Supernatural Fic: "The Tour," Original Characters

Dec 11, 2021 04:31

Authors: sailorhathor and Riguel
Fandom: Supernatural RPG The Second Coming
Rating: Adult17+
Date Written: April-May 2019
Word Count: Each post will include as close to 10,000 words of RP as we can get, although I'll break it up into stories.
Category: Drama, Horror, Romance
Summary: Val and John continue their talk, comparing notes about what it's like to be a shaman. Afterward, Skylar takes Val on a tour of his apartment and begins taking a tour of his body. Dylan, Sacha, and Bailey entertain Amy, protecting her from the homicidal goddess stalking her family.
Warnings: Language, adult themes, graphic sex between two men (OMC/OMC), light sex play (OMC/OFC)

Played by Riguel: Sacha, Val
Played by Sailorhathor: Dylan, Skylar, all others

At times, the action may seem to backtrack when one player responds to the other. This is the nature of RP and a story written by two people. I inserted an extra line after each player finishes writing their part to try to help the reader keep it all straight.

Sailorhathor's Note: What Meadow does with Val and Skylar, and all of her sexual behavior, has an actual purpose. Her purpose in the story is not as a simple sex object. I will be bringing her back (much) later.

"Twelve hours? Alright, that's a bit too much for today," Val stated with a head shake. Skylar's suggestion, though, sounded appealing. "Well, if it's not any trouble... That'd be cool. I'd love to try but yeah, planning it so it's not any issue." He'd have to ask Skylar what he saw and how he felt after trying it already since it was obvious that he had already tasted it in the past. The excuse of getting some for his brother was probably just that, he thought. An excuse to get some tea for himself.

"I think I have a good intuition, but I got help on this from this guy," he pointed with his thumb in Skylar's direction.

Val followed John with eyes full of curiosity as he went into the courtyard. The wigwam was really like what he had imagined. Of course sleeping and living inside an apartment was most likely more comfortable, but he was glad he could experience what it would be like to see inside the traditional hut. It wasn’t a cone-shaped tent made of fabric or animal skin, like a tipi. It was larger and round, like a forest igloo.

Val didn't mind the reaction of the children. He glanced at John with a smile to let him know it was ok. "I'm not a fairy king," he chuckled. Val squatted down to be at their level. "I'm just from a different part of the world where people have lighter hair colors," he said to the two kids who were closer to him and touching his hair. The children all had the same darker, almost coppery, complexion like John had and beautiful, expressive dark eyes sparkling with excitement. "I know woodland creatures and you three look like little cheeky squirrels," he said playfully.


Sacha let Dylan talk and 'tsk tsk' at his remarks. "I'll have a conversation with her and we'll see what she agrees to. I'm sure she'll like my custom poster idea. And if she allows it, you can maybe color it," he said before chuckling.

They were in the car on the way back to the hotel. Just when Sacha thought he had managed to keep his unusual ability out of Amy's attention, she brought it up, asking him straight whether he was a wild cat. Sacha was caught off guard and looked at Amy. He could have tried to deny it, but what was the point? She was a smart kid. Her father was a necromancer. She had probably seen worse or weirder things. Still, he pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes for a moment before answering her. "Yes. It was me. I can change into a lynx. It's a kind of very large wild cat. Like a bobcat, but larger," he said. "Just don't go around telling everyone at your school or at the hotel. It's not something everyone appreciates or feels okay with. I'm sure it's like your dad's special skills. Not everyone needs to know," he told her, hoping she would not go around and tell everyone he could change into a cat. Audrey would never shut up about that and he'd have to answer a gazillion questions if she knew. That is, if he wasn't dismissed on the spot, of course.

Amy's focus quickly changed to the evening programme. Sacha or Dylan didn't have time to say anything to her many requests and plans. She had the whole movie night planned out already, apparently. Hopefully Bailey would be better at keeping up with her because Sacha had no idea how to handle a pre-teen girl movie night, except for the fact that it should most likely not involve R-rated movies.

"Beauty and the Beast? Isn't it an old Disney cartoon? I thought you'd like to see something more recent," Sacha said, though he was totally oblivious to what movies were screening for the moment for kids her age.

Leaning toward him, Skylar whispered in his ear. "It's most fun to make love on peyote. Everything feels so surreal."

John smiled at Val's reference to Skylar. "Ah, you and our Skylar have become fast friends. I hear he's very good at making friends."

To that, he snorted; Skylar wondered if the old gossiping fathers had discussed him around the fire pit.

The little girls giggled at the idea of being squirrels. "What does cheeky mean?" one asked. She pulled at her cheeks, wiggling the skin around.

Another child gently took hold of Val's hair and draped its length over her head, covering some of her hair. "I'm a fairy princess," she said, and danced in place.

John sung his little song to the girls in their traditional tribal language, but to the tune of "Shake it Off" by Taylor Swift. Skylar couldn't help but giggle when he realized where he'd heard the tune before. It always struck him how interesting it was that the tribe hovered between tradition and modern culture.

"We have gifts for you too, Val, but we will bring those out later. First, I see through the doorway that my wife and granddaughter are bringing us snacks," John remarked, and true, two adult Native American women brought them food and cups for tea. One was at least fourty years older than the other, of course, but they were both gorgeous dark-haired beauties. The older woman was gray around the temples, with two long streaks of it in her hair.

The women offered sturdy paper plates to the men and put a bun filled with eggs, vegetables, and meat on each one. Remarkably, as Val could see, his bun, which had been cut in half, had no meat in it. Again, a little bird with a smirk had been working behind the scenes to make sure everything about this visit was perfect.

The women also set up a small table made from an overturned plastic tub and served tea off it. "We make our own teas here to supplement our income. This one's camomile," John said.

The granddaughter John referred to looked only about in her mid-twenties. She sat on her knees in a flowered sun dress with frilly sleeves that she had pulled down off her golden brown shoulders and scooted until she was at Val's feet. "I'm Meadow," she said, and carefully handed him a cup of tea. The girl made it known by her big smile and bright eyes, along with the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra, that she was flirting with Val already. Even Skylar, who sat nearby, noticed and wiggled his eyebrows at him. "You have broad shoulders. Have you ever played football?" Meadow asked, and pulled on her dress so he could see her nipples poking at the thin fabric.


