Supernatural Fic: "Dream Logic continued," "You Can Take It with You" Original Characters

Dec 31, 2020 00:14

Authors: sailorhathor and Riguel
Fandom: Supernatural RPG The Second Coming
Rating: Adult17+
Date Written: March-April 2019
Word Count: Each post will include as close to 10,000 words of RP as we can get, although I'll break it up into stories.
Category: Drama, Horror, Romance
Summary: Dylan and Sacha have a dreamwalking experience like never before, one that seems so real that they aren't sure where the dream ends and reality continues.
Warnings: Language, adult themes, graphic sex between men (OMC/OMC)

Played by Riguel: Sacha, Val
Played by Sailorhathor: Dylan, Skylar, all others

At times, the action may seem to backtrack when one player responds to the other. This is the nature of RP and a story written by two people. I inserted an extra line after each player finishes writing their part to try to help the reader keep it all straight.

"Oh really?" Dylan reached behind his back and took out a bottle of lube, as if it had come from a nearby tree. And in fact, it had! One of the overhanging trees was now growing bottles of lube. One had fallen off the tree and landed on the ground next to them. Someone had placed a bucket at the foot of the tree to catch the free-flowing sap (lube) that ran from it. "Don't you just love dream logic?" he asked, and handed Sacha the bottle.

Dylan got up on his hands and knees, presenting his butt to Sacha. "Do I have dirt on my behind?"

In fact, he did have some dry dirt in the cleft of his butt and all over his back.

Sacha’s eyes grew wide when he saw the little bottle that Dylan handed over to him. ‘’What the… ??’’ There was no way to argue dream logic, especially when it was revolving around sex and ensuring that they could have a good time.

A moment later, Sacha wasn’t looking at the small bottle anymore. Instead, he had Dylan’s butt in front of him.

There were some bits of dry leaves and dried up mud and dirt on it, as well as in between his butt cheeks. Sacha grabbed the shorts that his lynx had torn apart and used them to brush off the nature stamp on his boyfriend’s rear end. He was careful not to push anything in the wrong place. Maybe in dreams it didn’t matter, but he still wouldn’t take a chance.

"You’re going to have to do a lot to turn me on now… Because wiping your ass clean from forest dirt is not my idea of foreplay," Sacha joked as he finished.

"Awww..." Dylan sat up and then promptly settled his clean butt in Sacha's lap, stroking his behind against Sacha's cock. "What do you need for me to do for you, baby?" he asked, looking back over his shoulder with a coy expression.

Sacha chuckled. Of course, it was nice to feel Dylan grind against him that way, and he was still hard, but he could think of something nicer.

He gently pushed Dylan off his lap and stood up. ’’Stay right where you are,’’ he told him. Dylan was on his knees and he walked around him to stand right in front of him. His hand caressed Dylan’s chin and shortly trimmed beard. ‘’Open that pretty mouth of yours for me,’’ he said while holding his cock in front of Dylan’s face with his other hand.

"Oh, is that what you want?" Dylan leaned forward and nuzzled the almost rigid dick with his lips. The tip of his tongue darted out to lick the slit in it, tasting saltiness. "Your wish is my command." Dylan opened his mouth.

Sacha shivered when Dylan's tongue teased the head of his cock. He cupped the back of Dylan's head, encouraging him to take him in his mouth. He wanted to close his eyes and get lost in the sensations, but watching Dylan's lips slide down his shaft was actually too tempting. "Jeez, you look so good like this," he breathed out.

"You're looking pretty good yourself, babe," Dylan said, all silky smooth, and then he slid his mouth over the hard cock before him, trying not to touch it with the sides of his mouth or his teeth. All at once, Sacha felt Dylan's tongue stroking him from underneath. He shook his head back and forth rapidly to create sweet friction on the underside of his boyfriend's dick and did it for as long as he could until saliva ran out one side of his mouth.

Once that happened, Dylan closed his mouth around the pulsing member. Sacha could now feel the warm, wet, velvety cavern all about him, just beginning to suck, bringing with it a series of shockwaves called pleasure.

Sacha was surprised when Dylan took him inside his mouth but without actually sucking him. The feeling of Dylan’s tongue working on his cock, in all the right more sensitive spots right below the head, was different and overwhelming. Sacha’s legs shook a little, but they didn’t give in. He clenched his hand in Dylan’s hair, to hold onto something.

Then he finally felt Dylan’s cheeks and mouth sucking him in. By now, he was fully hard. He knew Dylan wanted to have sex, but this was too good to skip or cut short. Sacha moaned his approval and escalating pleasure, his sighs and little noises punctuating the rhythm that Dylan was dictating with his skillful mouth. “Dylan... Oh, yes... D-Dylan... Don’t stop...”

Dylan was about to protest because he desperately wanted to get a good fuck, but then he remembered that Sacha had the ability to cum and still be hard for at least one more session. Looking up at him, he began to move his head toward and away from Sacha's body while keeping the sucking pressure going.

"Mmm..." Dylan moaned. Moving faster, he gazed up at Sacha. The sucking sounds his mouth made grew louder and more rapid. At the same time, he reached behind Sacha and began to squeeze his butt, a cheek for each hand. One finger snuck in to ring Sacha's hole and press on it, teasing other possible pleasures Dylan could give him. "Mmmmm..." The moan sounded more turned on and desperate than before, as if Dylan's pleasure was currently completely tied in with his boyfriend's.

Sacha watched Dylan hard at work, bringing him to the edge with his mouth and his teasing finger and obviously enjoying doing so. He didn’t fight it and didn’t want to delay his orgasm. He didn’t think about saying anything or warning Dylan. It wasn’t the first time Dylan was going down on him and he knew he wouldn’t mind coming in his mouth.

The grip Sacha still had on Dylan’s head through a fistful of his hair tightened. His legs tensed up and his hips bucked forward, pushing his cock even deeper into Dylan mouth as he came, spurting several times into the blissful heat of his lover’s mouth.

