you live an endless life forever

Jun 08, 2011 03:17

[ For Shadow, as far as he'd met, there were two Sonics that he trusted more implicitly than the rest. Implicit trust did not come easily for the black hedgehog, and trusting enough to tell another some of his past, though mild, was more trust than he'd give anyone casually. One Sonic he met while in Johto, who he was able to share some of his ( Read more... )

canon: sega, character: shadow the hedgehog

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anuvatajava June 9 2011, 04:00:52 UTC
[As was normal for this particular blue hedgehog, Sonic had spent some of his day outside. He chose to go running along Emerald Coast (while avoiding the water!) and while he might have ended up somewhere he might have considered more fun after finishing that, after his conversation with Shadow and spending time with him... Sonic thought he might as well give this a try. It was only fair as well, and it might have been good for him in a way, if just to understand the black hedgehog more.

Thus Sonic found himself in the library, and coincidentally and not to his surprise, also found Shadow there. His darker counterpart looked pensive, and of course it had made the blue hedgehog that much more curious as to why.]

... Hey. You okay? What's up?


no1canbreakyou June 9 2011, 04:16:16 UTC
[ At the familiar sound of Sonic's voice, Shadow focused his gaze on the blue hedgehog without turning his head. He was surprised to see the blue blur here of all places, having not expected him to actually try something Shadow enjoyed. Still, he manages to hide his surprise as he usually did. ]

I'm fine. [ A pause. ] Still digesting that ... "cotton candy". [ ... Shadow attempting humor? Fairly dry, but it's there... ]


anuvatajava June 9 2011, 05:47:33 UTC
[The library was new to him. That much was certain. He had glanced at the inside of it on occasion when the doors would be open and when he heard that one could check out more than just any of the old tomes or textbooks on the shelves, but media such as DVDs or video games as well. But something had always distracted him away from the place of learning and scholarship. Yet this time, it drew him in instead.

Sonic had to remember he was in the library and to keep quiet, but he had to snicker at the response. He appreciated that attempt, not expecting it, and rewarded the black hedgehog with a knowing grin.]

I'm surprised you even tried the stuff. Toldja they'd have it. You do know we're gonna hafta go there again some time.

[But not yet, not in a long while. It was Shadow's turn now, after all. His green eyes glanced over at the stack of books on the table as the blue hedgehog took a seat nearby, then looked back to Shadow.]So what're you readin'? Care to enlighten me or tell me somethin' I don't know? I might learn ( ... )


no1canbreakyou June 9 2011, 06:01:07 UTC
[ Shadow makes a bit of a smirk in return for Sonic's grin, closing the book he was reading and gestures to the others. ]

I want to learn more about the Earth and its people; I only knew one side of them... There must be more people in the world like the Professor and Maria. [Places the palm of his hand on one book ("Discourse on the Method" by René Descartes).] I'm sure I'll be spending a lot of time here... Philosophy isn't one of my strengths, but I've decided to scratch the surface of it.

[He eyes Sonic.] You seem to make your own philosophies; I respect that.


anuvatajava June 9 2011, 17:08:12 UTC
You know that the world's got lots of people in it! [Sonic had considered saying that no one was perfect, but... perhaps there really was that one person that Shadow had considered perfect. He wasn't sure if he should bring it up or not.] There's more people out there that are good than you think there are. It's just probably kinda hard to see it right now, but I think you will!

[Sonic considered Shadow's words for a moment, his foot tapping lightly, a slow yet steady pace against the ground, as if that helped his thought process. Or perhaps because he couldn't sit completely still.]

It's just me livin' by my own feelings, heh, that's all. [But he did tilt his head slightly as he looked at the title of the book Shadow had in hand. It was hard to wrap his mind around what it meant as he spoke.]

You're kinda philosophical already. You're just takin' your time to see what points of view you like and makin' it your own. Or you should be.


no1canbreakyou June 10 2011, 01:04:50 UTC
[ Shadow nods, pushing the books aside for the moment. He's sure he has a pretty good idea about what Sonic might like to read, but decides on asking anyway. ]

You don't strike me as a reader, but you must read sometimes... What kinds of literature do you read?


anuvatajava June 10 2011, 01:59:17 UTC
What, do comic books not count as literature? They're important too!

[Sonic laughed quietly, knowing it wasn't exactly what Shadow had been asking. He looked over at the books, and indicated toward them with a finger. Something in the back of his mind, way in the back of his mind, flashed for a second. Perhaps it was okay if he did slow down and not go full throttle or full speed ahead all the time.]

