I haven't updated in a nice little while. Nothing's really changed. My life is static. Kind of like when you're watching something on the computer and your internet connect lags and the image freezes and you can kind of hear what's going on and the image skips ahead every now and then. That's what it's like. Just as annoying and aggravating accompanied by that hopeless feeling where you just need to wait till time passes to fix it. How was that for a simile from the modern world? My first semester grades were actually aight. All A's and B's except my 75 in Directed Study cause I did everything for it in the last two weeks. I'm worried about college apps though. Got into U. Pitt honors college though so at least I'm in, just not where I want to be. School's just become difficult when I've reasoned myself out of it's necessity and even into it's harmful nature. No point in wasting my time bitching about it. Let's move on to the better aspects. Margaret was just down for three weeks which was incredible. We did a lot of mushrooms which has been a nice little mix. Mushrooms are very mathematical feeling for me. It's comforting to find peace with your understanding of the world and the perspectives you choose to view it in. It's even more comforting to be doing that with the people closest to you on a "trip" away from the life that's draining you. I swear every aspect of my health drags when I'm not with Margaret. She'll be down for the summer in a few days more than a month and I'll be out of school in 10 weeksish. These are the two big landmarks in time for me right now. They mark when I'll have a healthy body and healthy mind again. Drugs have felt a little more sloppy lately and I think it's because I feel so mentally, physically, and emotionally drained so often. I miss the summer where things feel free, sober and not. Speaking of drugs, Margaret and I have been adding to our collection. We got a wooden piece and another bat that we don't have pictures of yet but here's the piece I got for my 18th birthday and a new bat.