Sacha’s body was still trembling through the aftershock of his climax. He let Dylan’s head go, allowing him to let his dick out and catch his breath. His hands didn’t go far, though. He ran his fingers soothingly through his hair, looking down at his boyfriend's swollen lips. ‘’You’re so good at this… I never had anyone doing it to me like this…’’

Sacha knelt down in front of Dylan and pulled him close before kissing him and revelling in the taste of his cum still fresh on Dylan’s tongue and lips. Dylan would be reassured in feeling his dick was still hard and waiting for something more. ‘’I’m so ready to make you feel as good as you did with me… I know it’s a dream, but it feels so real,’’ he said as he brushed the pad of his thumb over Dylan’s lips.

Dylan liked the feeling of Sacha's hand tightly gripping his hair; it meant he was enjoying himself. It was intense, it felt incredible, his knees were about to give out and dump him on the ground. The corners of Dylan's mouth wanted to turn up in a devilish smile, but his lips were currently too stretched around Sacha's cock to do so.

About to throw in another moan for good measure, Dylan was surprised when Sacha came, thrusting deeper into his mouth. Hey, even he could be caught off guard. It choked him a little, but he covered well with a well-placed moan and swallowed all he could. A small amount of cum dribbled from the corner of Dylan's mouth. Once Sacha's grip on his hair relaxed, he eased the hard cock out of his mouth and gasped in air, licking his lips and chuckling. "Mmm," he moaned. "Mmm. I'm happy my blow jobs are memorable for you. You always seem to love them."

Dylan kissed back so passionately, Sacha would be able to feel every bit of love he felt for him in that moment, multiplied by ten because of the dream setting. He looked upon his boyfriend with almost awe as Sacha spoke to him and touched his lips. "It does feel incredibly real." Dylan wrapped his arms around Sacha's neck to give him one last kiss before turning around and sitting in his lap. "Do me, babe. Push me down on my hands and knees and take me." He bit the air in his direction. "Reow."

Dylan was eager to have the focus back on him, and Sacha didn’t mind. His hands felt around Dylan’s backside. His boyfriend moved around and pushed his back against him while telling him what he wanted.

It seemed like Dylan wanted a little manhandling. Sacha did as told and pushed Dylan forward. He grabbed the bottle of lube that they had kept on the side and when he was ready, he draped himself over Dylan’s back, using his weight to push his boyfriend further down.

The tip of Sacha’s cock nestled between his butt cheeks. Sacha used one hand to hold Dylan’s hips in place while the other wrapped around the base of his erection and lined it up with Dylan’s hole.

“Open up for me, Zaichik,” Sacha said while he eased in slowly but in one go.

He didn’t leave any time for Dylan to adjust and started to thrust into him. Sacha’s other hand began to slide up his lover’s back. It stopped in-between his shoulder blades and pushed him down with more force.

Dylan went forward and down on his hands and knees. He could hear Sacha opening the lube but did not allow himself to look; the anticipation was far more satisfying if he didn't look, and waited, so he could be caught off guard. Sacha definitely did that. His knees were pushed into the dirt when his boyfriend leaned on him, then he felt Sacha's cock, hard and slick, poking at his entrance.

"Mmmuh!" Dylan whined, just this short of begging for it. Sacha asked him to open up. The way he said it and the words he used, it all made Dylan moan again with a wide open mouth. Dylan's top half was to the ground while his hind end stuck up in the air, much like his dog when he wanted to play. Dylan definitely wanted to play! He was trying to reposition himself a bit to get his legs open wider when Sacha slid into him.

"Ahhh!" he cried out. His entire body shuddered hard in reaction. It did feel very good, but was also very intense, causing him to moan and gasp hard and fast. Dylan braced with his elbows into the dirt. His forehead touched the ground as well as he breathed through his teeth. "Damn! Goddamn!"

Sacha pushing down on him in between his shoulder blades was more than Dylan could take. The sex was so good, but that hurt, making him hiss and cry out in what was plainly pain. "Oh, oh, let up, baby, please! Too much! My back!"

Sacha froze on the spot when he heard Dylan protest. The hand he had on his back stayed there but didn’t push anymore, and his hips stilled. By now he was so used to Dylan being vocal during sex, but the way his boyfriend had cried out this time was definitely not from pleasure nor from some kind of playing or acting.

“Shit, Dylan, I’m so sorry. I’m...” Sacha removed his hand and withdrew from Dylan in one go. “I didn’t realize I was pushing you so hard.” Sacha shook his head and cursed under his breath while he pulled Dylan up and forced him to turn around and look at him.

“I didn’t want to hurt you, I’m so sorry, believe me,” he said while he grabbed Dylan’s face and pushed their foreheads together.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean to." Dylan's voice came out very soothing. He put his arms around Sacha's neck and gave him little kisses on the mouth. "We just got a little carried away."

Dylan took some time to cuddle with Sacha, face to literal face, to make sure he didn't beat himself up over going beyond Dylan's pain threshold. How could he know how far Dylan wanted to go with the rough play? After a bit of time, he touched the tip of Sacha's cock with his most eager and still ready ring of muscle. "Maybe instead, we do it like this, with me in your lap? And near the end, you on top? Soft and loving? We can do it like animals next time." With a smile, he wiggled his butt playfully.

Sacha tried to reason with himself. Dylan wasn't mad at him and he wasn't hurt. It was just an awkward moment, but the blond made it all go away so easily. Sacha was the type of person who'd think and rethink things over sometimes, but his boyfriend was thankfully not like that.

It's only when Dylan touched the head of Sacha's cock with his ass that Sacha realized he was still hard. Dylan still seemed eager to play and get it on. ''Whatever you want, Zaichik. However you want it... I'll be careful," he said while pulling Dylan closer to him. Their bodies clicked in place. Sacha sitting on his knees, legs a bit apart, inviting Dylan to wrap his legs around his waist and sit down on him. He reached behind Dylan to guide his cock to his entrance, but let Dylan move. "Just do it at your pace... Let me know if you want me to move... You guide me..."

Sacha looked up at Dylan's face and loving eyes. With the position they were in, Dylan had to look down at him, which Sacha found strangely arousing and soothing at the same time.

