A Few Updates with Graphics & Icons

Dec 22, 2022 17:35

I've updated the spectral_color DW mirror recently (as in this year). I know it's a miracle.
Feel free to comment there, or here, or not at all. Do whatever you want! 😊

Here's the rundown with some previews behind the cut.

Click the entry title to view the entry.

July 2022

color palettes round up

November 2022
other-wordly graphics

Three graphics made forlands_of_magic

December 2022

some icons for monthlyinspo

Icons made for monthlyinspo's November 2022 challenge.
Marvel's Legion (mainly Oliver Bird) and a couple of Moana (mainly Tamatoa).

Big Graphics Round Up Batch #1: Doctor Who (wallpapers & various graphics)
36 (or more, I lost count) Doctor Who graphics from 2018-2021, including a few desktop wallpapers, two character color bars/love bars but mostly picspam edits & other medium sized graphics

β™  movie: fantasy, 🌚 sort: icons, 🌚 sort: banner/header, 🌚 sort: palettes, 🌚 sort: wallpapers, 🌚 sort: misc graphics, ♣ tv: doctor who, 🌚 sort: picspams

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