Jan 12, 2005 10:43
What time is it? 9:12am
First Name: Samantha
Middle Name: Lumina
Last Name: Peck
Name You Want: I don’t care...
Named after anyone? Middle name after my great-grandmother...
Who? Other names you would have been named (boy and girl): I don’t really know
Nicknames: sam, speck,
Age: 16
Age you act: 12 1/2
Do you wish you were older or younger? Older but I can wait...
Righty or Lefty? righty
Date of Birth: February 19th 1988
Anyone born on the same day as you? My mommy...
Anything special happen in history on your birthday? probably
Gender: female
Do you like your gender? sure
Any siblings? yep
What are their names? Danielle
What are their ages? 14
Do you get along with them? Yea for the most part
Are you the oldest, youngest, or middle? oldest
Do you look more like your mother or father? father
Hair Color: now it’s brown I guess
Eye Color: blue/gray
Height: 5' 3"
Grade: 11
School: St Thomas
Do you like your school? Not exactly...i miss public school!
Where were you born? Methuen, MA
What was the name of the hospital? Holy Family Hospital
Do you know what time you were born at? yea
What was it? Like 6 in the morning I think
Mothers Name: Carol
Fathers Name: Bruce
Mothers Maiden Name: Cross
Fathers job: Recruiter or something like that
Mothers job: Real Estate Person Thing...
Are your parents divorced? yep
If yes, for how long? 11+ years
Does it bother you? Ehh...it was for the best...
What town do you live in? Kingston
Do you desperately want to get out? I’m never here so It’s not that bad I guess...
Have you ever moved? yep
How many times? once
From where? Groveland, MA
When? When I was like 5 or 6
Did you like it better there? Ummm...it was kinda small I guess but it was nice...i don’t really care cuz it’s not like I’m ever home Kingston anyways
If you wanted to move somewhere, where would it be? Jackson or North Conway NH
What color are your bedroom walls? White & blue
What color is your bedrooms carpet? peach
Do you want your room a different color? yep
What’s one piece of furniture you really want in your room? Maybe a tv...but I can do without it...
What color is the carpet in the hallway outside your room? green
How many floors does your house have? 3
What floor is your room on? 3rd
Is your room big? kinda
How big is your bed? twin
Is your bed comfortable? kinda
Does your house have central air? nope
Screenames: Speck21988
Zodiac Sign: picese...i don’t know how to spell it...
Do you think your zodiac sign fits you? suuure
Whats your heritage? Umm...english, French, irish, german...
Any Pets? yep
What are their names? Summit
What kind of animals are they? dog
[Do You…]
Have any piercings? yep
How many? 4
Where? 2 in each ear
Have any tattoos? nope
How many? n/a
Where? n/a
Drive? yep
Drink a lot? yep
Smoke? Sometimes...
Do drugs? Sometimes...
Curse? yep
Brush your teeth? yep
Floss? Occasionally
Use mouth wash? Not anymore
Chew gum? yep
How often? All the time I guess...
Shower? yep
Go to the doctor? yep
Hate going there? Ya...it’s just a pain in the ass cuz they ask you a bunch of questions about whether you’ve had sex and stuff and quite frankly I don’t want to answer questions regarding that infront of my mom...
Go to the dentist? yep
Hate going there too? Sure do cuz whenever I go they tell me I have cavities and last time the started drilling at my teeth before the nova cane kicked in...not fun!
Like to party? yeah
Like to read? nope
Like school? Not at all!
Like sports? Ya snowboarding!
Like talking on the phone? yep
Like watching TV? yep
Like taking pictures? yep
Like being in pictures? Ehh...sometimes...
Like Harry Potter? Ehh...
Like Lord of the Rings? Ehh...
Like to draw? I wish I was good at it...
Think too much? Not usually but when I do I get confused...
Over analyze things? sometimes
Have a lot of money? maybe...
Have a car? yep
Have a purse? yep
If so is it a knockoff? nope
Have a cell phone? yep
Have a lot of posters on your walls? nope
If so, of what? ...
Have your own phone line? nope
Have your own computer? yep
Have an obsession? Probably...
If so, what? If have OCD...
How obsessive are we talking? Very obsessive about keeping things clean and neat...