Dylan wrapped his legs around Sacha's waist, placing the part of his feet that touched the ground in the best position to push up and allow gravity to bring him down. He did that now, opening his mouth to gasp and moan as Sacha entered him once more. "This is... a great position... too," Dylan declared breathlessly. The next part, he spoke right up against Sacha's lips. "I love you."

At times, he looked down into Sacha's eyes, and at others, he arched his back and leaned his head back with his eyes closed. The entire time, Dylan pumped up and down on his lover's cock, arms wrapped about his shoulders or neck. His breath came quick, accompanied by frequent moans and gasps of passion. How was it always so good?

Dylan's cock poked Sacha in the stomach, bobbing up and down with his movements.

"I love you, baby," he said. Dylan's brown eyes gazed into his ice blue ones. "I can feel your soul when we make love like this." He kissed him.

True to his words, Sacha let Dylan set the pace to their love-making session. He was much more relaxed now that he saw Dylan was enjoying himself.

It was a great position, indeed. It was comfortable and he could watch Dylan making himself feel good and using him in the nicest way.

Sacha kissed back whenever Dylan kissed him. “Zaichik, I love you...” Sacha let his lover continue to ride him, but he grabbed his cock and started to stroke him slowly. He watched to see the reaction on Dylan’s face as he teased and rubbed the head of his cock. He also began to move his hips up, meeting Dylan’s movements every time he was sliding down on his cock, eliciting more moans and sighs from him.

“I love hearing you make those sounds for me... Because of me,” Sacha whispered against his ear.

"It's easy to make those sounds for you, when you make me feel so good," Dylan replied. When Sacha's hand began to stroke his cock, the ecstasy upon his face increased tenfold; Dylan moaned like he could hardly stand all the stimulation without cumming ten times over. He threw his head back several times, pushing down to meet Sacha with a regular, intoxicating rhythm.

Small, brief moans escaped him with every breath, and his rhythm grew in speed. Dylan leaned back, arching himself so he could take Sacha's cock in a slightly different position. After a short time, he whipped his hair forward and let out a growl. They were face against face again.

"Sacha, oh, what you do to me! Yes! YES!" His breath was more rapid; the orgasm he chased was close. Words failed. Dylan fucked down on his lover and only moaned, panted, and let out the occasional phrase that made sense. "Sacha, you... Feels so... so good, babe! I... I'm close, I..." His speech dissolved into moans and cries of, "Yes! Yes!"

Dylan nearly screamed out his pleasure as he came all over Sacha's chest, neck, and across his lips. "Yyyes! Yes! Baby, yes!"

He woke up hollering, "Yes!" in his room in the Bunker. Dylan looked around, still panting, slowly realizing what had been dream and what had been real. But was this a distinction he could actually make with their freaky, shared dreams? For when Dylan pushed the covers off his body, not only had he cum all over himself, but he also had dirt on his knees and back, dirty feet, and the tatters of his shorts and underwear draped around his waist, as if an animal had shredded them with its teeth.

"Holy shit. This dreamwalking thing we've got between us is getting more intense." Dylan looked over at Sacha to see if he was also awake.

As Dylan was getting carried away, Sacha started to forget the incident of a moment ago. He didn’t need to be overly careful with Dylan anymore. For now, there was only pleasure between them, and Dylan wanted more.

Sacha could see the first signs of his lover’s oncoming climax and even if he hadn’t been able to read and feel his body’s reactions, Dylan’s moans and pants were intensifying and escalating in an obvious way, matching his own laboured breathing.

They didn’t have time to change position like Dylan had thought about earlier. The blond came, exploding in Sacha’s hand. Sacha didn’t see his own orgasm coming. He finished inside Dylan at the same time, unable to hold on anymore as his boyfriend’s inside contracted and milked his cock dry. “Dylan!” Sacha cried out as he closed his eyes and held Dylan’s trembling body his arms.

One second later - or was it longer? - Sacha opened his eyes and was lying in their bed in the bunker. He wasn’t sure whether this had been a very vivid wet dream or for real, but when he looked next to him and saw Dylan’s face, and then the sheet pushed down, revealing the shredded shorts and the traces of dirt on their knees, among other places, and cum on their abdomens and chests, he realized it had actually happened.

“So... We really... Did it? In the dream, but it was for real too?”

As if he needed further proof of what they both knew, Sacha’s hand trailed down his own body and touched his now softening cock, sensitive and spent.

“That’s... Crazy.”

"It may be crazy, but it's real," Dylan said, still panting. "I don't know how this works. I think, though, that we need to be careful whenever we're in a shared dream and we deal with someone dangerous, like Steven. Remember how he scratched Bailey? Making love and waking up dirty..." He brushed dirt off Sacha's arm, which had been transferred to him from Dylan having his hands on the ground. " the fun side of what's going on between us, but if Steven the wolf really got a hold of Bunny Dylan..."

As if to illustrate his point, a bottle of lube labeled exactly like the ones hanging off the 'lube tree' in their dream fell out of thin air and whacked Dylan on the head. "Ow! What the - ?" He looked at it. "No fucking way!" Dylan threw the bottle across the room, too shocked to understand what he was looking at at first, and scooted back across the bed into Sacha's arms. "How did that... It's like it fell off the tree!" He looked up, seeing only ceiling. "Sacha, this is fucking amazing!"

He realized he was up against Sacha, and stayed there, trying to get control of his breathing. "We should go take a shower. But first..." Dylan cuddled up to Sacha, giving him a little kiss. "That was great. I want to cuddle with you for a minute." Rubbing his toes and feet against his boyfriend's, he made a purring sound. "Feel your toes against my toes." He kissed the side of Sacha's neck, then laid his head in the crook there to rest for a moment.

Title: You Can Take It with You
Summary: Dylan and Sacha enlist Val's help to try to figure out why their last dreamwalking session was so intense.

‘’That’s what Val said as well. He said if Steven would hurt us in our dreams, meaning these kinds of dreams, it would be for real too. I really need to get him to help me figure how this works and how it happens. Maybe I can control it better and make sure I know how to escape if Steven shows up or something wrong happens one day.’’

