Sugared Love - #02 - SW: RepCom - Ordo / Besany

Nov 06, 2008 00:52

Title: Sugared Love
Pairing: Null Arc 11 Ordo / Agent Besany Wennen
Fandom: Star Wars: Republic Commando
Rating: PG
Word Count: 244
Theme: #02 - Thunderstorm
Comm: 30_distractions 
Disclaimer: This is a non-profit, amateur effort not intended to infringe on the rights of any copyright holder. Characters belong to their respective owners.
Summary: There's nothing quite like cake.
(Prompt Table)

“It was years ago,” he says solidly, holding his rigid posture in his chair. There’s no reason not to believe him, so she lets it slide as she heats up the slow-cooked dessert-a thick pudding of blue milk, chunks of starchy fruit and tiny, translucent sweet beads.

A bright flash lights up the apartment.

He’s up and moving just as the deafening crack of thunder rattles the cupboard’s meticulously lined dishes. Though nonchalant, his careful positioning is not missed by her-his back directly facing the windows, one fist balled at his side and eyes straight ahead, unfocused.

The dessert fills the kitchen with its complex, heady aroma. Steam rolls off the pot as she gathers a small amount to taste. It’s hot, but not enough to burn, and slides over her tongue, sweet but not mind numbingly so.


She pours a healthy portion over a slice of plain, sponge-like cake. The pastry soaks up the gooey blue liquid hungrily and crumbles within a few seconds.


His words are stopped by a spoon of sugared love thrust past his lips. Another flash lights up the kitchen. His eyes snap shut.

She wipes away the dribble of pudding from the side of his mouth, pulling the utensil away to plant a gentle kiss in its place. His hands drop to her hips and his eyes open, heavy lidded and on her.

It’s okay, she resolves. When he’s ready.

She can wait.

sw: republic commando, sw: besany wennen, sw: ordo skirata, sw: are these for me

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