Feb 02, 2007 22:09
"Life sucks and then you die!" -Vince McMahon.
kind of speaks for itself don't ya think? things have not been going well at all lately. my mom and i are fighting more than ever, my dad is still gone(what else is new), my sister's still pretty bitchy to me most of the time, and a ton of other stuff is going on that i cant even begin to tell you. and on top of it all...the one person i need to be there for me is pissed at me. or something. i don't even know whats going on right now. jason and i are fighting. about the stupidest thing. and hes at work now so i cant even attempt to fix things...not for another hour almost. ive spent most of the day almost freaking out. and im not gunna say what i thought earlier. back luck. *knock on wood* im over reacting...right? please just let this be me over reacting...again. like always...ugh. i just don't know anymore. he needs to hurry up and finish at work so i can call him or go see him or something.