Sacha frowned and looked up at the ceiling, totally confused about the bottle that had just fell on Dylan’s head. ‘’But we’re not dreaming anymore, are we?’’

He was about to get up and go grab the bottle of lube to see if it was really real, but Dylan tucked himself into his arms and started to cuddle and kiss him. Sacha kissed back, but looked up at the ceiling again, just in case anything else might fall down on their heads. If Dylan hadn’t been in the mood to chill in bed some more, he would have gone to the room where his cousin was and asked him for some explanations. He had second thoughts when he looked down at Dylan and himself. They were covered in dirt and cum. They hadn’t showered yet. Sacha thought shower first and then talking to his cousin.

‘’We have to wash the sheets. There’s dirt on them," he said with a chuckle to Dylan. ‘’Let’s go shower first. I want to go talk to Val before he disappears for the rest of the day with Skylar and your father to go and see the shaman.’’

Sacha gave a kiss on top of Dylan’s head and sat up. ‘’And let’s not change the bedsheets yet. I want Val to see the stains, so he doesn’t think we’re crazy,’’ he added before getting out of bed and taking Dylan’s hand to invite him to follow.

"No, we're not dreaming now. We're definitely awake." Dylan gazed up at the ceiling. "Maybe it was just some residual contact with each other's minds. We were still waking up? Either way, it's incredibly weird, and kinda cool."

"Washing the sheets and talking to Val, both great ideas." If only they didn't have to get out of bed to do them... Dylan cuddled into Sacha again and kissed the side of his mouth lovingly. When Sacha sat up, he groaned. "Okay, I'm up, I'm up."

Dylan sat on the edge of the bed. "Take a picture of the dirt on my back. Val should see that too, so he knows we aren't pulling his leg."

He grabbed a couple of towels on their way to the door. The bottle of lube just lay there on the floor, saying Hi there, yes, I do exist.

‘’Yes, it’s cool, but it’s freaking me out a bit too,’’ Sacha commented back.

Sacha used his phone to take a picture of Dylan’s back, which was indeed still covered with dust and dirt. He made sure to cut the shot at his waist, not to show the top of Dylan’s ass to Val when he’d share the picture with him.


And while they were going to take their shower, in one of the rooms down the corridor, Val was done with his meditation session and was getting ready for his trip in the afternoon. He was filling his backpack with things he wanted to have with him for the visit to the shaman. He packed his tablet and his extra battery, as well as a paper notepad and pens. He didn’t have many ritual accessories with him, but he packed a few things he thought could be useful to show the other shaman and start conversation. Val hoped the other man would be willing to share some of his practices and wisdom with him. He hadn’t thought about it before, but it would be customary for a shaman to bring a gift to the other he was visiting. Val looked at what he had taken with him and considered what he could part with, but that could also be meaningful and useful perhaps to the other shaman.

"Yeah, I agree. Cool, but a total freakout."

As soon as he stood up, Dylan spotted something on the covers, something else that he hadn't seen before. "Wait a second, babe. What's that?" He turned some of the covers over and examined the little spots that were dark red to brown. "Holy shit, Sacha. I think this is dried blood. Why would there be spots of dried blood on my sheets?"

Now that they were out of bed and free of the covers, Sacha might notice little spots of dried blood on two or three random places of Dylan's body.

Once they got in the shower, Dylan came to his boyfriend, grinning, and wrapped his arms around his neck to give him a kiss. Even if he was freaked out, he still found himself in a major mood to cuddle. The hot water felt so good running over his nude body. The water going down the drain turned light brown for half a minute as the dirt washed off their bodies.

"See? No blood, no injuries." Dylan turned around, showing Sacha that he was fine. "I'm glad I didn't wake up while I was still covered in wounds, or that no one saw me like that either. There's got to be a way to get better control over these dreams so there's not so much bleed over into the real world. What happens in dreams should stay in dreams." Dylan looked over his shoulder at his boyfriend. "Wash my back?"


Skylar thought of Val, busy in his bedroom, while he did a little work in the library with his books and a spiral, making notes. Marianne had been circling the room for the last five minutes, reading the spines of the books and occasionally giving him a look and a smile. Skylar knew what that look meant.

She finally came over to his table and leaned on it. "I came to your room last night, but you weren't in it," she said.

"I spent the night with a friend." He didn't look up at her.

"Really? A guy? It had to be. The only other girl here is Bailey. Oh wait, there's that weird girl with the red hair. Was it her, or have you been more in the mood for dick lately?"

"It's none of your business."

"How can you still be mad at me?" Marianne came around the table and sat next to him, putting a hand on his thigh. Skylar rolled his eyes. "That was a long time ago. Come on, I'm going back to Missouri in a little bit. I know you still think of me." Her hand moved back and forth, rubbing and squeezing his thigh.

Inside, he cried out for help, someone, anyone, to walk in and save him from the she-devil.

Sacha watched carefully as the water from the shower poured down on them and washed away all the grime and dirt from their bodies - Dylan was the one that had gotten dirtier. Sacha couldn’t see any scars or wounds from the thorns anymore. They had obviously managed to heal all of them. Still, he didn’t like the idea that his boyfriend had bled for real while they were dreaming.

Sacha was already thinking about talking with Val about what had just happened to them, but Dylan wouldn’t let him forget that he was there, naked and wet, and in the mood to cuddle and flirt with him some more.

Sacha grabbed the wash cloth and the soap and started to rub his boyfriend’s back while holding him by the hip with his free hand. "Will you do mine after?” Sacha asked playfully.


Once he had finished filling his back pack, Val checked the time. It was still too early for lunch and he wasn’t really hungry yet, but he felt like another cup of tea. The one he had had at breakfast hadn’t been the large size he was used to for his morning routine.

A few minutes later, Val had finished preparing his tea. On his way out of the kitchen, he heard people talking in the library. He recognized Skylar’s voice. When he arrived in the room, he saw Skylar wasn’t alone. Marianne was with him, sitting very close to him. Val remembered what Skylar had said to him the evening before about her and why he had asked to sleep in his room. Yet, right this moment, he didn’t seem to be pushing the girl away.