Dylan smiled at how playful and good-natured Sacha was being; it made him so horny for him, but what didn't? "Oh boy, I hope Amy will let me color the whole thing!"

Now that they had Amy in the car, Dylan brought up the poster to her. "Sacha said he wants to customize your poster, the one you wanted us to color. Tell her what you want to do to it, Sach."

Amy bounced in her seat, as much as the seatbelt would allow. "What, what?!"

Listening with rapt attention, the girl said, "That's sooooo COOL! I wish I could turn into a beautiful, fuzzy, cuddly lynx. My dad said there's a spell I could use to temporarily turn into a wild cat, but I'm kinda too young to master it. Someday, though! Is it cool to be able to turn into a big cat? Does it feel weird when you transform? Is it easy to walk around on such big paws?" Amy stopped to see if she could think of anymore questions she would like to have answered.

"I promise, I won't tell anyone unless you say it's okay," she swore, holding up two fingers and putting a hand to her heart.

Sacha mentioned her choice of movie. "Noooo, Sacha! There's a live action version now. Don't you know that?"

"Yeah, Sacha," Dylan teased.

Amy brought up a picture on her phone and showed it to him. In the photo was Emma Watson as Belle in the iconic yellow dress dancing with a live action Beast. "See? Maybe the Beast was an animal shifter."

"I think it was actually a spell that transformed him," Dylan corrected.

"O-M-G, Dylan, spoiler alert! Maybe Sacha hasn't seen it yet."

Dylan chuckled loudly.

Val exchanged a knowing glance with Skylar. Now there was one more thing he had to try with him before leaving.

“Yes, he’s definitely the friendly type,” Val replied while trying to keep a serious face.

Val stopped being the center of attention - and got his hair back - when John started singing to the girls. He thought their native language was intriguing but nicely suited to sing with.

Val looked at the two women who entered the tent and had brought tea and food with them. Even if John hadn’t said they were his wife and granddaughter, he would have guessed they were related. John’s wife was a beautiful, mature woman, and Val imagined easily she must have looked a lot like her granddaughter years earlier. His eyes went from the mother to the granddaughter while they were setting up the food and serving the tea, which John informed was grown there.

Val tried not to stare at the gorgeous girl with yummy colored skin once he remembered he was her grandfather’s guest, but it was easier said than done, especially as she sat right next to him, at his feet. He took the drink she offered and let his fingers graze against her hands as he took the cup she handed over to him. “Hi, Meadow. I’m Val,” he said in return.

His blew on the beverage to cool it down. His eyes met Skylar’s, who was already having a ball watching him trying to stay focused and behaving politely while John’s daughter was obviously letting him know that she wasn’t a shy girl.

At first, Val was confused with her question. He didn’t get why broad shoulders would be something footballers had. Muscled legs, yes, but shoulders? Then it dawned on him that she was referring to American football, and not football like it is referred to in Europe. “No, we don’t play football like here in Europe. I did swim a lot when I was younger, though. There are many lakes where I come from,” he explained before averting his gaze and taking a sip of tea. It was dangerous to look too much longer at her and Val certainly didn’t want to disrespect John by eyeing up his daughter in front of him, even if it looked like she wanted him to do so.


“Dylan said you had a poster you wanted us to color. I like to draw so I can maybe make it more special, if you want. What is on the poster?”

Amy was firing so many questions at him now about his lynx that he didn’t know how to answer. When she finally stopped, he turned in his seat to look at her in the back of the car. “It doesn’t hurt, I barely feel it when I change. It was just strange the first times it happened. Then you get used to it. And it is actually easy to walk with these paws. Very stable.”

Sacha had a look at the picture Amy had on her phone. It was one of those moments of utter cluelessness for him, and Dylan was of course teasing him for it. “I’m sorry, I’m not going to the movies very often,” he told Amy. “Dylan seems much more on the ball when it comes to fairytales. You should ask him for movie suggestions we can watch,” he told her. “If this is in the theatres still now, you can’t see it yet on TV or Netflix,” he said.

When Val made the quip about Skylar being the friendly type, a light snicker moved through the group. Skylar nudged Val's arm and snickered himself.

"Hi Val," she said softly. Meadow tossed her long, straight hair about her bare shoulders. The strangers and acquaintances looked different from what she was used to; to her, they were very exotic and attractive.

"I love to swim too," Meadow commented. "It's a great form of exercise and of course, a lot of fun."

Skylar started imagining the younger girl in a bikini. He felt a pang of guilt because she was John's granddaughter, but he couldn't help it.

While they were having their snacks, John's wife got Val's gifts and presented them to him. He was given a piece of painted pottery, some maple candy and cookies made by the tribe, several boxes of tea (including peyote), and a little bag of worry dolls. The tiny one-inch dolls had an accompanying card to explain their use.

"Technically, worry dolls are Mayan, but we hijacked them to have something additional to sell," John said, and laughed long and hard. Jed joined him, as did Meadow. Skylar grinned and chuckled.

"Do you like your gifts, Val?" Meadow asked.

Two hours passed as they chatted. Val was able to ask all of his questions and have them answered. Eventually, they could all feel time stretching toward the evening. It was almost time to finish their visit and head out, or it would be very late when Jed got Marianne back to Springfield.

Shortly before they were to say their goodbyes and depart, Skylar asked to use the bathroom. "I'll show you where it is," Meadow said. They were gone for six or seven minutes.

When they returned, both were giggly. Skylar said to Val, "Do you need to make a pit stop before we get on the road too?"


"The poster has flowers on it," Amy told him. "What kind of things do you want to draw?" Her tone betrayed her excitement at the idea that Sacha would even look at the poster, much less draw on it.

With wide eyes filled with awe, the young girl asked, "Can I meet lynx you sometime? And pet y - the cat?" Because asking Sacha if she could pet him directly was embarrassing.

