hello stranger...

Apr 09, 2006 11:54

so i'm a big slacker. i know i never post anymore, but whoo! look at this. first time in a while. i have been reading and wow, other people's lives seem to be going insane.

now, what do i actually want to talk about? i haven't posted in over a week. In my defence I have been slightly busy. recent news... i'm the class of 07 VP, which is pretty cool. The kid who won the presidency is graduating early... which makes me feel slightly queasy. but i'll get used to that. and hey, its april! wtf! how did it get to be april so quickly. didn't i just get back from europe? haha, i'm such a whiner. I just can't believe everything is happening so fast. we're almost out of school. it feels so strange, and surreal. anyways, not to dwell...

i'm registered for classes for next year, and i'm interning in the fall (but i have no idea where yet). I'm living on campus next year (suite 1119 w/ jenny and sara and caitlyn and jackie and sabrina). i'm in room E which (horray) is the big room. i think we're gonna have a pretty good suite together. everyone is pretty chill. also, i'm trying to remain in boston this summer. my gram has pretty much said i can live w/ her if they won't let me stay on campus. i've got an interview w/ admissions tomorrow morning, to work as a tour guide. and tuesday morning i've got an interview to possibly be one of the 3 family weekend coordinators for next year. so i'm going to be stepping into a fairly busy senior year. especially cause i'm also working as a desk sitter still, and i might be getting a job w/ the dean. he's looking for someone to help out in his office. so i might do that over the summer too. also, if neither of these jobs works out, i'm going to be applying to work in the gift shop at cheers. haha, i've got plenty of gift shop experience. and it pays $10 an hour. so we'll see how things go. but i should be around this summer if people want to hang. and i'll be sure to get the weekend off for nick's b-day party! no way i'm missing that!

now as far as this year goes, things are fairly smooth this semester. my classes and teachers are all pretty great, and i'm A's and B's as far as i know. plus i was really flattered when i found out my favorite teacher, lisa warren, recommended me to the executive board of the undergraduates for student publishing club. she thinks that i should join, and that i'd do really well. which makes me feel fabulous cause she actually works in publishing. i'm going to talk to her tomorrow night in class to ask her opinion on where i should try my internship this fall. but i'm LOVING that class. its so great, and its something i actually find fun as well as pertinent to making a living once i graduate. i might have to go to new york to find a publisher w/ books i'll actually read, but dorkily enough i actually like the business that i'm learning about. aside from that, i'm liking where i'm at in my other classes as well. shakespearean comedy is pretty fun, a little crazy at times, but fun. right now we're working out measure for measure (which is the play i saw while i was in england) so i've got a leg up on how everything goes down in it. and i got an A on my last paper so that was cool too. my copyediting teacher loooooves me. she thinks i was a born copyediter, b/c i tend to be anal about details. so if any of you need your work copyedited... i might help depending on how busy i am, hahaha. but that class is fun too, cause its got all my castle kids in it. and its so relaxed and chill. then last but not least is desktop publishing. its pretty fun, but i have no idea how i'm doing in that class. my teacher grades us, but i haven't gotten any of my grades back. plus its all fairly subjective, based on how we came up w/ and how we executed our designs. and all i have left for that class is my final project, a 20pg magazine in full color. sounds pretty good right? he's giving us all the articles and pictures and we have to design a mag around them. we'll see how that goes.

as for fun stuff, i went to a castle party on friday cause Rob Dukers was in town!!! for those of you who don't know, he helped to run the program and taught art history 2. he's amazing and fun, and so elyse threw a party for him. like 40-50 of the castle kids showed up and it was a blast. i weaved my way home around 2-2:30 in the am. and last night i saw Take the Lead, starring Antonio Banderas, where he teaches inner-city kids how to ballroom dance. it sounds corny, but it was actually pretty hilarious, and HOT. that dancing was incredible. i definitely recommend it for all friends to check out.

okay, well i've gone on long enough... so i'm gonna peace out and head over to the dh for some food. catch ya later my darlings!
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