Val tentatively walked into the room, holding his mug a little below his mouth while he was blowing on the tea to cool it down. There was a strange atmosphere and kind of energy in the room. “I finished packing for the little trip this afternoon,” he said casually before taking a small sip of tea.

The small amount of blood that had dried on Dylan's skin washed off and down the drain. What was left behind was only flawless skin, no cuts or even scars.

"Of course I'll wash your back," Dylan replied, and began to soap up his hair. "I wonder why the dream bled over into the real world so much this time? When we had the beach dream, we didn't wake up covered in sand. Why was this time different?"


When Val walked in the room, he could hear Skylar and Marianne's hushed conversation before he spoke.

"I told you, take your hand off me."

"Do you really want me to stop touching you, Skylar? For real?" Marianne asked, in a tone that said she didn't believe him.

"Yes, for real," he retorted angrily.

Val spoke, which made Marianne jump and Skylar turn to look at him with an absolutely relieved expression on his face. He jumped up from the table, almost knocking his chair over. "Val! Val's here! Oh, I am so glad to see Val." Skylar ran up to him. "Is there any tea left? I sure would like some tea." Leaning in, he whispered, "Help me."

Obviously irritated with Val's presence, Marianne turned and gave him a dirty look.

"No idea," Sacha replied while he continued to rub Dylan's lower back. He gave him a couple of kisses on his shoulder and then chuckled. "But we need to get these dreams under control, because if we dream we take a shower or go in the sea for a swim next time you dream of something exotic, will we wake up wet with a soaked mattress?"

Sacha moved his hand and the wash cloth and passed them over Dylan's ass and between his legs and butt cheeks.


It's only after he had spoken and basically interrupted their conversation that Val noticed Marianne's hand had been under the table, probably touching Skylar, but from the reaction he got from him when he heard him, Val didn't see any annoyed expression, on the contrary. Skylar only seemed too happy to see him and said so. At least it was clear that Skylar still wasn't too keen on his ex, although Marianne looked like she'd have preferred if he hadn't shown up.

When Skylar started to babble about tea, and then leaned closer and ask for his help, Val got the full picture. He nodded discreetly. "I will have to make some. I have other flavors I brought with me. You want to come to my room and smell them to choose which one you want to try?" he said.

He was getting curious now as to why Skylar couldn't just tell her to leave him alone. Maybe he was one of those guys who was too nice to push people away? Skylar definitely seemed like a nice guy and Val was more into nice guys than bad boys.

"That's what I'm worried about," Dylan said. "Maybe Val will know more." He was quiet for a few seconds until he realized Sacha was washing him in intimate places. "Thanks for getting those areas. They can be hard to reach." Turning around, Dylan reached up to shampoo Sacha's hair while allowing himself to rinse off. "Turn around and I'll get your back."


"That sounds like an excellent idea." Skylar followed Val back to his room. He could feel Marianne burning holes in his back with her eyes as he retreated from the library.

When they reached Val's room, Skylar breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks so much, man. The Piranha almost got her teeth into me!" He sniffed Val's tea. "What kind is that?"

Sacha moved away from the shower spray to allow Dylan to soap him up and wash his hair. It was so nice to have someone taking care of him this way. He closed his eyes and rolled his shoulders a couple of time while Dylan was massaging his scalp as he washed his hair. Out of nowhere, a strange thought crossed his mind. He recalled something Dylan had said to him in the dream, right after he had scared off the other Dylan.

‘’So if there is another Dylan in this parallel world, and Kerry is actually from there while there was another Kerry here, but she died as a baby… There’s another me over there too, right? Unless he’s dead, like Kerry from here is dead. And… There is only another world or there are others? How do you know there is only another reality? If there is one other world like ours, why not several?’’


‘’Piranha? She doesn’t seem that dangerous,’’ Val chuckled. ‘’Why doesn’t she leave you in peace?’’

Val picked up the pack of tea he had used earlier to make his drink. ‘’It’s green tea with ginger, lime, and lemongrass. I put sugar in it too, but if I find some place to buy good quality honey, that’ll be even better. Maybe at that farmers’ market you told me about.’’ He gave his mug to Skylar. ‘’Want to try it?’’

Val’s room was not messy, but if Skylar looked around, there were quite a few things scattered on the ground - pillows, clothes, candles, his hair brush, little bags of various sizes and colors - around the bed and in the far end corner, where he had set up his mini altar and meditation corner. He had also started to tape aluminium foil on the wall above his bed, to fend off more projections and appearances by Steven in the future, using the same trick he had recommended to Sacha and Dylan before coming over.

While Dylan washed his hair, Sacha talked about parallel universes. He moved on to his boyfriend's back and behind, soaping them up. "It's possible that there are multiple alternate dimensions with multiple Sachas and Dylans. We have no way of knowing. All we can do is theorize and deal with what we do know, and that's that we have at least one other dimension with doubles of some people we know here." Dylan leaned into Sacha and reached around to wash his cock thoroughly, even pulling back the foreskin to clean under it. "I hear you can get some pretty nasty diseases if you don't wash under your hood here. The worst part is knowing that someone had to let it get that dirty for the doctors to discover that, yuck. He couldn't have had a boyfriend like me, who enjoyed sucking him off." Dylan kissed Sacha's shoulders as he washed the area and between his cheeks as well. Grinning, he added, "Now that's an ass clean enough to eat."

Dylan knew he was being enticing and a little silly, but it was on purpose so they could hopefully fool around in the shower a little.


"Yeah, if you spent some time in bed with her, you'd understand why I call her that." A smirk came to his face. "Maybe later, I can show you."

Skylar sat on the edge of Val's bed and laid back, massaging his eyes with the heels of his hands. "Because every time she comes into town, she wants to fuck me. If I say no, she has a hard time accepting it. I guess she considers me unforgettable." He laughed. "No, I'm just fun to play with, like a cat plays with a captured mouse. Some people are like that."

