Dec 01, 2005 19:44
More french words 4 ur entertainment
() == pronunciation
Bite- (beat)
means dick
la salope- ( lah sah low)
- slut
la prostituée- ( lah praw stee to e)
le bâtard - (luh bah tar)
- bastard
baise- (bays)
- fuck
la merde ( lah mer)
- shit
l'âne- (lawn)
- ass
l'imbécile- (leam be ceal)
- asshole
le retardé ( luh ree tard
- retard
l'âne mental ( lawn men tawl)
- mental
stupide (stoo peed)
- stupid
idiot- (e dee ot)
- idiot
muet - (moo ay)
- dumb ass