All hell broke loose

Apr 21, 2021 19:08

Last night went well, the new girl was a freaking HOOT! She was nice. and I can see now why she was invited. My friend is mormon and the rest of us aren't this new girl she invited was also so I suppose she just wanted someone who had the same expeirences and was at the same level as her. I get that. I have a little social anxiety( these days who doesn't) so I'd want that too. I used to be really easy-ish in a group of new people but now with this TBI I doubt everything I say and do as well as the level in which I understand others. Soo.... She was telling us about her job with the state adopting kids out & how they all of the sudden stuck her with fostering kids. Apparently there has been a rise in kids needing to be fostered or adopted. So for a good hour I sat there and thought about that. I kept feeling something tugging on my heart thinking it was God sending me a message or thought about what I should do, I have space & probably enough money that I could at least help foster one child for a while. I shot my husband a text that we should think about doing it. Being the people that we are he thought I meant Dogs. Later that night when everyone had left and we were catching up on Zoey's playlist we decided with everything going on in our life it wasn't the right time.

My MIL has cancer & my FIL is going through an awful Alzheimer's. We in fact had to go over there today to bring him food since she was having another biopsy done today & it was taking forever. He was having a bad day kept repeating the same freaking thing a hundred times. I know he can't help it and I was trying to be understanding but I'm on my last nerve today. Then to top it off on the drive back to the house The husband and I get really into over something stupid and end up going at it like that for almost an hour. He has a super bad temper so it was getting bad and I could almost envision murder for a bit. I was so mad but he had to leave to relieve his uncle from the hospital to bring her home from the hospital & it occurred to me that He is going through a ton not to mention because he thinks I need to be watched constantly, which I don't not really. I've had a good few months if I die, I die I'm ok with that he needs to get over it. haha! We are having to stay overnight with her to make sure she is ok after the anesthesia which I'm not really looking forward to because I'm so tired & barely holding on to my sanity & anger. I'm taking my kindle, laptop & switch. Hopefully I can distract myself enough with the switch and gaming until I can sleep.

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