Have a TV in your room? nope
Have a lot of friends? yep
Sleep a lot? When I get the chance to
Have a lot of time on your hands? Nope not at all
Have AOL? Used to...it sucks!
Have AIM? yep
Have YIM? nope
Have MSN? yep
Keep a journal offline? nope
Own a webcam? nope
Have a mic? nope
Ever get off your computer? yep
Sprechen Sie deutsch? nope
Habla espanol? si
Parle-vous frances? A lil
Like to sing? Yea but I suck
Are you good at it? Not really
Like to dance? ehhh
Are you good at that? Not really
Talk to yourself? Yep all the time
Talk in your sleep? nope
Snore? nope
Drool? nope
Believe in yourself? sometimes
Like these surveys? sure
Like THIS survey? sure
Play an instrument? nope
Get along with your parents? Yea...with my mom
Wear/have glasses? nope
Wear/have contacts? nope
Are they colored? nope
Have braces? nope
Used to have braces? nope
Wear makeup? yea
What and what kind of makeup? mascara and eyeliner
Book: ehh I’m not a big fan of the reading thing
Movie: old school...office space...
TV Show: csi
TV Channel: uhhh I dunno
Website: I dunno
Song: All At Sea...Jamie Cullum
Band/Singer: DMB
Actor: I dunno
Actress: I dunno
Clothes Store: american eagle
Food: salad, sushi
Brand: umm ae maybe...
Scent: beyond paradise
Sound: music...
Picture of you: I dunno
Flavor: hmm...strawberry or cherry
Drink: water or diet coke
Subject: ummm...gym class...
Color: pink
Thing to do: snowboard
Sport to play: snowboard
Sport to watch: basketball or football
Athlete: I dunno
Comedian: I dunno...adam sandler...
Thing in your room: my bed
Thing to wear: jeans
Thing to talk about: whatever is funny....
Number: 13
Holiday: christmas
Place: in the mountains
Disney Movie: ummm...Aladdin...
Restaurant: olive garden
Word: don’t have one...
Saying: fuck ya!
Fruit: grapes
Vegetable: carrots
Magazine: I dunno
Gum: orbit
Ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough
Season: winter
State: I’m fine in nh
Month: February
Car: Toyota 4 runner! Love it!
Scary Movie: hmm...the grudge...haha
Board Game: scrabble
Wearing: pj plaid pants, tanktop, & my PA sweatshirt
Listening to: my ipod...Bombs Away ---Paris Texas
Watching: the computer screen
Saying: nothin
Thinking: of what to type
Loving: that it’s a snow day
Eating: nothin
Drinking: nothin
Talking to: no one
Mood: relaxed
Taste: nothin
Hair: looks like crap
Annoyance: that I have to study for midterms
Smell: nuthin
Thing you ought to be doing: studying for history & english
Desktop Picture: pic from BVI
Screensaver: the time one
Word said: away
Curse said: fuck
Song listened to: disco inferno --- 50 Cent
Song you sang: All At Sea ---Jamie Cullum
Movie you saw at home: Office Space
Movie you saw in theaters: The grudge
Person you saw: dani
Person you talked to: dani
Email was from: apple ipod
IM was from: kim I think
Book you read: scarlet letter
Thing you ate: bagel for breakfast
Thing you drank: water
Phone call: my dad
TV Show watched: the news to see that school was canceled
Website visited: hotmail.com
Thing you bought: lunch at the olive garden with dani
Thing you bought online: music
Dream: dont remember
Nightmare: cant remember
Sleepover: uhhh new years...
Time you wore a skirt: um while ago...back in like October...
Time you wore a tie: never
Person you yelled at: dani for driving me crazy
Person you hugged: umm I don’t remember and If I did I don’t think I can disclose that information
Person you kissed: can not disclose that information...greg was right around there too I guess...
Person you thought about: ummm dunno...
Car ride: home from the olive garden yesterday
What kind of car was it?: my Toyota 4 runner
Time you laughed: I laugh all the time...
Time you cried: a couple days ago...
Time you went to the doctor: I don’t know...
Time you went to the dentist: December
Showered: two days ago...haha
Brushed your teeth:this morning
Vented: Monday to kim...
About what?: stupid drama!
