Livejournal, does it every bring smiles?

Sep 03, 2009 18:49

You know i was just thinking how in a skit done by college humor where all different websites were actual people and Livejournal of course was an emo person who was calling in promising to cut themself.

I guess i can see the humor in the joke, often enough LJ is filled with gripes, complaints, loathing, fighting or in other words DRAMA. Now keep in mind im not knocking it,  I think its fine for people to vent their fustrations out on this sight and of course through their F-list, people can seek support from their friends. It truly is a useful sight that ive very much have bitched and griped on hoping to hear supporting words from my friends not to mention (but still mentioning) getting my problems off my chest.

However tonight im not posting anything angstwise, nor am I complaining about anything really, although I do feel like ive got plenty to vent about, however today im not going to do that on LJ today, instead I just felt like posting something positive.

I hope all of you are doing well in your lives.  Whatever problems that do exist, im sure you'll come out on top of it all.  For the most part all of you on my F-list are some of the kindest, understanding and supportive people i've ever had the pleasure of knowing.

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