Val spoke about the tea he was drinking, which made Skylar lick his lips. "I like green tea. Can I have some of that? I don't even need to taste it to know it's good." He made a face. "I guess we should offer Marianne some. Don't want to be openly rude."

Sitting up, Skylar looked around the room. "Your altar is cool. Who do you pray to?"

Sacha was listening to Dylan’s theories about the parallel worlds or alternate dimensions, whatever he had to call these, but ended up being totally distracted and didn’t quite hear the last thing Dylan said since at that time, he had started to wash his cock - very thoroughly. It was almost too much and Sacha was about to burst into laughter as he looked down and heard Dylan give him advice about how to clean himself. ‘’Huh… Dylan, you don’t think I know how to take care of that particular part of myself by now? It’s been almost 40 years, you know? But thanks for the tip,’’ he added to tease him.

Dylan wouldn’t stop so easily, though. Sacha started to know his ways and what he was getting at, and as tempting as it was, Sacha wanted to go and talk to his cousin. Sacha gave Dylan a quick peck on the lips. ‘’I have way too many questions now about the dream and… Everything that happened. Can we go and talk to Val now and postpone anything else for later?’’ he asked. ‘’We’ll have the bunker to ourselves this afternoon when they’re gone.’’


‘’Show me what? I saw she has wandering hands. Does she have wandering teeth as well?” he laughed and then rolled his eyes. ‘’Maybe I don’t want to know about that.”

‘’You are definitely fun to play with,” Val added. ‘’But I don’t mean it in a bad way, like she’s playing you. I mean... I guess you know what I mean,” he said with a playful look.

He was about to get out and go back to the kitchen to make some tea for him, and go ask Marianne if she wanted some as well, but Skylar asked him about his altar, so he walked back to where Skylar was sitting. “I don’t pray to anyone or any gods. I worship nature, and the altar is my way to keep my focus on that side and make offerings to nature and ground myself.” He knelt down in front of the small area where he had arranged his things and touched a few of them intently. “It’s more like meditation. I will go outside and be surrounded by nature when I want to get in touch with it and connect more.” Val looked up at Skylar. “That’s when I talk to trees, like Sacha jokes about. But I kinda do, and there’s a connection there. I don’t know how and why. I just feel it. I feel their energy and they imprint on me.” The more Val was talking about this aspect of himself, the more his eyes lit up. He smiled at Skylar and then got up to his feet again. ‘’Sorry, I probably don’t make much sense to you,’’ he said while brushing his hair out of his face. “Let’s get you some tea.’’

"I wasn't giving you instructions on proper foreskin care," Dylan assured. "I was saying how could anyone get this wrong, like these gross dudes who let their dicks get diseased, when it's so easy?" He continued washing dutifully. "You can't scrub this enough. Cleanliness is best."

Sacha asked to put off any current sexual shenanigans. With a shrug, Dylan sat down on the tiled bench to wash his feet and any other parts that hadn't been scrubbed yet. "Okay. If you want to wait for your blowjob, that's fine with me." He looked up at Sacha with a naughty little smirk.


"Wandering teeth? I guess that's one way to put it. Whether or not you want me to show you depends on whether or not you like your naughty bits to be nibbled." Skylar bared his teeth and made nibbling sounds while chattering them. "Piranha!"

"I prefer the way you play with me." Skylar winked.

Val told him about his altar and how he used it. Nodding, Skylar said, "Actually, you make a lot of sense. I don't talk to trees, but I know what it means to hear voices and feel things from a source I don't fully understand. I just wish I knew how to commune with whatever it is in a way that would help someone."

Marianne was still in the library, paging through one of Skylar's astronomy books, obviously bored and feeling sullen.

‘’Don’t take it like that. I almost meant it as a joke,’’ Sacha replied, since it seemed like Dylan was a bit annoyed with his remark. ‘’But just so you know… You touching and playing with my cock and his hood, that’s sexy. You talking about infections due to lack of personal hygiene with uncut dicks, not sexy - at all.’’

Sacha grabbed the hand that was still thoroughly cleaning him. ‘’And yes, that’s enough washing. It gets sensitive down there,’’ he said while giving the back of Dylan’s hand a kiss.

‘’We just had sex. I think we can wait for a few hours. Are you sure you’re not the one in heat or something?’’ Sacha joked since he knew Dylan had been fascinated by that possibility for him.


‘’I really like what you did to me last time… And it didn’t involve teeth. Let’s see next time… What you’re in the mood for,’’ Val said with a knowing smile. ‘’I don’t mind experimenting.’’

Val went with Skylar in the kitchen, but didn’t see Marianne. Val left the pack of tea on the counter and ventured into the library where he found Skylar’s piranha ex-girlfriend. ‘’You want to join us for tea sampling?’’ he asked. ‘’We’re in the kitchen.’’

The things Sacha said made him chuckle. "What? You don't find bad dick hygiene sexy? How strange!" Dylan said sarcastically. "Hm, I think I may have toe fungus." He jokingly held up one of his feet. "Wanna see?"

Of course, there was no fungus on his feet; he just wanted to give Sacha a hard time, since he was talking about being grossed out.

His boyfriend asked him if it was possible he was the one in heat, to which Dylan retorted, "Oh baby, you should have figured it out by now - I just want you all the time, every minute, any way I can get you." He stood up to stand under the spray, rinsing his legs and feet. "But I can wait."


"Are you sure? 'Cause Marianne's a butt biter." Skylar ran what he'd just said through his mind again. "Maybe I shouldn't have left you with that image of a person you're about to have tea with."

When Val invited her to tea, Marianne gave him a look that clearly questioned if he was serious. She shrugged. "Sure." Getting up to follow him, Marianne asked, "You're tea sampling? What does that mean?"

Before they made it to the kitchen, she said, "Was it your room he slept in last night?"

Sacha simply laughed at Dylan’s comments on his imaginary toe fungus. He was finishing to rinse his hair and then moved to allow Dylan to have more room to finish washing off the soap from his legs and feet.