[This or That]
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Coke or Pepsi: diet coke
Sprite or 7Up: sprite
Milkyway or Snickers: milkyway
HP or LOTR: I dunno
Fact or Fiction: fact
Hugs or Kisses: kisses
Private or Public: private
Reading or Writing: writing
Typing or Writing: typing
Lunch or Dinner: dinner
Love or Lust: love
Rich or Poor: rich
Sickness or Health: health
Fast or Slow: fast
Bored or Rushed: bored
Tired or Hungry: hungry
Day or Night: night
Rain or Snow: snow!
Irish or Italian: italian
Sun or Clouds: sun
Paper or Plastic: paper
Rent or Buy: buy
New or Used: new
Old or Young: young
Rainbows or Butterflies: butterflies
Past or Future: future
Boy or Girl: boy
Clean or Messy: clean
Phone or Internet: phone
Music or Movies: music
Hot or Cold: cold
Loud or Quiet: loud
Silly or Weird: silly I guess
Cute or Pretty: cute
Romeo or Juliet: romeo
Dumper or Dumpee: dumper
Ocean or Lake: ocean
Rich or Famous: rich
Sand or Dirt: sand
McDonalds or Burger King: gross...
Wendy’s or Arbys: wendys
Subway or Quiznos: subway
Black or White:black
Pink or Purple: pink
Adidas or Nike: nike
Jeter or A-Rod: A-rod
Yankees or Red Sox: red sox
Giants or Jets: Jets Suck
Burgers or Hotdogs: burgers
Eminem or 50 Cent: uhhh 50 maybe
Sweet or Sour: sweet
Half Empty or Full: half Full
Actor or Singer: singer
Oscar or Grammy: grammy
This or That: this
Me or You: you
Ever been kissed? yep
First kiss: back in like 8th grade....
With who? Ehhh...blake...ehhh
What was it like? Okay at the time but now....ewww...i was stupid
First date: ummm probably with him I guess....went to the movies but its not like we could drive...
With who: eh
What was it like? ehhh
Do you have a crush? Ehhh...i don’t like the word crush....
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope
How long have you been together? n/a
Are you in love? n/a
Do you think it will last? n/a
Do you get jealous easily? yep
Are you a virgin? nope
If you could date anyone, who? Uhhh I dunno....
First Crush: i don’t remember...
First boyfriend/girlfriend: ummm blake I guess but that was gay....after that it was ricky...
First Love: Jaime but he’s a dirty, dirty Colombian now! Ewww!
Are you a sap? yep
Favorite Love Quote: uhhh I don’t have one...
What celebrity do you obsess over? none
Pick a song that would describe your current love life or lack there of: I dunno
Give your definition of love: fun
Is love important to you? yep
How much? Pretty important
First Best Friend: uhhh....lauren
Are you still friends? nope
First Vacation: to Montana & wyoming
Favorite Vacation: to alaska
First Grade Teacher: mrs. morinas
Fifth Grade Teacher: mrs. wetzel
Favorite teacher: uhhh mr jones haha
Most memorable age: I dunno
Most embarrassing moment: way too many!
Did you go preschool? yes
Did you go kindergarten? yes
Did you attend daycare? Yea kinda
What was your favorite toy as a child? Ummm I think it was those beanie baby things
Do you still have it? nope
Do you still play with it? nope
Did you have a special baby blanket, stuffed animal, etc.? a bunny
Do you still have it? yep
What condition is it in? not too bad
Did you suck your thumb/other fingers? \ nope
If so, which ones? n/a
What was your first word? I don’t know
When you finally took those training wheels off? Pretty quick after I learned...i was like 6 or 7 maybe...
when you learned to tie your shoes? Like preschool or kindergarten
[Do You Remember/Have You Heard Of]
Gloworms? yep
Cabbage Patch Kids? yep
Lite Bright? Yep...soo much fun! haha
Allegra’s Window? Sounds familiar but I can’t think of what it is...
Gullah Gullah Island? yep
Legend of the Hidden Temple? yep
Snap Bracelets? yep
Saved By The Bell? yep
90210? yep
Fraggle Rock? Yea! I loved that show!
New Kids on the Block? yep
Howard the Duck? nope
My Pretty Pony? yep
Did you hear of any of the above from watching VH1? Well now u hear them on like I love the 90’s but I heard of them from my own experiences
If so, don’t you absolutely adore Michael Ian Black? Don’t know who that is...
