Title: "Late Night Chinese Food"
Chapter: 1 of 1.
Rating: PG
Charcter(s)/Pairing(s): Cal Lightman, Cal/Gillian.
Genre: Angst/Friendship
Summary: The start of Cal and Gillian's relationship set between the flashbacks to the Pentagon in "Sweet Sixteen" and the birth of The Lightman Group.
Author's Note: I've taken a handful of liberties here. Mainly
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Secondly, you know your stuff. This sounds realistic and believable in terms of science behind the story - I just adore the part when he says "micro-expressions - you just had one". I love that, and when they talk about how groundbreaking it is, because it was - the discovery of micro expressions changed our understanding of all aspects of human communication. I love that you made this reference.
And finally, I think you laid grounds for Gillian and Cal's friendship and the strong bond they share -- you know that i haven't seen all of the show, but even now I see - I think I see - that it's something that keeps Cal going, and keeps hims straight and in the right place. Without Gillian I think he would succumb to that darkness inside of him, and you just told the story of how and way that didn't happen.
Great story sweetie! Keep them coming!
ILU!♥ - No, seriously, not kidding. Because when you talk about this stuff, you mean it and that's SO awesome beyond words. It makes me feel like I've really done something right and also makes me feel like I wish fanfiction wasn't the only thing I could write.
But I do love the relationship Cal and Gillian have, in any form. I mean, they have a bond that's extremely hard to define. Because it's love and it's devotion, but it's not the regular, run-of-the-mill kind. And it's remarkably unconditional; it feels eternal and you wonder what it is that got them that way. It goes way beyond simple chemistry.
And it's an amazing pleasure to write when you realise that you've gotten it right. *dead* It makes you just wanna keep on writing them.
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