Sacha said that Dylan knew more about fairytales, which caught him off guard. He laughed so hard, he snorted.

"It's not in the theatres anymore, except for dollar theatres. I saw it at Red Box." Amy seemed to run out of steam and was quiet for ten seconds. Then her energetic questions began again. "Is Dylan your boyfriend?"

Val noticed the small chuckle going around. Maybe Jed or the others had picked up on the more than friendly vibe that he and Skylar were developing? Val didn't mind and somehow he was happy to see that if it was the case, that was the kind of reaction they'd get.

Right that moment, Val wished he'd be a 5 year old kid too so he could have leaned forward and ran his hands through Meadow's hair without it being out of place. He had long hair too, but hers seemed so thick and luscious. If there hadn't been all the other people around, he would have probably asked her what shampoo she was using.

Val smiled widely when he saw the various presents he received. He hadn't expected to get so many goodies. He was nicely surprised to see there was some of that famous peyote tea in the assortment he got. The sweet treats were smelling very nice. He should probably try to keep some for bringing back to Henrik, but he wasn't sure he'd resist and not eat everything before leaving in a few weeks. After checking the food and drink he received, he carefully examined the pottery jar and the pretty drawings decorating it. The worry dolls were something he wasn't familiar with, though he quickly understood the concept.

"Yes, I love them. Thanks a lot." He smiled at Meadow and then spoke to John. "I feel really lucky you're giving me some of your time and prepared these for me. I'll make sure I pack the jar in my carry on when I fly back. I wouldn't want it to get broken."

Time flew once Val and John started to talk. Val had the opportunity to ask him about many topics, going from his spiritual role in the tribe or village to any healing practices and more formal rituals associated with their culture and tribe. John had also shown interest in Val's situation as a more 'modern-day' shaman and his special dreamwalking abilities.

The visit had to come to an end. They all walked back into the main apartment building. Val continued chatting with Jed, John and his wife while waiting for Skylar, who had gone to the bathroom. Val nodded at Skylar's suggestion when he was back. "Yes, that's probably a good idea. Which way is it?" he asked Meadow since she had just gone with Skylar inside to show him where the bathroom was.


"If you show me, I'll tell you what I would like to draw and you'll tell me if it's okay," Sacha explained. "I can draw dragonflies or butterflies, or some other insects that go on flowers. Would that be okay?"

Amy was still processing the lynx shifting news and the next dreaded and somehow expected question of course arrived.

"Amy, it's not like a pet. It's a wild animal and it's... Me," Sacha explained. Besides, he also figured that Steven would certainly not be too keen on him showing off his shifter's skills to his daughter. "And you can imagine your father will probably not approve. You know, I'm a grown up man. Even when I'm a lynx. You should not... You know, touch other people or wild animals." God, that was pitiful and totally unclear, he thought afterwards, but what else could he have said? He looked at Dylan with a tinge of despair on his face, unsure what else to say.

Just when Sacha sat back in his seat and thought Amy was done, she fired another unexpected question at him. Sacha's eyes grew wide when he heard her ask him whether Dylan was his boyfriend. Sacha opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. He turned towards the backseat, glancing at Dylan, who was driving, and tried to look casual. "Huh... Wh... Why do you ask that?" Surely she wouldn't give up so easily but at least, he thought he had managed to buy some time and think of a right answer.

"The Potawatomi started out around Michigan and the Great Lakes, where there was a big tradition of tapping trees for maple syrup," Meadow explained, leaning on Val's knee with one bent arm. "From there, the tribe learned how to do maple sugaring for candy and cookies and such. They're big sellers, along with the maple tea."

"The American government eventually forced us into Kansas," John added.

The bag of worry dolls was accompanied by a card that explained they were a charm for warding off bad dreams and evil spirits. Putting one under your pillow would make it your protector in your dreams. You could even tell your problem to the worry doll and it would meet you in your dream and help you work out how to solve it.

"I'll show you," Meadow said, and led him into an apartment that looked like possibly only women lived there, with its feminine decorating scheme and general cleanliness. "I share this apartment with two of my sisters." Meadow showed Val to the bathroom and waited for him to come back out.

When Val did exit the bathroom, Meadow surprised him by immediately wrapping her arms around his neck. "Val, will you kiss me and fool around with me for just a couple of minutes? I want something sensual to remember you by, so I can think about you after you leave." Touching his lips with her own, her eyes pleaded with him to fulfill her wish.


"Oooooooh..." Amy crooned at the idea of Sacha drawing attractive insects on her flower poster. "I'll show you the poster when we get to your home, or Dylan's house, whichever it is. Are you any good at drawing?"

Amy didn't seem to fully understand why it would be weird to pet Sacha as a lynx. "But it's you as a wild animal. You wouldn't attack me, would you?"

Here, Dylan jumped in. "He's a little too shy to show off Lynxcha to everyone. Give him some time and maybe one day, Sacha will let you meet him."

"Lynxcha?" she giggled.

"That's my name for his lynx side."

Amy believed even more that Sacha was with Dylan and shy when he reacted the way he did. "I am not at liberty to reveal my source. But don't worry, I think you guys make a totally hot couple."

Dylan burst out laughing; he couldn't help it.

Val’s knowledge of US geography was basic, but he knew Michigan was up North next to Canada so that seemed like a big change of region to end up in Kansas. Again not knowing too much details about Native American tribes, he still knew that many had been forced to move in the past and been placed into reservations. It was something else to actually be confronted with that reality and hear the story from the people themselves.

“It’s a sad story. I guess leaving your original area must have been tough for your people."

Val wasn’t sure how politically correct it was to talk about these things and didn’t want to offend John or say anything that would kill the mood. Maybe he could ask Skylar later on, during their drive to the university. He might know more since he seemed to know John well.

When Val realized a bit better what the worry dolls were and how to use them, he had to smile, thinking about his own dreamwalking ability and the occasion when people were asking for his help to get rid of nightmares or sleep problems. “Perhaps I’m like a giant worry doll,” he chuckled.

