Nov 16, 2003 16:10
i feel like i'm being hold hostage
i feel like i'm locked up
my true self never being able let out
i listen to the song of my life
i'm sorry i'm not perfect
sounds stupid and superficial
but it's odd how much that song relates to me
i feel like i'm not who i want to be
i'm afraid to walk around in my own home
afraid that my true self will be let out
and i will be punished
i know one day it's going to happen
i will slip and i will be yelled and screamed at
i'm just waiting for the day to come
i'm regretting it so much
i'm afraid, i shake, i cry
every-night the dream comes back
moving seams so easy
a nice get away to live somewhere
where i can be myself
where i can walk around with no worries
with my head up high knowing their proud
why can't i have the courage, to do so.