moire2 has so eloquently dubbed it, I've been spending too much time with the veggie drawers. A fact which is sadly enough, true. My time with the veggies in my kitchen have gotten to be quite the adventure. With potatoes being skewered to death by the treacherous carrots and the beets wanting revenge on all of them. The blame for these rather vivid delusions rest entirely at the feet of those little cartoons they've been playing as they try to get children to eat their five servings of fruit and veggies a day. Darn the creepy and lasting effects of public programing. *shakes fist*
Another explanation for the crazy momentary imaginings is probably boredom. These last couple of weeks have seen me suspended between being pointlessly busy and helplessly frustrated. Nothing is finished and everything is "in the process" of getting done and that drives me up the wall! Mostly I have pretty much been me doing my job and running around studying for LSATS and trying to find another job. One that does not require my dealing with monstrous little children too hopped up on caffiene and transfat to learn properly.
Okay, not being totally fair to the students, but really. Me? No patience. None. Zilch. Had to supress the urge to hold one of said children over the toilet upside down and flushing. I really shouldn't be allowed around kids.
In other news, my mother has been making noise about wishing to have grandchildren and "Why don't you have a boyfriend?" Not sure whether to laugh hysterically or hide in an attempt to avoid the inevitable offers of blind dates. If you find me standing behind a bush in full camouflage gear, you'll know which one won.
Okay, rant over and now here's some pleasant pictures of varied parts of Italy.