It's all this stuff that I don't get, heh. Don't know, maybe if readin' didn't have to be so... just sittin' around so much, I might like it better. Or if it's a good story or something, I could get into that, I guess...


no1canbreakyou June 10 2011, 02:03:13 UTC
[Leans back in the chair, then stands up, gesturing to another part of the Library.]

Perhaps audiobooks would be more suitable for you. All you have to do is listen to them on an audio device and still take in the same amount of information.

[ Points. ] This Library has a decent selection over there.


anuvatajava June 10 2011, 02:16:06 UTC
Oh, sweet! Are you serious?

[How convenient! But was this some sort of a cop-out? Someone else reading out loud to him? Well, whatever works for now! Sonic got to his feet too, looking over in the direction Shadow pointed to.

This was slightly embarrassing. Dewey Decimal System or whatever classification scheme is used in the library, what is this mix of numbers and/or letters and symbols? No, he couldn't let it intimidate him! But...]

Wait, hold up, how am I supposed to pick or how do I know what's good? Tsh, not like pickin' one out by its cover is gonna help, y'know!


no1canbreakyou June 10 2011, 02:20:28 UTC
[ Shadow walks over to the Audio Book selection. There's a computer nearby, and he quickly accesses the Library Database. ]

In this program, you can access literature and audio books depending on what you're interested in. For example... [ Shadow clicks on the tab "Newspaper Articles" and types in "Dr. Eggman". The page is suddenly populated by articles found in the Library that include many newspaper clips and stories about the egg shaped doctor. ]

It's possible to narrow the search down. Click the tab "Audiobooks" and type in something you're interested in. When you find a title that looks compelling, we'll go from there.


anuvatajava June 10 2011, 03:06:11 UTC
[Sonic followed Shadow as the black hedgehog obviously knew what he was doing and his way around the library. He watched as Shadow maneuvered through the library's OPAC and listened to the explanation.]

Okay, gotcha. ... Huh, I don't know, somethin' like... [Sonic took a hold of the mouse and clicked per Shadow's instructions. He thought he was rather predictable and typed in the word "adventure" just to see what would happen. Some scrolling took place through the results, but it didn't take long until something somewhat familiar showed up such as "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes."]

Oh, hey, what about that one? That one looks kinda cool... [He pointed to the result on the screen.]


no1canbreakyou June 10 2011, 03:59:35 UTC
[ Shadow gives a bit of a smirk when Sonic types in 'adventure'. Of course he would. The black hedgehog looks at the genre. ]

Detective fiction. Section B20. [Motions for Sonic to follow him as he goes to look for the right audiobook.]


anuvatajava June 10 2011, 04:52:45 UTC
[Sonic dutifully followed Shadow again, though taking a look around him as well. It was possible he could get used to this. At least the place had windows to look outside of and let light in and the layout was expansive enough. It didn't seem as closed off or claustrophobic as he initially thought it would.

He looked over to Shadow, a little curious, but not making a great show of it.]

... You're way more patient now. Kinda chill, actually.


no1canbreakyou June 10 2011, 05:04:06 UTC
I have always had more patience than you.

[He's blunt, but not mockingly so.] I don't mind taking my time on something that doesn't have a deadline. If I have something that takes precedence over my own hobbies, then I will complete it as quickly as I can, while making the necessary amount of effort needed.


anuvatajava June 10 2011, 06:17:03 UTC
Sounds 'bout right. [Sonic chuckled, knowing that was true. His answer was fair enough. Logical. Rather befitting for the black hedgehog. But from it, he could see that Shadow could... relax. Some things didn't have to be so rushed all the time.]

I think what's different is that you have more patience with me now. But hey, not that I mind, it's kinda nice, I guess, when I think about it.

[They had opposed each other for so long and seemed to be polar opposites. Maybe, just maybe they could stand to have some moderation and not be so extreme. Maybe Shadow could regain or relearn innocence anew and Sonic could mature and learn to be optimistic yet realistic. He thought maybe he didn't mind the latter part that applied to him, but how ready was he for that, he wasn't entirely positive.]


no1canbreakyou June 10 2011, 06:24:49 UTC
Don't misunderstand; I would have had more patience with you before, but you always encountered me at the most... inopportune moments. [He says the last bit through gritted teeth.] I was very interested in you, but at that time, I had more important business.

[ If the mission to destroy Earth hadn't been timed, then he would have taken some leisure time, but the Professor had planned it all and Shadow would never let himself be sluggish for things like that. ]

Now I have more time... [ Looks at Sonic. ] and I can study you, as well.


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