Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirates Life For Me.

Dec 09, 2006 18:02

Yesterday my dearest friend Cathrine ( angelkisser ) and I had pirate night. It was a blast! We got out of Work early yesterday so we were able to start the party early. We watched both POTC 1 & 2! The second one was really good, don't listen to the critics!!

So, the last week of the semester is upon most of us. I know, I myself, wasn't prepared for it to come so soon. I could have sworn I had atleast one more week to work on my project. So can anyone guess what I'm doing now? Yes, cramming and doing the last bit of my report. Thankfully, I had a nice little helper on my humanities report and with part of this project too. Thanks again!! Good luck to everyone on there exams. Mandy, I can't believe your graduating... CONGRATS!!!

I feel very much like crap at the moment. The last couple of weeks I have been having a lot of health problems and I am on my way to figuring out what the issue is. One of the problems appears to be arthritis and I will be seeing a specialist soon. Then there is weakness and extreme muscle soreness. Lastly, I have been extremely tired and have hardly any energy. However, this isn't new this has been going on since my surgery and has only progressed. I did a sleep study Thursday to see if I had anything to do with my sleep.

In other news, I go back Dallas this weekend. I can't believe it's been 6 mths!! Everything is so much better than it was six months ago. I'll be on much more after next week. Don't you all miss me.

Happy Birthday Nancy!!

Love ya

health, birthday, dallas, potc, friends, angelkisser

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