...'cos we don't give a shit about tomorrow.

May 31, 2005 21:55

the soviettes rock the house. how come no one has ever told me about them?

the first week of summer has been almost the epitome of suburban summers (just like that lame event spearheaded at the greg's house), with the last band at the show being the epitome of suburbia -- a six person band playing to nine kids three feet away in some backyard somewhere. whatever.

when I start making the big bucks, here are the first things I'm gonna buy --

1) screeching weasel re-issues.
2) The Life Aquatic and the Aquabats DVD, plus trillions of other DVDs
3) books. not lame books that people pretend to like to be hip, but awesome books. like the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy collection.
4) comic books! I need green lantern/green arrow/green lantern-green arrow comic books bad. well, not really, but, you know, if I had disposable income, I would buy them.
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