Oct 20, 2004 10:52
Well it's been quite awhile since my last updated.. so much has happened I dont know where to begin. I've attempted to update several times, but something always kept getting in the way. I am now working for the wonderful world of Wireless at AT&T and I'm loving it so far. I'm still in training, but that ends Saturday when I take my final then I go into development for 3 weeks. I've met some great people while in training, made some new friends. These past 3 or 4 weeks have been somewhat messed up pertaining to my social life. One thing I can say though is that my girl Piglet (one of whom I met in training) has been there for me through it all. I'm looking for an apartment over there right now, so the drive won't be as bad. Driving 45 minutes 2 ways a day kinda gets to ya after awhile! I'm also looking into getting a new vehicle.. I've been wanting a new one for awhile now, but I keep changing my mind as much as I change clothes.. lol* But I think I've finally decided on something.. a Jetta! I've found one that I like and it's used. But I really want a TDi, so I'm gonna go over to Fairway in the next couple of weeks and see what they have.
Right now I'm burning a CD for Piglet and trying to figure out what I'm gonna do today. Last night I went to see the gang @ Telemed. I've really missed those guys.. especially Shane, Dwana, Tabby, Reu, Kodi and Josh. I stayed up there for like 2 hours talking to all of them.
That's all for now.. I'm gonna go find something to do. Be Good!! ;)