Feb 02, 2008 19:53
Something was not sitting right with my stomach this morning. It was twisted in knots and beating the hell out of me. I ate some breakfast, hoping that I was just hungry. It did no good. I took a nice long nap...a couple of em. Still no better. I sat up and drank bunches of water and tea. This helped some. I took a long hot shower. This helped a little bit more. Now I'm going to say screw the world and get out of bed. Clean my apartment, vacuum, do dishes, dust. I'll get laundry ready to go so I can do that too a little bit later. Then I'll go back to being lazy. Maybe start that drawing I've been wanting to do. Maybe I'll send Drew to Walmart with a $20 and have him pick me up some material and needles and thread.
I'm going to start sewing stash pillows.
I like sewing and I do it best by hand. I find it calming, almost meditative. The stash pillow idea came from trying to find a pair of scissors through all the handcuffs, ankle cuffs, rope, all that fun stuff. Figured that the average stash pillow costs around $30, not including shipping and handling. I could make one for less than that. The cheapest I've seen one is about $15 not including shipping and handling and they don't look anywhere near as desireable as the ones that cost $30.
Top it off, there are a lot of potheads in our building. In fact, Huntington is the half way point of delivery between Detroit and Atlanta for drug trade. I'm not selling the drugs. Its completely legal.
Now I just have to get the materials and such.
K done rambling. Time to go clean something.