." Indra leaned over to begin gathering her clothing. "What are you going to do about the incubus?"

"I'll tell you while we get dressed."

Fifteen minutes later, Alva and Indra had themselves dressed and had also put the pajama bottoms back on Paul. He walked her downstairs to the door. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" she asked.

"I'm sure; it's not safe. Go, and don't worry. I'll call you later to let you know I'm okay. I have faith in this plan." After giving her a hug, he chuckled and commented, "I'm really glad we could reach an understanding about this. It would have been awkward if you'd become... well, errr, ...overly interested in me, shall we say."

Indra smirked; this was about as sheepish as she had ever seen him. "Um, you never had to worry about that."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

She kissed his cheek and giggled, "Alva, you're adorable, but you're not boyfriend material. You're too obsessed with your work, and, er, you don't make enough money."

Alva, crossing his arms, said, "Oh, really? This from the woman who has not been paid yet."

When Alva got back upstairs, Paul stood next to the bed with his glowing green eyes shining at him. "You sent her home."

"Yes." He nonchalantly crossed to his desk.

"You shouldn't have done that. I liked her." Paul moved closer to Alva, looming around him. "I'll just have to be extra hard on you." He ran a hand over Alva's hip, and slipped it toward his crotch, going for the zipper.

Alva snatched up the wandering hand, holding it prone, and suddenly spun Paul around, twisting his arm behind his back. "Don't count on it." Paul grunted in pain and surprise. "You're getting out of Paul's body and going back to Hell where you belong."

He struggled, but Alva had the advantage over him. "And what if I don't?"

Picking the sword up from the desk, he put it to Paul's throat. "Then I'll be forced to kill Paul."

There was a pause before he could speak; the incubus inside him was flabbergasted. "You'd never do that."

"What choice do I have? Either I let you kill him by stealing his body, and you go on to seduce and rape innocent people, or I kill him and you at the same time, and save the innocents." He poised the sword, ready to slice open Paul's skin. "You leave me no other solution."

Paul grabbed the end of the sword and wrestled with Alva for it, but he quickly cried out in pain as blood seeped through his clenched fingers. They grappled for control of the weapon until Alva slammed Paul up against the wall, and stabbed at him with the sword. It opened a shallow slit on Paul's side. He yelped and tried to get away. Alva took hold of Paul's hair as he attempted to run by, pulling him back and bringing the edge of the weapon to his throat again.

Still fighting, Paul looked him in the face with frightened brown eyes. "Alva, how can you do this to me?"

That was an obvious trick, but it still troubled Alva. A cringe rippled over his features before that hard, all-business expression returned. "I'm sorry." Instead of cutting his throat, he shoved Paul to the floor. "The real Paul knows this has to be done." Alva raised the sword over Paul's chest.

A green light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and a phantom male form of mist rolled across the floor, away from Paul. A look of confused realization came to his eyes, and then terror when he saw the sword. "Keel?!"

"It finally worked," Alva sighed with relief, before turning on the misty form. It was taking the shape of a man with large bat-like wings. He barely caught sight of yesterday's gaping wound across the incubus' chest before plunging the sword through its heart.

"Ahhhh!" Inky screeched, his green eyes focusing on Alva. The glowing irises started to dim. "You faked me out, Alva Keel."

"I guess that means you're the one who needs the lessons." He twisted the sword, making the incubus scream once more. Inky sank to the floor and dissipated into black mist that evaporated in the air, leaving behind Alva and the sword, as if he had stabbed nothing. "I told you you didn't know me."

Checking his shallow wounds, Paul called in an annoyed, demanding voice, "Keel, what is going on?!"


"So you had to make the act look authentic to get the incubus to leave my body, and that's why I sit here now bandaged like a mummy?" Paul asked, holding up his wrapped hand.

"Precisely," Alva replied. He dabbed at the cut on Paul's side with an iodine-dampened cotton ball. "I knew that the demon would not stay inside your body if he thought he was going to lose it. He'd have to jump out and look for another person highly susceptible to possession in order to survive."

"Highly susceptible? I wouldn't go - ssss, ow..." Paul winced at how the medicine stung. He looked down at himself. "I'm sorry, it looks like I ruined these pajamas. Bled all over them."

Alva half smiled. "That's okay Paul. We're all pretty used to getting your blood out of our clothing by now."

"Ha, ha." A smile twitched at the corner of his lips. "So why don't I remember most of this possession?"

"The demon knew that it would be easier to claim your body if you weren't conscious of what he made you do." Alva got out the large Band-Aids to dress the wound. "You'd try to stop him. So he repressed your memory."

"Makes sense. If anything about this whole thing can make sense." Paul sat quietly for a reflective moment before asking, "So what did I do?"

Freezing, Alva glanced at Paul and cleared his throat, keeping the expression on his face as neutral as possible. "Nothing, really."

"Oh, come on, Keel. I was possessed by an incubus. The way you've gone on about them in the past, I must've done something." He put a hand on Alva's arm. "I can take it."

No, you can't. His eyes darted back and forth a little as he tried to think of a good story. "Um... Paul... you ran outside and tried to persuade a woman to watch you masturbate. I couldn't stop you because of my back. When my massage therapist came over to fix it, you made a pass at her."

Paul blanched, putting a hand to his mouth. "Oh, God... was it really bad?"

"I think everyone will recover." He continued to tend to Paul's side.

"Do you think your massage therapist will accept my apology?"

Alva nodded; he'd have to warn Indra about that. "I'm sure she would. She, ah, took the incident quite well."

"I'm lucky that's all I did. I mean, an incubus..."

"Well, it was dying, Paul." The lies just deepened...

Nodding, he waited for Alva to finish treating the gash. "You think this will take care of it, Keel? Or should I go get stitches?"

"We're back to 'Keel'..." he mumbled, frowning.


"Ah, I said yes, I think that will take of it. It's a shallow wound." Alva flashed him a put-on smile, and patted his shoulder.

Paul turned to him, carefully, to mind his injuries. "Thanks for taking care of me while I was, um, possessed. Don't get to say that every day. Unless you're me."

That brought a real smile back to Alva's lips. "Thank you for taking care of me while my back was out. Until the possession, of course."

Paul, letting out a laugh, found he had one more question. "There's another thing I wonder about... if your plan hadn't worked in driving the incubus out... would you have really killed me?"

Lost in thought on that, Alva fell silent for several moments. "Paul, I'm sure I could have found another way. Just tied you up and waited for the incubus to die. Something."

"But what if there had really been no other way?"

Alva paused again, then finally said, "What do you think?"

The major crisis had ended, but Alva would never forget what had happened between himself and Paul. It was a secret he would hide for Paul's sake, and the sake of SQ. It was a secret he would bear almost alone.

The Lesson, Part 2 (c) 2003 Demented Stuff/The Pleasure of the People
Miracles is (c) 2003 Spyglass Entertainment & Touchstone Television

the lesson - final, alva/paul/ofc, miracles, alva/paul

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