Val’s mind was still full of the stories and talks he had shared with John. When he walked out of the bathroom and made his way back to the corridor to leave, he clearly hadn’t expected Meadow to corner him this way. His brain quickly adjusted to the situation though. Despite Meadow’s straightforward approach, there was nothing vulgar or slutty about her. On the contrary, Val found something sweet and almost melancholic in her beautiful eyes. Val took in the soft sensation of her full lips against his mouth. It was barely a kiss, but it was very arousing already. Given the situation, he gave in to his earlier yearning and ran one hand in her long silky black hair. “I’d love nothing more than to have that kind of souvenir too.” He cradled the back of her head and moved his other hand around her waist, pulling her closer to give her a proper kiss.

It was slow and tender but hot at the same time. Val parted his lips and used his tongue to brush against her lips and request entrance to her mouth. He didn’t know if this was wishful thinking or his imagination running wild, but he swore her lips tasted a bit like maple syrup.


“I’m not too bad at drawing,” Sacha said simply. He didn’t want to blow his own trumpet and say he was actually pretty good at it. Granted, in the last few weeks, he hadn’t had much time to sit down and take out his sketch pad to draw whatever was going through his mind, but that was usually a good activity to relax.

"There were many things from that time with my people that were very tough to deal with. We did the best we could, but there was much heartache and many tears," John said. "My ancestors speak to me all the time. I know what they went through."

Skylar read the card about worry dolls and laughed. "You are like a big ol' worry doll. I'd like to try these out, though, and sleep with one under my pillow tonight. See what kind of dreams I have then."

Meadow kissed him while running her fingers through his hair also, lips parting for a long, hot kiss. She moaned softly into his mouth. When they pulled apart to get a breath, she surprised him again by pulling down her top to expose her breasts to him. "Will you suck them? Please? Every time I think of you, I want to be overcome with pleasure."

Being that she was still in her twenties, Meadow's tits were still very perky and seemed to glow in the hallway light, coppery brown, with eager, rigid nipples.


"I'm excited to see what your butterflies and dragonflies look like," Amy said.

"Me too," added Dylan. He had never seen Sacha's work, but he had a feeling that it was going to blow his mind.

Dylan tried to stop laughing, but it was hard; the preteen's efforts to sound cool and fit in with her much older guests were cute. He said, "Awww," and stroked Sacha's shoulder with one hand. "You embarrassed him. Which isn't that hard to do, but still..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sacha," Amy said quite sincerely. "I didn't mean to embarrass you. You two are a good fit, I mean, you seem to be." Amy took a Snapple out of her school bag and popped the top off of it to have a drink. "I'm cool with alternative lifestyles."

"I would hope so. You're from a family of necromancers," Dylan reminded her.

"No, I meant sexually. I've seen my dad kissing women and men. It's no biggie."

Laughter bubbled out of Dylan again. "Good to hear, but let's not talk about sexual matters anymore, okay? Instead, I want to tell you about my dog, General Sherman, and how much he loves to be petted and brushed."

By the time they reached Finley House, Dylan had Amy wishing she had a General Sherman of her very own. It would probably make her forget about wanting to meet Lynxcha, at least for that night. Bailey trotted out with Amy's suitcase rolling behind her and as soon as she got in the backseat with Amy, there were hugs and so much chatting that it was like Sacha and Dylan no longer existed.

That was until they got back to the Bunker, and Amy rolled out her flower poster on one of the library tables. She had spent almost an hour gawking at the Bunker and all its books and the large telescope beyond, then unpacking her suitcase into a free drawer of Bailey's dresser. Now, she had a plastic pencil case full of regular pencils and colored pencils which she placed in front of Sacha like a challenge.

"Can I see how you draw now?" she asked.

Skylar’s interest in the worry dolls was noticeable. Val thought it might be interesting to see what effects these would have on him with his sleepwalking habit.

Val almost got lost in the moment. His mind was putting together hot souvenirs while he was enjoying Meadow's sweet lips. They broke the kiss eventually. He was aware that Skylar and Jed were waiting for him outside to leave, but the young woman had another request for him. He saw her push down the top of her dress to show him her small but curvy breasts with their dark nipples begging for attention.

“Meadow...” he breathed against her ear before letting his mouth trail down the side of her neck and then down her chest. He cupped both breasts in his hands and started to kiss one, making his way to its center. His tongue flicked a couple of times over the dark brown nub and then his lips closed around it. He changed sides and repeated the treatment, sucking and nibbling gently on the other hard nipple. When his mouth left her beautiful mounds, it landed on her lips again. He gave her another kiss while his hands pulled up the top of her dress. “I have to leave, Meadow, but I won’t forget this afternoon, believe me,” he said with a genuine smile.


Sacha had never been so glad for Dylan's easy chatter but it was still all going downhill from there, with Amy mentioning alternative lifestyles, sexuality and having seen her father kiss other men - the latter being a mental image he would have preferred to never come across.

He covered his eyes with a hand and tried not to cringe too much at their discussion till the topic suddenly moved to Sherman.

Meadow smiled brightly at him with a little gleam in her eye as they shared a few sensual kisses. Things quickly heated up when Val fulfilled her request and moved down her neck toward her chest. She made several small sounds of passion, shivering as he kissed down her throat and soon sucked at her sensitive nipples.

"Nnnnuh... Val," Meadow moaned. She ran her hands through his long hair. Shockwaves of pleasure moved from her tits to the warm place between her legs and back again like a circuit. "Mmm..."

It was over way too quick, but Meadow could still play the moment over in her mind as much as she wanted. They shared one last kiss. "I hope you'll come back again soon, Val, and we'll have more private time to spend together." She winked.

When Meadow returned with Val, she looked even more flushed than she had when she came back with Skylar. They said their goodbyes and then Skylar hugged his father. Marianne had come back by then and she pouted in Skylar's direction when he wouldn't hug her too. To placate her, he gave her a distant hug (crotches far apart).

"Have a good trip back to New York," he said.

Marianne nodded at him. "Thank you."

