(no subject)

Feb 13, 2010 00:19

After their tryst inside of his shop, he did not show up at her club again. But he had ended up another club that evening and on the news the next morning was the report of missing blonde stripper, this one named Nikki Sanders. They reported to once again having no leads to the murderer. And as far as he was concerned, they would never have any leads. He was too careful to get caught.

But that was another issue for another time. For now he had changed out of his work clothes and into a pair of dark jeans and a black shirt. On his way he stopped by one of his favorite take out places and got them some Chinese food. He figured they might as well have some food to eat while they made fun of bad TV together.

It was...nice spending time with Elle, and not just because they ended up having sex so often (although that was nice as well). It had been so long since he had just enjoyed someone else's company. It was a nice indulgence even if he knew it could probably never go any farther than it already had. If she knew anything about what he was really like, it would all be over. And he really didn't want to have to kill her.

He made his way to Elle's apartment from his car and stopped outside the door. He brought his hand up and knocked, waiting for her answer.
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