Movie Review: Water For Elephants

Apr 23, 2011 19:13

Note: My mood has more to do with my idiot mother, not the movie itself. She's getting on my nerves as usual. (And normally, I'd hate to call her an idiot but at this moment, I could care less). Luckily, she wasn't able to distract my thoughts on the movie.

First, the previews:

Super 8 - I seriously thought this was going to be a comedy. *fails* Not interested though.
Some movie with Kate Hudson, Ginnifer Goodwin, and John Krasaniski (I can never spell his last name) that I don't remember the title of - not interested.
Larry Crowne - oh, so this is what Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts have been doing. Not interested again.
Monte Carlo - originally was not interested but I think I may watch it for Leighton and Katie Cassidy.
I keep thinking there was something else but now I'm not sure.

Okay, the movie itself.

The Good:

-Christoph Waltz was just amazing. I saw lots of critics praising him and I have to agree with them. He was every bit dangerous and charming as I expected him to be. Hell, I think I may have enjoyed his performance more than anyone else's including RPattz. And that leads me straight to my next point...
-I know people have a lot of hate towards Rob. I'm not shocked by this to be honest. Twilight can leave a bad taste in a lot of mouths (and I wasn't too thrilled with his performance in that either). And face it, it's not the best movie to show off acting skills in. I'm not Twilight fan but I am an RPattz fan. (Hence why I joined "I liked Robert Pattinson before Twilight" on Facebook). I've been dying to see him in something for a while that had nothing to do with that franchise. And needless to say, he didn't disappoint. Some critics were harsh on him but I thought he nailed what he needed to nail.
-I love the elephant. Elephant stole the show :P <3333
-I liked the scenery and setting too. And their costumes!
-Hal Holbrook was great for the short time that he was in this movie as well.

The Bad:

-Now I like Reese Witherspoon but I felt she was completely wrong for this role. I always thought someone much younger would be playing this role. She wasn't awful but I found her to be the weakest of the main actors.
-Didn't honestly care for the Jacob/Marlena stuff. I liked everything but that to be honest.
-The beginning was a bit fast paced.
-No, there's no Florence + The Machine background music for this movie like they show you in the preview. Sorry.

I should warn that there is animal abuse in this. If you can't handle that, then it would be wise to stay away.

Overall: I liked it. I think some people criticized it far too harshly. Sure, it can be better but it's certainly not the worst thing I watched this year.

Grade: B
Harry Potter Grade: EE
Should you watch? Yeah. If you're a fan of Rob, Reese, or Christoph, watch it. It's a charming, entertaining movie. But if you get squicked by animal abuse or any kind of abuse, you might want to steer clear of it.

review, movie

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