“Well, I’m flattered... And it will be even better if you have to wait a bit,” he said before stepping out of the shower and reaching for one of the towels to dry himself.


Butt biting sounded fun to Val, at least as long it remained playful. “It’s okay. I won’t imagine her biting your butt while we sip on green tea in the kitchen.” He held the door open for Skylar to follow. “I’d rather imagine you doing it to me.”

Marianne was looking distant and suspicious when he asked her to join them, but eventually she got up to walk to the kitchen with him. “Just trying some tea I brought with me. A different one from the one we had at breakfast.”

Val didn’t want drama, but when Marianne asked him if Skylar had slept in his room the night before, he could see she was looking for trouble. He turned to her before reaching the kitchen and smirked. “To be precise, he slept in my bed last night.” He hoped his answer would cut short any further discussions.

"Yes, I know. Anticipation is fun." Dylan turned off the water and also wrapped a towel around his waist. "Like you anticipating the blowjob I'm going to give you in a few hours." Smirking, he headed for his room.

Ten minutes later, he was dressed and smelling nice, like shampoo and aftershave. "I think I saw Val going toward the kitchen with Marianne. You wanna try to get rid of her so we can talk to him?"


Skylar grinned. "You go on and imagine it, and I'll practice my piranha teeth in the meantime." He chattered his teeth, and giggled.

Her eyes going wide at Val's reply, Marianne crossed her arms defensively. "Did he say anything about why he's avoiding me?"

Sacha was dressed and putting his shoes on when Dylan mentioned he had seen Val go to the kitchen with Marianne. “Yes, let’s go somewhere private where we can talk to him alone. Or we can go outside maybe? I just don’t want to give him too much details of what we were doing in the dream. We can say... We were... Shit, how am I supposed to tell him we had sex and ask questions about how real or not or... Whatever it was?”


Obviously, Val’s first idea hadn’t worked. His reply had maybe surprised Marianne, but only for a few seconds.

Val had just received a few comments from Skylar about her. There were always two sides to a story, but somehow, Val knew he didn’t want to be involved in their ongoing issues. So far, Skylar had been cool to hang around. Val didn’t want to play right into Marianne’s hands. “I don’t need or want to know about it,” Val said to avoid actually answering her. “You don’t have to join us, if you don’t want to,” he added as he continued toward the kitchen.

Dylan had to shrug. "I guess dance around it, give little detail, but still make it clear to him that we woke up with dirt all over us in bed because we got dirt on us in the dream. I can explain about Lynxcha ripping my shorts while trying to catch me, and the stuff with the thorns. If Val feels like he really has to know more, would it be that bad to just tell him we were making love?" He shrugged again. "He knows we do that. It's not like we have to describe it to him in lurid detail."


Marianne, sighing, shook her head. "Never mind. I'm going to finish packing." She turned away and headed back to the room where she'd slept the night before.

Skylar was a bit surprised when Val entered the kitchen alone. "She decided not to spy on us, uh, excuse me, have tea with us?" he joked, but half seriously. "I'm actually quite glad she didn't wedge her way into the car with us on the way to Topeka. We wouldn't be able to talk about anything with her around."

“You’re right, he knows we sleep together. But saying it to him is a bit different than knowing he knows. And it’s also all about the other things, like the dirt and what happened to you with the vines that were growing over you.”

Sacha led the way to go to the kitchen. “But even if we had to give details, there is nothing lurid, as you said, about it.” Sacha hadn’t been sure Dylan was sarcastic with that comment. He stopped as they walked through the corridor and took Dylan in his arms. “I’m sure we look good when we’re doing it.” He gave him a kiss. “At least, you look damn hot in my arms, or under me, or with your legs wrapped around me...” Sacha whispered the last part and then kissed him again.


Val put the water on to boil and grabbed two mugs. “She asked me if you said anything to me about her, why you were avoiding her,” Val told Skylar. “I didn’t tell her you said anything. I just said I didn’t need to know about it. She didn’t look happy and said she was going to finishing packing her things.”

“Do you think we will have time to stop and you can show me the university campus a bit? Maybe after my visit with the shaman, or will it get too late?”

"What I mean is, we don't have to describe our sex positions or tell him about how loud I moaned; we can simply say this happened during sex on the ground. Val won't freak out about that. He can understand what happened without every little detail." Sacha began to get frisky with him. Dylan kissed him back and wrapped his arms around him too. "I'm glad I can turn you on even more with just how I look. You're the one who brings those expressions out of me with how incredible you make me feel." Smiling, Dylan gave him a kiss, and then laid his head on his chest with a sigh. "I wonder if when I dream I'm a rabbit, do I actually turn into one?"


Skylar listened and nodded. "I don't want to be openly mean to her, but I didn't want to be lied to either. It's for the best that we just don't talk."

"Yeah, we can stop by the campus, and my apartment, and the farmer's market. We got practically the whole day to hang out, around your shaman visit." With a grin, he sniffed a couple of the teas. "I hope I make good company for you on your Topeka adventure."

Dylan brought up the idea that maybe he actually turned into a rabbit when he dreamed he was one. Sacha pulled back a tad from their embrace and looked at him, puzzled. ‘’I never thought about that. I guess… No, but… I mean, I can turn into a lynx, so… But how could this really be possible?’’ Sacha ran one hand through Dylan’s hair. ‘’One more thing we can ask Val about. We should write them down. There’s a lot to ask.’’

Sacha continued towards the kitchen where he could hear Skylar and Val talking.

Just before Sacha and Dylan came in, Val was finishing to fill the mugs with steaming water. ‘’Cool, I’d love all that,’’ he said when Skylar confirmed they’d have plenty of time to do some things in Topeka. ‘’I’m sure you’ll be great company. A cool-looking PhD student turned local tour guide… I think I’m in good hands,’’ he said with a flirty smile.

Dylan thought about it a bit longer and finally shook his head. "Nah. I highly doubt the dreamwalking is that powerful. We would need some kind of transmogrification spell to turn me into a rabbit."

Skylar smiled at Val over his compliments. "Do you want to be 'in my hands'?" He grinned with mischief, dipping his tea spoon in his mug.