The tension between them was heavy, but it dissipated once Jed and Marianne left in his car. Skylar got into the driver's seat of his own car and waited for Val to follow him.

He looked around to see if anyone was hanging around the parking lot. No one was. Skylar reached over to squeeze and caress Val's thigh. "Before we go to the lab, can we stop off at my apartment and get some nookie? I am SO turned on right now."


Still trying to be cool, Amy considered Sacha's idea with a serious face. "Sounds like a good idea. Let's go for it."

At first, the girl tried to act casual and be patient to see Sacha's work, but it only took a few pencil strokes for her to sit across the table and watch him draw. Dylan was also taken in rather quickly, sitting next to Sacha to see what he was drawing.

He announced he was finished and asked Amy what she thought.

"It's a beeeeautiful butterfly," she crooned. "I love it."

Dylan started at the idea that he would be coloring Sacha's beautiful drawings by himself. "You have to help me color. I don't know anything about shading, and they just won't look right without the shading."

Amy added, "If we color the things you add and the flowers and leaves and such, would you be able to shade everything once we're done?"

"They look sooo good with the shading," Dylan said. His eyes were filled with admiration and love, discovering that Sacha had such a beautiful talent and he hadn't encountered it until now.

Val didn’t know how to answer Meadow. He was not planning to go back to Topeka, or maybe only to visit Skylar at the university again. Of course, he had enjoyed this impromptu sensual moment with her, but he wasn’t looking for anything else to happen. At the same time, he didn’t want to hurt her or be insensitive.

“I have a lot of things to do while I am here and I’m staying several hours away. If this is meant to be, we’ll cross path again,” he said while holding her hands in his and then placing a quick peck on her forehead before heading towards the door. “Take care, Meadow.”

Val sensed Skylar’s level of stress drop as Jed and Marianne left, but there was something else that seemed to keep the scientist a little on edge. It was as if there was some electricity in the air. He followed him to the car. Once they were sitting inside and Skylar confessed he was very much turned on, Val chuckled and leaned towards him over the central console separating the two front seats. “Are you?” he asked with a little smirk. “Tell me, did Meadow show you more than just where the restrooms were when she took you to her apartment?” At that point, Val was almost certain that while she might have genuinely been attracted to him, she might also have tried to get a few minutes of sexy memories with Skylar.


Sacha was happy to see that Amy liked his drawings. He was also a little proud from the compliments he received from Dylan.

“I’m not used to color with pencils but I will try and help you,” he told Dylan. “And yes, I can add more shading once the whole poster is colored, it will add depth to the design and make it nicer,” he said to Amy. “That’s how you make it look a bit 3D.”

“It might get better as I draw a few more,” Sacha continued. “I haven’t done this kind of drawings since a while... Seems like all my free time has been taken up with other activities, lately...” He gave Dylan a knowing smile and started drawing something else next to the butterfly. After a few moments, the shape of an insect with a triangular head and peculiar front legs with an elongated body began to appear on the paper. “Do you know what this is?” he asked Amy, to see if she would recognize the insect - a praying mantis - which he was drawing.

"Yes, if it's meant to be," Meadow said, and followed him outside to stand with her family and wave at the cars as they left the parking lot.

Except, Skylar wasn't leaving the parking lot. "She's such a beautiful girl. Meadow asked me to kiss her, and then she took her top down and asked me to suck her tits! It was so hot, so exciting." He noticed John's family was staring at them, wondering what they were doing. "Oh shit! We better leave before they come over here." Giving the family a little wave, he pulled out of the parking space and drove out to the street.

"So, is it okay? To go fool around at my apartment? And how did you know something happened with Meadow?"


"Oh, thank you for wanting to make my poster special," Amy said. "As soon as I saw it in the craft store, I knew it had to be made the most beautiful poster ever. I couldn't just color it in one night, all rushed and stuff, by myself."

Bailey joined them and she and Amy worked on a color scheme, telling Dylan what color to begin with on another part of the poster where he wouldn't get in Sacha's way, and vice versa. Amy took a smaller, 8" x 11" size poster out of a folder, one of a unicorn, and showed it to Dylan.

"You see how my dad did a gradient on the unicorn's legs? Can you do that on this flower?"

"Sure. What color do you want me to start with?" Dylan looked at the colorful unicorn. He chuckled. "It's very funny to think of your father coloring this."

"Why? He colors these pages with me all the time."

"That's because he likes spending time with you," Bailey said, interrupting.

Dylan would not let her hijack the conversation. He would be nice in front of Amy, though. "Your dad hasn't been very nice to Sacha and I. It's hard for us to see him as the coloring book type."

Amy bowed her head. "Can we just have a fun time tonight? No talk about the problems you guys have with my dad?"

"Of course. I'm sorry." He put an arm around her shoulders and gave her a warm hug. "Now, what color should I start with?"

Lifting his head at Sacha's comment, Dylan caught his eye and winked.

Amy rolled her eyes. "Of course I know what that is. It's a praying mantis. I am twelve."

Dylan snickered.

Suddenly, the girl laughed at a memory. "My mom used to tease my dad by calling him The Mantis because she said he drove with his hands on the wheel like this." She put her hands on an invisible steering wheel in the positions that a praying mantis held their front legs and pretended to drive.

Both Bailey and Dylan laughed; the impression looked pretty funny even if they hadn't seen Steven drive before.

Amy then became melancholy. "That was when they still got along."

Putting an arm around her, Bailey said, "Hey. We can talk about your mom some more after we retire for the night. Okay?"

Amy nodded.

Dylan pointed to the poster and suggested, "How about Sacha draws you a nice fuzzy bee? Bees like flowers."

Val listened to Skylar’s confession. He was about to start laughing at the situation but that was the moment Skylar exclaimed they had to leave. He let him maneuver the car out of the parking area and once they were driving away, he put his hand on Skylar’s thigh, reciprocating the gesture the other man had made a few minutes ago.

“Yes, she’s beautiful and hot... And clever. She got you and me the same way.” He shook his head and laughed when he was asked how he knew Meadow and him had gotten frisky when he was in her apartment. “I wonder which one of us she preferred...”

