Feb 24, 2008 21:38
I’ve never trusted reporters. I guess that’s not saying much, though. It’s like saying you don’t trust lawyers - no one trusts lawyers. No one trusts reporters. Doesn’t say much about me, that kind of statement. You wouldn’t guess, just from that, that I hardly trust anyone when it comes down to it.
It’s not that I think they lie - they do, but that’s not the point. Everybody lies. That’s a given. There’s just something that’s not right about watching without doing. Observing and interpreting without actually taking any action. Without getting involved. How can you stand back and watch what these people have to watch without getting in and doing something?
There’s just something inhuman about it. Guess the fact that the last reporter I met turned out to be a cylon really didn’t do much to convince me otherwise.
Headlines always either make me laugh or give me the creeps. Sometimes both. Often both, really. But creepy headlines have pretty much been the norm for the past few years, so I guess that’s not saying much either.
On the few occasions when I’ve wanted to know what was going on in the news I’ve always turned to the wireless. It’s not that much different - they’re still reporters, still spitting out what they see, still keeping themselves at a distance - but it’s a bit less cold. The words on the page are just one more step that removes the reporters from the people they’re reporting to. At least on the wireless you can hear a voice, know that there’s a person out there somewhere.
Or a cylon, I guess. Hell, it’s not like it’s comforting either way; I don’t think news was ever meant to be comforting, and it sure as frak isn’t likely ever to be in my lifetime.
Muse: Kara Thrace
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Word Count: 300