Dylan and Sacha walked into the kitchen. "Hey guys," Dylan began. "Skylar, can we speak to Val alone for a few minutes?"

Glancing at Val, he replied, "Sure. I'll be in the library when you're done."

Dylan waited to say anything until Skylar was out of earshot. He knew Sacha would be freaked out talking about this in front of Skylar, and he didn't want to tempt his brother to make fun of them. Once he knew it was safe, he said, "Hey Val. Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but Sacha and I experienced some pretty bizarre things while we were taking our nap. It involves the dreamwalking." Dylan took a seat at the kitchen table. "You said it was possible for things that happen in the shared dream to bleed over into the real world at times. Do you know what triggers a thing like that to happen? Are there particular circumstances?"

Val chuckled at the way Skylar had highjacked his expression and rephrased it. He nodded and briefly glanced at Skylar’s hands. “Yeah, I’d like to be ‘in your hands’...” he confirmed. “Again,” he added a few seconds later, to make sure Skylar knew what he was referring to.

Their little break was interrupted when Sacha and Dylan walked in. Val looked at his cousin when Dylan started talking and asked if he could speak with him alone. He wasn’t too surprised when he heard they wanted to talk to him about dreamwalking. Dylan’s question was not too specific, but he understood that something must have happened and they wanted to discuss it.

Val was sipping on his tea while Dylan was talking. Sacha was leaning against the kitchen counter next to his cousin, looking at Dylan intently, but not saying anything.

“Well, to start with, it depends on the circumstances on who’s involved. Not too many people can dreamwalk. You can learn to experience lucid dreams, but dreamwalking, so entering into somebody else’s dream and be conscious about it, it’s much more rare. It’s a gift, so usually it’s innate, or you have some kind of magic powers that help you do it. Maybe supernatural creatures can do it too, but I don’t know very much about those. In your case, Sacha is the one dreamwalking on you, right? Or you dreamwalk on him too?”

Skylar continued to look at Val with that mischievous expression, occasionally giggling, letting him know that he received Val's message loud and clear: Val wanted to mess around with him some more, just like Skylar wanted him too.

"Oh, no, it's always Sacha dreamwalking on me. That's something he inherited through genetics, isn't it?" Dylan asked.

"We had some strange experiences with it today and we were hoping you could shed some light on why it became so intense. The bleed into the real world. Let me give you an example." Dylan cleared his throat. "For some reason, I was in this forest and I was overcome by crawling vines. They were alive and they trapped me like I was in a cage made of them, wrapping around my arms and legs and torso and then becoming rigid. The vines were covered in thorns that cut me. I had bleeding wounds all over my body. Sacha heard me crying for help and used these gardening shears that were there to cut me out, and then, you know, it's a dream so there was magic healing cream that healed the wounds perfectly. But when we woke up, there were spots of blood all over the bedsheets, only in places where they had touched me, like I bled in real life too. And that's only one example from this dream. What do you make of that? Any thoughts?"

"I guess it's coming from our grandfather, yes."

Dylan gave him a more detailed example of what had happened in their latest shared dream. Val listened to what he was telling him carefully. He put his tea mug aside and crossed his arms in front of him when Dylan was done. He took a moment to think about the situation before volunteering an answer.

"That's pretty intense. If you had a dream where you got injured and you actually bled from it in reality... There are different possible explanations. Just bear with me, because this is not really exact science, and also I can just think of explanations based on my own experience dreamwalking or what I hear from other shamans or people who can do it." He turned a little and looked at Sacha. "First of all, as I said before, dreamwalking is not common, and when someone who's not a plain human does it, it can probably give different results than when I do it."

Val knew his cousin didn't like to be reminded of the fact that he wasn't a normal human person, but that was important to point out, Val thought. "Do you shift into the lynx when you dreamwalk?"

Sacha nodded. "Yes. Sometimes I appear as a lynx first and then I change or the other way around. Or I stay one or the other. It seems I can shift back and forth at will, like in reality."

"Makes sense. I guess your shifter nature might makes things more vivid. You remember I told you to be careful with Steven if he was going after you two as a wolf in your dream? Same here. He's a necromancer. He has powers. You're a shifter, you have probably some powerful ways to twist and bend your consciousness and awareness, even if you don't do it on purpose. After all, you have two beings cohabiting into one head and one soul. It can bring unusual things."

Sacha interrupted his cousin. "But that's exactly the point. I don't do it on purpose. And why are things of dreams happening for real to Dylan when I'm the one with some odd dreamwalking skills according to you?"

Val shook his head. "It's not that simple. You're dreamwalking on him and you had never done it before. That's my other explanation. Or more of a compliment to the first one, perhaps. You obviously have a special connection to him that triggered this and keeps on making it happen. You probably want it to happen, even if you don't realize it. Your mind wants it. People who have special mental connections like this can influence each other's. I didn't realize it was so strong, though. You definitely need to learn how to control it or change things as the dream goes, to protect yourselves. Both of you. Unless Dylan manages to dream up miracle creams and protective stuff of all kinds in case things turn sour."

"It's still doesn't make much sense to me,'' Sacha said.

"I've had these things happening to me. Things you do in dreams that actually transfer into reality. I met our dead grandfather when I did my initiation shamanic dream travel. I spoke with him and since then he sometimes comes back to me in my dreams, but this is slightly different because he's dead, so it's not him physically, it's his spirit only. Anyway, one day, he led me to my spirit guide animal. It's an owl. He gave me a feather from the bird. When I woke up, I had the feather in my hand. So that kind of thing does occur."

Val shifted his gaze to Dylan. "So the short answer to your question is that I think Sacha's presence and whatever you two are sharing as a connection has triggered these overly vivid dreams for you. Did you ever have lucid dreams or things of that sort before? I mean before meeting this big cat guy?" Val said with a wink in Sacha's direction.

Sacha's look changed from confused to concerned when Val was finished. The little wink from his cousin wasn't making him feel more at ease. "So... It's my fault?" he said, thinking out loud and asking nobody in particular.

next chapter

supernatural, original characters

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