Linds & Sam, bisexuality, more nightmares, and a Wicked question during Med School interviews

Feb 16, 2009 12:41

Why can't people leave Lindsay and Sam alone?  Couples fight, the media and spotlight that surrounds them multiplies the drama, probably 100-fold.  And what do the hell does he mean about "how about the duo's two very definitions of being gay?" Since when can't bisexual women and lesbians date?  Or bisexual women and men.  It's so freakin' annoying.  But nothing tops the annoying bisexual scale as much as Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez.  Thank goodness I never bought any of her books.  She's a complete lunatic.

Anyways, I'm bored at work, cold (will the rain please go away?), and sleepy - I stayed up too late so that *maybe* I could fall asleep immediately into a dreamless slumber.  But, alas, I woke up at 5am not wanting to go back to sleep in case I went back into my nightmare, though I couldn't even remember what it was about (and still can't).  Too bad I didn't have one of random_flores 's erotic dreams ;)  Then I would have surely slept nicely.

PS. My co-worker was on a med school interview last week and they asked her thoughts on why Wicked is
such a successful musical? I was thinking "hmm, because of the femslash goodness?" but held my tongue.
I mean, seriously, when there are lyrics such as:

"What is this feeling, so sudden and new? 
I felt the moment I laid eyes on you...
My pulse is rushing
My head is reeling
My face is flushing
What is this feeling
Fervid as a flame
Does it have a name?"

And their chemistry during "For Good"?  :)

wicked, sam ronson, dreams, real life, lindsay lohan, bisexuality

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