Jan 03, 2012 23:58
Seriously, that is like some weird battle cry in my house. Whenever something particularly mind-bendy or `rude` happens, we yell that.
So yeah, seen it.
And yes, after worrying for months about the fact that they were going to put Sherlock/Irene in it, I have to admit that Moffat did pull it off. I shall not doubt nor stray from the true path again, etc. And they've gone for asexuality, or as close to at as possible, which is so bloody WONDERFUL it's hard for me to type because I start squeeing too much. (Now want the adventures of Sherlock and Irene, like in the RDJ movies but more ambiguous and fewer bustles. Potentially.) Can only hope that Molly will now stop going after Sherlock, because that scene was pretty much the only one I didn't like (apart from that one point with a few too many camera revolutions), for all the reasons I wasn't supposed to, I know, but still. Join Moriarty, Molly! You know you want to! The fics are so good! (Also, then you get a Moriarty-Moran-Molly to their Sherlock-John-Irene. Which I've sort of alluded to before in a fic but OH MY GOD I may need to write that. Same way Irene's the `bad` one in the latter trio, Molly could be the `good` one. One sociopath, one, I dunno, conscience?gunman?some-word-that's-not-sidekick, and one `who doesn't fit this picture and wants in number 1's pants?` and that got a little crass, sorry.)
Ignoring my exploding brain for a moment: I bet Moffat and Gatiss were looking through all the guesses for the cliffhanger resolution and going `we have to do something entirely different! Something nobody has guessed! Mwaha!` Have to say, I thought the explosives were going to be fakes. Oh well. Very glad to see Moriarty's sticking around though, not just vanishing off until episode 3.
But seriously, what's going on with 1895? I mean, yes, clever little fake-out, but this is the man who put a cameo of time-travelling Doctor halfway through a series before we even knew said time-travelling would even be necessary, and gave him dialogue that would work in both contexts. Not to mention I can't help but picture Moffat and Gatiss having those late night conversations that, well, fans have where they go `OMG what if` for ages. (This also, incidentally, seems to be how DC's 52 (the year-long title, not the reboot) was written, which may be influencing me slightly.) And it's still up on John's blog. (Btw, how guilty should I feel that I killed Murray in a short story last year and according to the blog he's fine?) And seriously, double bluff much? They did a double-bluff with Sherlock's bloody emotions, I'm sure they can do that.
Although speaking of John's blog, I notice that not only does Jacob Sowersby get to comment every week (but then, that's just for a laugh, like troll!Moriarty), but he also got a specific BBC video put up on there. Very suspicious. Kind of reminds me of that Torchwood thing the Beeb did for series 2, where every week they'd put up a mission where you were trying to track some alien source thing down and, by coincidence, also a radio broadcast about TW, which would refer to the latest ep. And yes, of course the broadcasts turned out to be what you were looking for. Still, rather fun to see Ianto and Gwen teaming up without Jack.
And that went off-topic. Point is, Sherlock, I'm watching you, and your hit counters and your fake people and your...
One last thing: large amounts of Mycroft. Huge amounts of Mycroft. Giant plots with Mycroft. THANKYOU!
(And why am I looking forward to Moran showing up so much? Seriously, I reached the point where I thought all murderers were probably him until said otherwise.)
(Also: Need adventures of mini!pirate!Sherlock. Now.)
conspiracy theory,
my brain's exploding,