Wherein I learn it's my own damn fault for spoiling myself

May 10, 2011 22:20


Glee was pretty good tonight. Several Very Dramatic Things happened, including who was voted prom king and queen. And I realized just before the big reveal I knew exactly what was going to happen because I'd read a prom fic a few days prior based on earlier spoilers for the episode. It sort of bummed me out because while I was still surprised, after a fashion, it wasn't as much as I could have been had I just avoided clicking on that link in the first place.

I'm generally pretty spoiler-phobic, stemming from my days as a "Lost" fan, and heed spoiler tags and warnings. If I see something even sort of spoilery looking pop up in my RSS feed, I scroll right on past it. It's not that hard. However, this time, for whatever reason, I felt compelled to read that story--and it was quite good--but I wish I held off until after the episode had aired if only to have that little bit of extra surprise when I saw events unfold on my TV.


I've learned this lesson before, I wouldn't think I'd need to do it again.

tv, glee, spoiler alert

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