Title: Skinnydippin’ Femme100 Prompt: Water Rating: PG Character: Mal Disclaimer: Belongs to Joss and ME, et al. Summary: It’s a frelling drabble, OK
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I don't think so since they don't take cards, but I asked my friend Scott about it before and he said that maybe they'd accept checks or something? I'd call and find out. The theater is HUGE btw, seats 500. I wonder how many people will be there?
BTW, it goes from midnight until noon. Holy crapola.
I have to work all day on Saturday so...oy. We'll have to sneak in snacks. Although they don't actually care if you bring in food as long as it's not hot and garlicky-smelling, etc. I think I may well be wearing my PJs since I'm awesome like that.
Oh god. I should go to bed, but what am I doing? Writing the "temptation" prompt.
And because I am a tease:
Across the table, she grins and bites an elfin finger and the more he realizes she’s probably traipsin’ about in his brain-right here in front of everyone-the more his mind flashes with his best mental approximations of what she’d look like bent over the side of his mattress, looking back at him sly and pretty-like as he grips her hips. It’s the smile she gives him in the fantasy that does the trick every time, even more than the forbidden white curves and phantom glimpses of belly and backside.
I'm not done with it yet. But undoubtedly it will help distract me from the *groan* stack of final papers I get tomorrow for grading.
And thank you but pshaw.
I really have a hard time understanding why we're in the minority with this 'ship.
My friend greenapricot went away to Europe for a month or so and she came back and now I'm all "Go Special Hell, Go" and she's quite bemused. I should tell her about you--she ships Mal/Simon liek woah and is sad with me for continually NOT writing fic with her boy in it...naked.
On a tiny nitpicky note, "young 'uns" is usually written that way, in my experience.
I actually stared blankly at that for a bit, knowing something was off.
Also, feelin' wibbley about your icon. Who made it?
BTW, I bought the first ticket to the 'thon today.
BTW, it goes from midnight until noon. Holy crapola.
And goddamn. That's going to be...interesting. Shall have to nap myself silly the day before.
Do you think we get a breakfast break? *g*
I have to work all day on Saturday so...oy. We'll have to sneak in snacks. Although they don't actually care if you bring in food as long as it's not hot and garlicky-smelling, etc. I think I may well be wearing my PJs since I'm awesome like that.
I'll stock up on the Larabars.
The whats?
Oh god. I should go to bed, but what am I doing? Writing the "temptation" prompt.
And because I am a tease:
Across the table, she grins and bites an elfin finger and the more he realizes she’s probably traipsin’ about in his brain-right here in front of everyone-the more his mind flashes with his best mental approximations of what she’d look like bent over the side of his mattress, looking back at him sly and pretty-like as he grips her hips. It’s the smile she gives him in the fantasy that does the trick every time, even more than the forbidden white curves and phantom glimpses of belly and backside.
And gah! Kinky brain!fic! Post! Post! Post!
Oh, I am so going to have a rough time matching your coolness on these prompts.
And thank you but pshaw.
I really have a hard time understanding why we're in the minority with this 'ship.
My friend greenapricot went away to Europe for a month or so and she came back and now I'm all "Go Special Hell, Go" and she's quite bemused. I should tell her about you--she ships Mal/Simon liek woah and is sad with me for continually NOT writing fic with her boy in it...naked.
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