Val’s hand slid up and stopped right before reaching Skylar’s crotch. “Take me to your apartment, please. Let’s go finish what she started.”


Sacha continued to draw while Bailey, Dylan and Amy began talking. He just raised his head when Dylan made a comment about Steven not being so nice with the two of them. Thankfully, it didn’t escalate. Dylan was an adult and should behave like one, he thought. He didn’t think it was fair to annoy Amy with remarks about her father while she was alone with them.

The atmosphere got less tense with Amy’s joke and the additional chit-chat.

“Not all twelve year old know what that is,” Sacha shrugged.

“You want a normal bee or a bumble bee? I can make a small one and a larger one, so you have both.”

Sacha moved around the table to sit on another chair and start drawing the bee in a different corner of the poster, out of Dylan’s way.

Skylar sucked in a loud breath when Val touched his thigh. He had to put both hands on the wheel. "I need both hands to concentrate on my driving. But don't stop touching me."

His mouth popped open in reaction to Meadow getting them both to suck at her breasts. "Why that naughty little minx... She is clever, isn't she? Do you think after we left that Meadow went to her room and... lay down on her bed... took her top down again and began to touch herself?" Skylar licked his lips. "Maybe she wanted us to get her going."

Chuckling, he said, "I refuse to compete with you at a time like this. I think Meadow liked us both for our own reasons."

Val's hand brought a shivery moan from Skylar as it skirted the lump in the front of his jeans. "Yes... Let's..."

Skylar couldn't help it, and he couldn't stop himself from slowly grinding against the seat, searching for more stimulation, moving his hips so his cock rubbed on his clothes. "Ahh... Mmmm... Did you like sucking those sweet, dark nipples, Val? The sounds she made? Did you want to sink your cock into her wet pussy? Because I sure did. Now I'd like to sink my dick into you. What do you think about that?"


"Yes, yes! Bees of both kinds! A big fat fuzzy bee and a smaller bee," Amy agreed, clapping her hands. She examined a big empty area near a tulip. "Will you put something here? Ummm... a hummingbird! Yes, a hummingbird should go here."

Dylan looked at his boyfriend. "Can you draw birds as well as you draw insects, babe?"

While coloring the petals of a daisy, a sudden thought crossed his mind and he had to say something. "Amy, have you seen the man in the trench coat eating in the restaurant from time to time?"

"Who, the angel? He doesn't eat."

Dylan stopped coloring long enough to shake his head. "So you know he's an angel? How do you know?"

"Daddy says we're associated with angels somehow because of our abilities, so I can feel it whenever trench coat guy is around. His aura is completely different from a normal human." Amy colored at a flower stem with a dark green pencil. "What about him?"

"We know him. He's on a mission there at the hotel; he and the woman there with him are hiding out. His name is Castiel." Dylan looked across the table at Bailey and then caught Sacha's eye too. "The two brothers who own this place will be coming back later today with my sister. Will you promise me not to mention anything about Castiel or angels being at Finley House in front of the brothers or Kerry? Sam and Dean, the brothers, know Cas, but they had a difference of opinion and now the angel is hiding out from them. I'm not even sure if it's safe to mention Cas's whereabouts in front of Kerry right now, so just keep it all to yourself, okay? Can you do that for me as a favor?"

"I promise," Amy said. "Cross my heart."

Val smiled at Skylar's reaction when his hand touched his thigh.

"I don't know what she did right after we left but I think she's going to think about us tonight when she goes to bed," he chuckled. "I was just joking, she probably wanted us both."

Val's hand and fingers resumed their journey and grazed against Skylar's crotch. He leaned to the left a little to be closer to Skylar since he realized Skylar couldn't move much as he was driving. He could still dirty talk, though, and Val closed his eyes for few seconds, picturing Meadow's breast under his hands and lips. "Oh, yes... When I'm with a girl, I love playing with her tits, and Meadow had a beautiful set," he commented. "Would have been cool to lie down and let her ride me, feeling her tight wet pussy grip me and her hair fall all over me when she'd bend down to kiss me..."

He could see Skylar was moving his hips and looking for more contact and stimulation but Val kept his touch light on purpose, to tease him and makes him want more. He nuzzled the side of his head and found his ear. "I think I'd love to be filled by your cock," he whispered before starting to lick and suck on Skylar's earlobe. "And I'll lick and suck your nipples like I did hers... See what sounds you're making then..."


Sacha smiled at Amy's enthusiastic response. "A hummingbird? Okay... I can do that too," he said while glancing at Dylan. "I can do birds too," he added with a wink for his boyfriend. "You'll judge how good they are."

They were all quiet for a moment, drawing and coloring, till Dylan brought up the topic of Cas. Sacha was just as surprised as Dylan to hear that Amy was perfectly aware of Cas' nature and didn't seem to think it was a big deal.

The girl seemed accommodating to Dylan's request not to mention anything about Cas while Dean and Sam would be back. He had almost forgotten about them. And Kerry. Did Dylan warn them by email or text that he had brought Amy back to the bunker? Suddenly he was wondering whether it was a good idea. The bunker and its immediate surroundings were protected by Val's magic circle so it was probably okay. He had no idea what Amy was capable of magic-wise. Did her father teach her some of his dark magic already?

Sacha had stopped drawing the hummingbird he had started while listening to Dylan and her talking about Cas.

Hopefully things would go fine and he and Dylan could spend a nice and normal evening and night just the two of them later on at his place, leaving aside all the supernatural things after they watched the movie with Bailey and Amy.

"I think she might've wanted us both at the same time," Skylar purred. Was he imagining it? The two of them with Meadow in bed?

Val grazed Skylar's crotch with his fingers, and Skylar whimpered, shifting impatiently in his seat. The platinum blonde described an irresistible scene he would have liked to act out with Meadow; it was obvious by the quickening of Skylar's breath that he was definitely imagining this one. "Oh wow... I'd love to sit in the room and watch you..."

