Oct 26, 2003 22:24
HOMECOMING 2003..lets just say...i OWNed the floor most of the night when my feet werent killing me and i wasnt taking a break...best soong played that night--->>"TO the wiiiindoows.....to the waaalls!!!"wooah...everyone went crazy when they played that song..we all sang at the top of our lungs and sang the "Skeet skeet mutherfucker" part..haha so need for the dj to have played the cleaan version of that song! haha..omg me and vanessa!! good times good times..it took me back to our days when we owned every and any dance floor every weekend! haha..aww i missed you! i saw soo many people last night after 27353 years..took lots of pics...haha i remember dancing and like i was just in my won lil world..and matt..woooow..azn/hawaiin boy can dance! haha all the boys were dancing to the "BET" music..ehh..they were like emo an hr before we got there! wtf?! hhaha..nahh but the boys were greeeat BET dancers..group pic was fun..IN-N-Out after..haha the wedding girl bailed it! im telling you..or were the goin to the airport?! some random girl called me to her car and was like " HEY GIRL! COME HERE!" i was like "eehh"..hah i was scuured they were gonna like..i dunno?! haha but yahh turns out she just wanted to know where i got my hc outfit from..but thats my seecrret. no jocks wanted here..kk?!niiicee compliment thooo :) anyways..the night was fun..thanx for inviting me OTSuuukAAAAAH! anywho..pics will be up soooooon!! so staayy tuned..
hc reminded me alot of 10/19--->pnm...memooooriiies<3333
i <3 u babie and thanx for <3ing me thru all my wrongs..yr my sky.