OH NOES!!!! I am a sad panda today. And this news really blows because the show won't get a proper send-off seeing as the now "series finale" is next week. WTF?! It really sucks for loyal viewers like myself who have supported and watched the show for it's entire three-year span to have it dumped like this.
I got about seven hours of sleep last night and felt surprisingly refreshed this morning, as in I wasn't a potential car accident waiting to drift off the road and hit something/someone! That felt good. I had to pretty much force myself to go to bed about an hour earlier than I'm used to, which meant turning the TV off at exactly 11 and not watching a single second of The Daily Show or The Colbert Report and forcing myself to turn off my computer shortly thereafter. I'm still kind of tired, but not so much so that I feel the need to take a nap as soon I as I get to work. I can't decide if I want today to be busy or not; at least if it's busy, then the day will go by faster.
I don't know if anyone who reads this watches Lost or has ever watched Lost or has long since given up on Lost because they don't ever seem to answer the questions they themselves pose, but I must say I am enjoying it quite a bit lately.
I was sucked in at the very beginning of the series and my "I will watch this show until the day it dies" nature is finally starting to pay off here. They are actually answering some of the questions they are posing instead of just throwing more questions out there for us. Don't get me wrong, they still leave you with more questions than answers, but at least they're starting to make steady progress toward the big questions concerning WTF is up with the island. For one thing, it apparently makes everyone fertile Myrtles, but becoming a babymama on the island is the kiss of death. Also, the Dharma Initiative people weren't the evil ones (at least from what we've seen) and the ones that are the evil ones (I think) actually killed the Dharma initiative people. And Desmond, originally he of the button-pushing hatch, can apparently see glimpses of the future courtesy of the island--all that in addition to being an awesome addition to the show and easy on the eyes. ;)
One twist--at least I hope it's a genuine twist and not just poor writing--is the possibility that Ben, in addition to being the seemingly all-knowing leader of the Others, is just a teeny tiny bit batshit crazy. Which I think is really cool because sometimes people are just batshit crazy and it would be a nice way to shake up perceptions and totally mess with your head to make you think that this dude isn't some cold calculating mastermind but really this weirdly charismatic crazy dude. I can dig that. And it would be awesome to see how this affects Locke--if he isn't dead from the gunshot Ben gave him, which I highly doubt since Locke is one of the driving forces of the show and I don't think the writers would do something like that just for shock value--at least not to a vital character like Locke.
I knew Coen brothers' movies were weird, in fact I expect them to be to some extent, but Barton Fink is weird smothered in strange dipped in bizarre with a good amount of WTF?! sprinkled on top for good measure. Visually, it was a very interesting movie, and I couldn't help seeing certain shots and elements and stuff they used in later movies like O, Brother, and Joel Coen knows what he's doing as a director because while I may not have know what in the hell was going on at least I wasn't bored. Still, at the end of it all I was left with was this feeling of huh??? That's it? And not in a fun way like with The Big Lebowski.