Val just kept turning up the heat. Skylar leaned into what he was doing to his earlobe. "Damn, you are wicked," he said, and giggled. "Oh... That feels good..." Wishing he could turn his head for kisses, Skylar kept his eyes on the road. "When we get there, first I'm going to kiss you. And then I'll give you the tour of my apartment, and then take your clothes off. How about that?"

They arrived in record time. Skylar hurried out of the car and locked it once they were both out. He took Val's hand, running with him up to his second floor apartment and got the door unlocked, flinging it open. He kicked it shut with his foot.

"This is the living room, there's the kitchen..." As he identified each room, Skylar gestured in their general direction. "...that's the library..." Indicating some shelves full of books. "...this is the entertainment nook..." Pointing to the television. "...and here is the bedroom." Pushing Val through the door, Skylar began to kiss and grope him, finally backing him into the bed, where he fell on top of him.


As if he could read Sacha's mind, Dylan said, "Hey, we need to tie some of Amy's clothes out there in the trees so she can be protected by Val's spell."

"My clothes?" The girl looked from person to person.

Bailey took her by the shoulder. "Let's take a break and I'll help Amy find something we can rip up."

"Rip up? Huh?" Amy went with Bailey to her room to complete the task.

Walking around the table, Dylan looked down at Sacha's hummingbird. "You are really talented," he said, and planted a soft, sensual kiss on his mouth. "I better call Sam and Dean and warn them that Amy's here, and why."

Dylan sat on the table next to Sacha and took out his phone to make his call. While talking, he occasionally ran a hand along his boyfriend's arm or shoulder, just wanting to touch and caress him.

It was possible that Meadow would have liked to get both of them in her bed at the same time. That was definitely a hot mental image, just like the one of him and Meadow having sex while Skylar watched them. That led Val to think back about Henrik’s fantasy to watch him having sex with somebody else... Who was actually not just anybody, but hopefully Skylar.

Between his imagination running wild and Skylar’s plan that involved him being naked after they had arrived at his apartment, Val could hardly wait.

Once they arrived at the residence, Skylar did give him “the tour.” It consisted mainly of his host pointing at things and rooms for about 25 seconds, till there was mention of the bedroom. Val barely had time to look at the various areas while Skylar led him through a door. The scientist began to kiss him. He tried to kiss back, but instead started laughing when he was pushed on the bed and Skylar landed on top of him.

“Okay... Nice place... Not sure I saw everything you described,” he managed between laughter. He found the whole situation and Skylar’s excitement quite funny. “Maybe we’ll do another tour later?” he asked as he tried to calm down and stop giggling. Val finally kissed him back. His arms wrapped around Skylar’s neck as he pulled him closer. Val also spread his legs so they could grind against each other. Even with their clothes still on, it already felt great.


Sacha watched as Amy and Bailey were walking away to go and pick a garment they could use to tie in the trees. He was almost done with the bird drawing he had started so he didn’t stop. He was still shading and making little details and additions to what he had drawn. He only stopped when Dylan kissed him. He liked the look in his boyfriend’s eyes. As energetic and hyper as Dylan could be, sometimes he would be really quiet and relaxed and in those moments, when Sacha would look at him and his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, he would feel home and like there wouldn’t be any problem anymore.

Sacha stared and smiled at him for a few seconds. He got back to his drawing when Dylan took his phone to talk to the Winchester brothers.

"I can give you a more detailed tour right now if that's what you really want." Skylar straddled him and took off his light jacket, tossing it to the floor. "Does that mean you'd like to complain about the tour?"

He tried to begin taking off Val's shirt, but they were too close to the end of the bed, which almost knocked Skylar off balance. "Move up the bed," he commanded. His bed was a full size, with light blue sheets and a comforter patterned with golden and peach-hued geometric shapes. Skylar remembered Val saying that he liked for his partner to take control, so he tried to do that.

Once Val had moved up the bed and stopped giggling over Skylar falling on him, Skylar put his arms out and fell on him again. They rolled around on top of the comforter in each other's arms, kissing and caressing until Skylar got on top of Val again and pinned his arms down by the wrists, straddling him.

"I would like to take the tour of Val Romanov's body," he panted. Hair hanging in his face like Val had described Meadow, Skylar looked him over. "How much will it cost me?"


While Dylan explained the bizarre situation to Dean over the phone, he watched Sacha draw, bringing the hummingbird to life. Under the strokes of his pencil, Sacha brought depth and a certain watercolor style of reality to the flowers as well, and seeing him do this relaxed Dylan, much like when he had occasion to watch fish swim in an aquarium. Sacha made it seem so effortless.

"Uh huh... Yeah, I agree. Maybe that will work. ... Okay. ... Okay. We'll see you about nine. Bye." Dylan hung up. "You know how crazy our lives are? When I told Dean there was a homicidal goddess roaming the city, he said, 'Not again!'" Dylan had to chuckle to himself. "He suggested I research while the girls are watching the movie to see if I can find something else that may repel or capture this goddess. Dean also suggested that if Amy tries to do any magick and it's not going to hurt anyone that we let her, because by observing her, we might learn something useful about her father's magick. After all, who has been her teacher? She's not supposed to be very strong yet, so any spells Amy might do shouldn't be dangerous."

Amy and Bailey came back down the hall, talking the whole way so Dylan knew when they were coming. He put an arm around Sacha's shoulder. "Let's get this done so we can get back to coloring."

Half an hour later, the group was in the kitchen, figuring out what to have for dinner. "I agree that pizza sounds good, Amy, but how do we get them to deliver here? This place has no address. What do we tell them, come to the steel door in the side of the hill and knock?"

Val shook his head for no. “What I really want right now... Is something else,” he said while running his hands up and down Skylar’s back. “And I’m not complaining, as long as you take me around to see your lab later.”

Val turned on his side and then crawled up the large bed when Skylar moved off him and told him where he wanted him to be. He hadn't had time to remove his high top All Stars and hoped their soles weren't too dirty and wouldn't make stains on the bed.

