This, literally made my day

Apr 06, 2007 15:33

Chris, Hannah, Eric, and I were at the park a little while ago enjoying a picnic where we saw this group of girls walking down the ravine where we were sitting that looked like muslims. So, we didn't think much of it and continued eating until they walked over to us and began our quaint conversation.

One of the girls: Um, I know this is really rude and everything, but would you mind moving your picnic? Jesus is coming.


Chris: .......what.

Girl: We are having a passion play right now and this is one of the stations of the cross, so if you could please move, that would be great. God bless!

So, we moved our blanket and sat on the hill near our spot and this herd of people begin to flood into the tiny spot where we had just been sitting. Like, literally, at least a 300 or so.

They bow and start doing their little thing, when all of a sudden theres these roman soldiers decked in the full head gear and attire exclaiming, MOVE and began herding the people again to another station, and soon enough there came Jesus, in blood and all with some soldiers whipping him walking right in front of us.

Haha, we all just sat there in awe at how random that was.

At least I can say I had lunch with Jesus.

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