Where do you want to go to college? unh
What do you want to be when you grow up? I dunno
How much money do you want to make? I dunno
Okay, that was a little obvious…: no
Do you want to get married? yea
Do you want to have kids? yea
How many? 2 to 4
Girls Names: I dunno
Boys Names: I dunno
Do you have your wedding planned out? nope
Girls-how do you want your engagement ring? Something sweet and thought out I guess...
Describe your dress: pretty...
What kind of car do you want? An SUV
Where do you want to honeymoon? I dunno
Where do you want to live? Northern NH
Do you want a big yard? Maybe rather be in the woods...
How would you want to die if you could choose? no pain in my sleep maybe
What kind of car would you like? An SUV
How many cars would you like? Only need 1
[Are You…]
Hungry? no
Thirsty? yes
Tired? yes
Bored? no
Annoyed? no
Hyper? no
Excited? no
Depressed? no
Suicidal? no
Lazy? yes
Organized? yes
Healthy? yes
Happy? yes
Sad? no
Angry? No
Responsible? yes
Talkative? yes
Outgoing? yes
Shy? yes
Bitchy? yes
Nice? Yes
Weird? yes
Crazy? yes
Mentally stable? Sometimes...just kidding...yes
Emotionally stable? yes
Fun? Yes
Insecure? no
Immature? yes
Mature? yes
Difficult? yes
Stubborn? yes
Amused? yes
Silly? yes
Drunk? Not at the moment
High? Not at the moment
Independent? yes
Needy? no
Greedy? no
Selfish? yes
Generous? yes
Germaphobic? yes
Arachnaphobic? no
Afraid of heights? no
Afraid of the dark? yes
Afraid of bugs? Only ones that sting
Afraid of thunderstorms? No
Afraid of Death? Yes and no
Afraid of airplanes? no
[Have You Ever…]
Smoked? yes
Got drunk? yes
Been high? yes
Had sex? yes
Moshed? no
Styled your hair with gel? no
Bungee jumped? no
Skydived? no
Scuba dived? No
Snorkeled? No
Been to Disney World? no
Been to Disney Land? no
Been to Sea World? no
Been to Universal Studios? no
Been to Six Flags? no
Been to Cedar Point? No
Been to Busch Gardens? no
Been to Hershey Park? no
Do you even LIKE amusement parks? no
Been on a rollercoaster? no
Been on Top Thrill Dragster? no
Benn to England? No
Been to France? no
Been to Germany? no
Been out of the state? yes
Been out of the country? no
Been to a concert? Yea but it was shitty
Met a famous person? Ya...
Talked back to your parents? yes
Ran away? no
Cut yourself on purpose? no
Had a cavity? many
Been to a spa? No
Failed a grade? no
Cheated on a test? yes
Cheated on a lover? Not exactly
Swallowed a coin? no
Broken a bone? My foot
Gotten stitches? Yes...on my face!
Fell off your bike? Yes
Ridden a horse? Yes
Stayed up all night? yes
Talked to someone over 300 miles away on the phone for more than 2 hours? yes
Spit off a bridge? probably
Written a message on a bathroom wall? probably
Been on a road trip? kinda
Gone a day without eating? yes
Gone a day without sleeping? yes
Gone a day without talking? no
Gone a week without showering? yes
Been in a fist fight? sorta
Been bitch slapped? no
Gone skinny dipping? no
Gone streaking? no
Danced naked? no
Been to a casino? no
Been to a Boardwalk? yes
Seen The Outsiders? No
Seen Gone With the Wind? no
Seen Apollo 13? yes
Seen Terminator? Yes...very boring
Seen Titanic? yes
TP’ed someones house? No
Egged someones house? No
Been in a water balloon fight? Yes
Been to a costume party? no
Been in an egg toss? Yes
Been canoeing? Yes
Been kayaking? YES
Windsurfing? yes
Surfing? no
Parasailing? no
Banana boating? no
Gotten a hair wrap? no
[What song?]
“Been fueling up on cocaine and whiskey”: dunno
“Some of these verses, they got me quite cross”: dunno
“On and on, does anybody know what we are living for”: dunno
“I love you like a fat kid love cake”: 50 Cent!