He had barely turned on his back when Skylar playfully pounced on him. After a bit of rolling around, kissing and hugging each other, Val ended up under Skylar. It wasn't a calculated move but it was exciting, even more so when the scientist pinned him down on the bed. Val squirmed a little, mainly out of pleasure. His face was already a tad flushed from their brief moment of fooling around. "You're in luck," he replied. "Tours are free on Thursday evening... But it's always good to tip the guide at the end if you've enjoyed the tour," he said with a smirk, hoping that Skylar would start the "tour" by getting rid of his clothes. He was wearing a simple long-sleeve black t-shirt and low crotch grey pants that'd be easy to remove with their drawstring waist.

"Where do you want to start the visit?" Val asked. He bit his bottom lip and tried to look as innocent as possible, but the sparkle of excitement in his eyes would give away his impatience.


"Why did he say 'again'?" Sacha inquired.

He wasn't too keen on seeing how powerful Amy could be as a necromancer-in-training, but Dylan and the Winchester brothers were supposed to know what they could handle or not when it came to magick, so he didn't argue about what Dean had suggested.

When they were discussing dinner options, Sacha thought he could help. "I can go out and pick up the pizzas and bring them here. Do you know a place in town we can order from? I guess Dean and the others will have eaten on their way back so it's only for us, right?" Sacha checked the time on his phone. "I haven't heard anything from Val since they left. Maybe I should text him to ask if they're going to be back soon."

"We'll go see my lab later... I'll show you where I make all my love potions." Skylar chuckled.

"Oh, you'll get a nice, hard tip... It's on the end of my dick," he said, then frowned. "That one wasn't very good." Skylar pulled the end of Val's shirt up over his head, removing it and tossing it to the side of the bed, where it clung partially to the side. He moved down to take off Val's shoes and also kicked off his own. "Take off your socks using your toes," he told him with a giggle. When Val had done that, Skylar grabbed one of the toes and shook it playfully. "Even these naked toes are turning me on."

Going back to work, he untied the drawstring of Val's pants. "You got some extra room in these pants. Plenty of room for me to get in them." Skylar yanked down on them, getting them off so he could tease Val in just his underwear. Skylar kept his jeans on for the time being. "Hmm, there's a lump in here. You have a turtle in here again?"

Now he pulled off the underwear, rendering Val naked. "There's my turtle friend. You want to come out and see me?" Skylar licked up the shaft of Val's cock. His tongue played over the small amount of head that was peeking out, attempting to coax from the foreskin the full, hard length. "I see a scar on your hip. How'd you get that?" Skylar thought it might be fun to see if Val could speak well enough to tell this story while he continued to excite him.


"Apparently, the Winchesters have had quite the life of crazy shit," Dylan said, as if that explained anything.

Dylan could understand why Amy wanted pizza; teenagers could live on the stuff, and she was almost a teenager. "We need to talk to the post office about establishing an address here. It would be great to be able to have food delivered. We could put a little mailbox out there... Anyway, no, Sam, Dean, and Kerry will not be home for dinner - they're eating out there in Lawrence. I guess text Val and Skylar and see if they'll be home in the next half hour, but I doubt it."

"Love potions? Okay, you're a mad scientist. I should have known," he teased back.

Val smiled at Skylar's joke, however lame it might have been. He wasn't taking himself seriously and that was what was making it fun to be around him. Even getting stripped from all his clothes had been fun, with Skylar's little comments and expressions. The latest funny one being when Skylar referred to his uncut cock as a turtle. Val was about to joke back that a few hours ago, he was calling him a ferret, so a ferret couldn't have turtle parts, but any thought or smart remarks he might have wanted to make vanished as soon as Skylar's tongue teased his semi-hard dick. Val only managed to gasp and suck in a breath as Skylar kept on playing with his hardening member.

He was almost surprised when he heard Skylar mention the scar he had on his hip. "Oh, that? It's nothing... A swimming accident," Val said with a slightly labored breath. "When I was camping... I was 14 and... I was..." Val didn't finish his sentence. Instead, he let out a helpless little moan when Skylar's tongue flicked over his frenulum.


"Alright, let me see what they say. I'll tell Val we're ordering pizza so he should text back if they want some too and will be back soon."

Sacha proceeded to send his text to Val. While waiting for an answer, he was checking the menus of the available places where he could go pick up pizzas later on with Bailey, Dylan and Amy.

Ten minutes had passed and there was no message back from his cousin, which didn't surprise Sacha, so he suggested they go ahead and just get pizzas for themselves. "If I go get the pizza, do I need to pick up popcorn too for the movie later on or there is some here?" he asked. Sacha wasn't overly excited to watch a movie which Amy would pick after they'd have dinner, but he did like popcorn, so that was something he would look forward to having.

"I'm not saying I need a love potion to get you in bed, but maybe it will bring other people together. Then we all can make beautiful love," Skylar joked, and cackled madly.

Humming in appreciation of Val's sexy moans, Skylar took the end of his cock in his mouth and pushed the foreskin back with his lips so he could ring the head with his tongue. He did this for a minute before drawing it out of his mouth, sucking as he did. "Yes? You were camping? And?"

Skylar knew he was making it hard for Val to speak, but that's what made it fun.


"If they can't answer back promptly, then they miss out," Dylan said, having no idea that Skylar and Val were concentrating on something other than food at that moment.

"How about we get two pizzas and cheese sticks with marinara sauce for dipping? What do you like on your pizza, Amy?"

The girl bounced excitedly. "Pepperoni and mushrooms!"

Dylan turned to Sacha. "How about you?"

"I think Bailey and Amy should stay here while we go out for the food and popcorn. We don't want Verdandi to possibly see her."

Amy leaned into Bailey's side and hugged her. "My dad told me what happened. I can't believe Kiera and I don't have... didn't have... the same mother. Do you think... that's why..." Suddenly, the girl began to cry, hiding her face in Bailey's dress.

Dylan sighed and looked at Sacha. It was a tragic situation, something Amy and her family should have gone through privately, but they couldn't because of this crazy goddess leaping into the picture. On the other hand, maybe goddesses loved their children and wanted to see them sometimes. And maybe, they also felt grief.


supernatural, original characters

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