* Name: Stephanie
*Age: 15
*Date of Birth: Aug 26th
*Location: Brownstown
*Marital Status: Single
*Sexual Preference: Guys
*Where did you hear about us? (If specific member, please name) ..britt :-)
*Why are you interested in this community? Im interested cuz i think this would be a awesome community to join
*What makes you Spectac_Elite Material? umm's...i guess cuz i can kick back nd have a good time
*Do you own, or have access to a camera on a regular basis? yupppp
*1 Proof of promotion. Link.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/lil_s_bernie*Do you have any special abilities when it comes to computers?...i guess so
*What do you feel you have to offer to this community? ...i would do an awesome job promotin it :-)..am i choosen ?
*4 pictures including the following : 1 body shot, 3 of your choice. ( please contain your face, and only one, excluding your body shot, may be photo shopped or altered in anyway.)
umm's..i dont have any body shots of just me...but heres one of my friend nd I
....ima runner 0:-)
*What is your favorite Disney movie? ha ...that easy..Beauty nd the Beast
*Do you consider donuts a breakfast food? duh
*Do you throw popcorn at people and pretend it wasn’t you?...haha's...yah...nd throw things at the movie screen
*Would you rather surf or ski? surf
*What must you have on your pizza? anything meat..lol's...cept anchovies
*Have you torn your pants in public? What did you do?...nope not yet...lol's
*Would you ever do a kissing booth for charity?...umm's..all depends..is it just a peck on the cheek ?..if so..y not its fer chairty
* Do you attend any weekly religious service? nope..used to tho
*What color M&Ms do you eat first?...blue
*Are you a night or morning person? hmm's...can i say im both ?...but more of a night person
*What’s your favorite drink? propel...or A&W rootbeer
*Would you rather spend $100 on lots of things at a discount store or 250$ on something at a ritzy store? $100 on lots of things at a discount store
*What is your favorite bean? green
*Have you ever cried at the doctors? Why?...haha's..yah..cuz they had to swab my throat..nd i HATE it when they do that cuz they stick it down your throat nd leave it there fer like 15 secs while your gaggin..
*Do you ask for directions when lost? sometimes
*Do you talk in your sleep? sometimes
*Pepsi or coke? pepsi