Title: Boys Don't Cry
Rating: PG
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Character/Pairing: Elizabeth, Moli OC, John/Elizabeth
Summary: Glancing to her side quickly Elizabeth flinched, she studied the girl’s eyes for a moment before shaking her head and looking down at her hand fiddling with the wet sand and dropping it back on her feet. “It doesn’t matter.”
Warning: Spoilers for "Sunday"
Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate Atlantis.
Feedback: Is Love.
“He was your friend?”
“Yes.” Elizabeth nodded, watching the waves lapping against the sand as the little girl took a seat on the rock beside her. Elizabeth was sitting in the sand, her feet bare burrowing in the wet mush.
“How did he die?”
Glancing to her side quickly Elizabeth flinched, she studied the girl’s eyes for a moment before shaking her head and looking down at her hand fiddling with the wet sand and dropping it back on her feet. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It matters if you want to remember him.”
Elizabeth shook her head. “No, I…please Moli, you have to understand, it’s hard to talk about…” she looked up at the little girl again. “…do you understand that?”
Moli nodded, smiling gently before moving to sit on the sand, as close as she could get to Elizabeth’s side. She’d practically worshipped the Atlantean leader since the day the Athosians were brought to the mainland, she was the first at her side when she visited the village and spent every waking moment asking her questions and teaching her how to play Athosian games.
Elizabeth never underestimated her intelligence, talking to her as she would most of the people under her command, with a little more care of course; she was still a child no more than seven years old.
“He was a close friend?”
“Very much so.” Elizabeth ducked her head to her knees and fought the urge to cry as Moli’s little hand touched her shoulder.
“You should cry then, my mother always tells me that if you are sad, you should cry. It’s the only way for the spirit to cleanse your body of the sadness.”
“I can’t…” Elizabeth took a deep breath. “…I can’t cry.”
“Why? I do it all the time. Especially when Adriol is mean.”
Elizabeth chuckled slightly. “When is your brother going to stop teasing you?”
The little girl shrugged with a smile. “I don’t know, it doesn’t matter, he’s not as scary as he tries to think.”
“Hm…I know what you mean.”
“I still think you should cry. Colonel Sheppard said that you said really nice things at the memorial, but you didn’t cry.”
“Well he didn’t cry either.” Elizabeth defended and the girl gave her a very sceptical look.
“He’s a boy, he wouldn’t cry there, later maybe.”
“And how do you know I didn’t?”
“Because you, you don’t cry at all.”
“You know me too well Moli.” Elizabeth sighed, wrapping her arm around the little girl’s shoulders and pulling her close. “But I don’t want to cry.”
“Why?” Moli looked up at her, snuggling herself comfortably into the woman’s arms.
“I don’t know, I guess, because I know it won’t do any good.”
Moli didn’t reply, she just turned her head out to the sea and Elizabeth smiled at the silence.
“Colonel Sheppard said you looked pretty.”
“What!” Elizabeth sat back quickly. Looking down at Moli’s smirking face.
“At the Funeral, on earth, he said that you looked really pretty.”
“He did?”
Moli nodded and Elizabeth smiled gently. “Maybe I’ll ask him to cry with me.”
“That’s a good idea; I think he’d like that.”
Elizabeth smiled and hugged Moli tightly. “Yeah.”
The End.