Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2005. Post the first and last line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review".
The Year of 2005
So my New Years sucked ass, but from reading other people's posts...i guess their's weren't much better, I ended up watching a South Park Marathon and watching 2 hours of "I Love the 90s" con mi padre.
I bet by reading what I have just written, your IQ has dropped 1/4. Well, with that said, have a great day
So today was Lauren's birthday. Sweet Sixteen to the max.
Please no school tomorrow. PLEASE.
I am an awesome sister, whether she realizes it or not.
Went to a My Chemical Romance Concert and I got to crowd surf twice =)
[that's a typo --- I went to a NFG concert]
Today is my birthday. Be Jealous.
Sweet Sixteen re-cap: Not the funnest thing in the world.
I went paintballing tonight and I got to shoot people. Hooray.
You're so beautiful when you smile
My sister bought Billy Tank's Tae-Bo DVD today. We did tae-bo in my living room.
Kim and I rule at life as of.......now.
So by the end of the day, I personified the Camp Moose because he is my new best friend and tells me how smart and pretty I am. Kim re-states this awesome moose:
MooingCow27 (8:10:01 PM): but since I'm not... and I'm only a peice of moose I'll just be like "you are smart and funny and pretty and such and you like boys!"
[that was more fun then the first line]
God I love my life. I have the best friends in the world. How jealous are you?
So I just broke my screen door about 2 minutes ago. I walked into it, not seeing that the door was closed and took it completely off the tracks it was on. Sweet.
lau ren 0972 (9:41:18 PM): quewhaaattt
lau ren 0972 (9:41:27 PM): in memory of baggot
and that is my best friend.
So school again tomorrow.
http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=locker+room+shay Yayyy!!!
So I fell on my head and now my mom thinks I have a concussion. I'm going to the ER tomorrow morning [which means possibly no school].
I think I'm going to go smash some glass or something. I dont think I've ever been this pissed off. What the fuck.
"I'll be right back after these messages"
Question of the day
1. Katie + basketball = ?
a. love
b. death
c. death
d. death
e. answer not given
You decide.
Basktball isnt so bad.
Death = Lame.