Think with your mind

Sep 28, 2005 19:48

September 20, 2001. Driving down the street you could see an enormous display of patriotism as soccer moms in Ford SUV's seemed to compete over how much American paraphernalia they could fit on their vehicle. Even though things were looking grim for these behemoths, between the tire scandals, roll overs, and dramatically increasing gas prices, they did have a substantial advantage. They could fit eight American flags and five bumper stickers instead of your typical four and two. However, walking down a sidewalk bordering that same street revealed an extremely different story.

The place looked like a protest ground. The very symbol of our country was tattered, driven over, and trampled on along side McDonalds Sandwich wrappers, Budweiser cans, religious tracts, strip club flyers, and other symbols of our wonderful nation that the environmentally ignorant discarded wherever they pleased. A question with a seemingly simple answer came to my head. So when you're driving and your flag falls off, should you realize the consequences of your actions and stop contributing to flag trashing, or buy two more flags that will eventually be desacrated to show your patriotism? And in that moment a revelation occurred, something that swung me from right to left faster than any carnival ride could. The public's views would be so much different if they thought with their head.

I love America. Almost anyone will proudly say that they have hated the American Government at some time in their life. What they do not realize is that we are a citizen-elected government, so if people want to take the bull out of the government, they have to take the bull out of their own minds. What bull am I talking about? I'll summarize the vast majority in two words: 1)misinformation 2)selfishness. If the individual realizes these two things, a good deal of our problems will disappear.

Misinformation and the unfounded cause
Everyone wants to be a vigilante cowboy.
It makes me laugh when people boycott foreign businesses. The biggest joke is the automobile industry. I just love when people buy American vehicles manufactured in Mexico instead of Hondas manufactured in Tennessee, then blame the lack of manufacturing jobs available on the immigrants.

The list of ways we hurt ourselves out of principle is enormous and growing, to the decrease in national security due to the money and troops that are stuck in Iraq, allegedly protecting our freedom (most dissenters were quickly shut up by Katrina), not to mention our "reconstruction" which is sabotaged by the fact that we're keeping Iraqi unemployment higher than it needs to be b/c the "powers that be" owed Halliburton a favor.

In the moral issues category, we have the pro-lifers whose efforts will be nullified by the same political party they still pronounce undying love for while the programs that gave the poor a chance and greatly contributed to the huge decrease in abortions from 1992-2000 under the CLINTON administration after a huge increase during the previous Republican administrations (I will discuss the whole abortion thing in depth a few days from now with solid facts) will be cut to funnel more money to the rich.


So how do we respond to them? "Well I'M getting my $20 tax cut, the dems never gave ME the money or the time of day, who cares what happens to other people, screw everyone else, ME ME ME. Boycotting companies that outsource most of their work overseas is not popular at all. Why? Because All American products and services are more expensive. I really don't have to go into detail about selfishness because everyone is aware of it. Seriously, make a list of the good things you did and the moral and economical principles you believe in, and you will find a list of ulterior motives that rivals it in size.

If you're going to say I sound absurd, give me facts that will prove me wrong, and I will definitely listen to you. Give me facts that include I and ME and you will just be demonstrating how selfish the average American really is. Most internet and phone scams are driven by selfishness and a false sense of urgency. Why is it absurd to say that there are larger lies that operate the same way?

So if you leave with one thing, let it be this.

If you're going to have a cause, do your homework objectively, and keep your motives pure.

You can print this up, hawk in it, step on it, throw it out, and keep your political stance as red as your face is right now. But do your homework objectively, and keep your motives pure, and I have accomplished my goal, and we both have won. Just remember to throw it away in a proper trash receptacle when you're done.

If you would like to rebut, please do so in a civilized manner. I promise I will treat you with the same respect. After all, we are all adults here, right?
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