About QuickNews

Mar 24, 2006 12:08

The reason I started doing news reports was for troops deployed to areas where they don't get CNN or Fox news and their internet access is limited. That is why I still do it, but I have also put my reports up as a service for anyone interested. However, I choose stories that would most interest our service members.

I have been meaning to do this on the info page, but in the interest of full disclosure, let me tell you how these reports are different than your usual daily news:

1. QuickNews reports do not have the sensational headline that usually contains the part of the story the press wants you to hear as opposed to the real story.

The header is always the first sentence of the story that tells you what is in the story, and that is formatted with a link to the original story. The source is right there.

2. I will also change the order of the article presentation for content.

A good example is today's story of the hostage rescue. The original formatting of the story jumped around, as most stories out of Iraq tends to do. The AP or whomever did the original story will give you 3 lines about the story, then tell you about the car bombs and how many bodies were found.

If a US Soldier or any other coalition Soldier has been killed in the last 24 hours, they will give you the running total of US war dead in OIF. They may or may not tell you how the soldier died.

The original story will continue in snippets further down into the body of the story. I have no problem with the fact that they tally the day's destruction, but by intermingling everything, the destruction becomes the story.

QuickNews goes down into the body of the article and pulls out the rest of the story, attaching to the header where it belongs. If there is s reasonable segway, I will then add the destruction.

Because the intent is to update the troops, I do not give them a daily running total of the war dead. If there is no context, or explanation for the troop's death, I do not include it in that story. I will seek out a story that contains only the story about the troops and what happened. Reporting deceased without context seems like an unreasonable drag on morale.

3. I am a conservative. Although everything I post is mostly from the AP or Reuters, if I believe there is something that seems unreasonably partisan, and does not belong to the story, I may not add that part into my condensed version. As a conservative, I'm sure you know which unrelated content I am most likely to find unreasonably partisan. I try not to add bias, but we will at least have the journalistic integrity to admit that we have one.

I hope that our readers find QuickNews to be a useful and informative service, and we hope you keep updated with us.

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