I can't believe it, but.....

Apr 22, 2005 22:24

We're supposed to get 3-6 inches of SNOW this weekend!! At first they
were saying that it would be a snow-rain mix and it wouldn't accumulate,
except on the grass. Now they're saying that we'll get that much snow,
not to mention the rain that comes first.

We were at 85 on Tuesday!! Yesterday's high was 43. I think I'm
getting too old to handle these drastic temperature changes. The
sinuses and asthma are acting up, in a big way now. Maybe I just need to move down South somewhere. LOL! Look out Southerners, I may be headed your way soon.

I'm glad it's the weekend, even though I have lots to do this weekend. A friend and I teamed up with a friend of another friend to give a wedding shower on Sunday. This is soooo not my area of expertise. The bride is very into the formalities and everything being just so. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not. In fact, she is not allowing any children at her reception. Although, I am not married, I can't even imagine getting married without having all of my nieces and nephews there. That doesn't even include the children of my friends. But I guess that's part of the formalities that escape me. So I keep wondering if this shower will be right and what she would enjoy. Wish me luck!
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