Jun 15, 2007 21:19
A: Does anyone know Mrs. Colagiovanni's email address? Is she still checking her Burroughs one do you think? Hmmmmm
B: Laura (the dad-marrying kind, not the the going-to-camp kind) has proven herself useful. I'm so mean.... She isn't as bad as all that. But anyway, she's got madd connectionz at burroughs and she says Mr. Hanson has access to Dreyland for 3 weekends over the summer and he will let Laura pick any weekend for herself and friends to stay there. BUT, Laura doesn't really like camping, so she's giving this privelege to... me! I can bring as many people as I want! Do any of you want to go to Dreyland for a weekend this summer? It could be crazy fun. Please let me know, also let me know when it would work best for you so I can pick a good date. Yaaaay!
C: I start my job next Monday and I'm scared of the phones. They have so many lines. I might die. Or just get really confused and flustered. Anyway..... 'night