“They disappear now when I’m dreaming of your face”: dunno
“Union’s been on strike, he’s down on his luck its tough”: dunno
“I wish I could be a fly on your wall”: dunno
“Will you give all you can give so that our banner may advance”: dunno
“Held up so high on such a breakable thread”: sounds familiar
“Seems like I can finally rest my head on something real”: ashlee simpson
“I played with your heart, got lost in the game”: Britney Spears
“Hello there, the angel from my nightmare”: blink 182
“I don’t wanna be a fool in this game for two”: sounds familiar
[What Movie?]
“Show me the money”: jerry maguire
“Here’s lookin’ at you kid”: casablanca
“I feel the need-the need for speed”: top gun? I dunno
“I’m one of the good guys, penguin! Don’t run!”: dunno
“They all adore him. They think he’s a righteous dude”: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
“Sir, one more outburst and I will strangle you with my microphone wire. Do you understand me??”: dunno
“You seem like a decent fellow too. I’d hate to die”: princess bride
“All my life you made me believe I was only worth what someone would pay for me”: dunno
“We have to send something out into the universe with your name on it. That's only fair isn't it?”: dunno
[In the Past Month Have You]
Cried: Yes
Laughed: Yes
Been hugged: Yes
Been kissed: Yes
Yelled: Yes
Been on a rollercoaster: No
Been on a plane: no
Been out of the state: Yes
Been out of the country: No
Been to the Beach: no
Smoked: yes
Drank: yes
Been in the Hospital: no
Visited someone in the hospital: No
Talked on the phone: Yes
Eaten: yes
Gone to the movies: no
Worn sunglasses: yes
Slept: Yes
Chewed gum: yes
Break! Go take a bathroom break. While you’re there describe your bathroom… small
What time is it now? 10:33am
Are you bored yet? No...got nothing else to do but study
[In the Past Week Have You] --->
Cried: yes
Laughed: Yes
Been hugged: yes
Been kissed: yes
Yelled: yes
Been on a rollercoaster: no
Been on a plane: no
Been out of the state: yes
Been out of the country: no
Been to the Beach: no
Smoked: yes
Drank: yes
Been in the Hospital: no
Visited someone in the hospital: no
Talked on the phone: yes
Eaten: yes
Gone to the movies: no
Worn sunglasses: yes
Slept: yes
Chewed gum: yes
[In the Past 24 Hours Have You]
Cried: no
Laughed: yes
Been hugged: yes
Been kissed: no
Yelled: yes
Been on a rollercoaster: no
Been on a plane: no
Been out of the state: no
Been out of the country: no
Been to the Beach: no
Smoked: no
Drank: no
Been in the Hospital: no
Visited someone in the hospital: no
Talked on the phone: yes
Eaten: yes
Gone to the movies: no
Worn sunglasses: yes
Slept: yes
Chewed gum: yes
Are you So Toms River? no
Have you ever even heard of Toms River? no
Your Mom: is talking on the phone
Are you tired of this survey? nope
Are you aware that two people spent their time doing this? yep
Ever heard of Turks and Caicos? yes
Do you think Jack Sparrow did some major drugs in his youth? yep
What? what? yes
Can you swim? Yes
How many TV’s in your house? 4 or 5
Does the number 24601 mean anything to you? nope
Are you enjoying yourself right now? yes
This survey is long, isn’t it? Why yes it is...
What’s on your desk right now? Stuff...
Reach straight out to your left. What do you touch first? The wall
What do you think of abortion? pro choice!
…of homosexuality? They can do whatever they want just don’t do it in front of me!
…of guns? Ehhh...
…of Britney Spears? Ehh..
…of Harry Potter? Ehhh...
…of Lord of the Rings?ehhh...
…of self tanning cream? No no no no no no I don’t like orange people!
…of war? Only if really necessary
Are you an 80’s child? yea
Don’t you just love the 80’s? yes
What about the 90’s? ya
Do you like Michael Ian Black? Who the hell’s that?
What is the first book within your sight? Catch-22
Turn to page 46 and read line 16: ..no
Did you get any postcards this summer? yea
From who? My sister from Myrtle Beach while I was at school
Did you send any postcards this summer? nope
Did you even go on vacation? I went to school!
Dontcha know your momma can’t read? What the fuck is that?!
What are you most anticipating right now? Studying for midterms