kattun catoon 100 questions

Dec 26, 2007 23:15

1. What is your name? sara

2. When were you born? ma 20th 1987

3. Where were you born? koramshar iran

4. Where are you currently residing? germany

5. How many languages do you speak? german,farsi,english a bit frensh some some words in other languages

6. Do you have any siblings? Unfortunately yes

7. Would you show us your childhood pics? haha...you want to see them?

8. How did you spend your childhood? oh it was fun..lots of friends but also bed memories about family

9. Any childhood dreams? yes i wanted to become a star ^^

10. Did it come true? not yet ^^

11. Most memorable childhood moment. oh..i was in kindergarden and my brother catched me from there everyday by his bike ...it was good sitting on the bike crusing arround with my big brother i loved it ...

12. Current occupation. Nothin atm

13. Past jobs. student....

14. Dream job. working for a big fashion company as a designer

15. How do you see yourself 10 years from now? hm..living in a loft have 10 people working for me and shopping arroun the world

16. Do you have any pets? no

17. Please show us the contents of your bag. hm just girlythings and some money haha

18. Something you must always have with you at all times. mobil i feel naked without my mobil..it's horribal but it'S true and my mp3 player..i can't live without it...

19. What or who is on the wallpaper of your cell phone? well my wallpaper is the most beautiful guy in the world ;) yuya tegoshi and on my cell phone you can see some sushi haha

20. How do you define your style? crazy..a lot of black

21. Favorite fashion brand. hm..i like feyagushi coture a lot and stuff like that

22. What’s your favorite cartoon? whinnie the puh

23. Favorite TV show. southpark!

24. What were you good at in school?historie and religion..

25. Who can you do an impersonation of? i can do a what ??

26. Something that you would call yourself. pate!

27. What do you collect? garments

28. What is the most expensive thing that you have ever bought? my notebook and my camcorder

29. What was the best present you have ever received? hm...every present was good and is the best in his own way..

30. Do you play any musical instruments?well...i wanted to learn the gittare..but 2 weeks after i reviced my baby ...my brother broke it ...so no i cant ...but i still would like to learn it

31. What is your first impression of KAT-TUN? damm hot ! good singing ...good looking....just sex haha

32. When or how did you first learn of them? oh i learnd first about the band when my best friend bought a magazine with kattun in it ..but i wasnt intereseted much later i started to like them!!! thank you hun for showing me this super sexy boyz ^^

33. How long have you been a fan of them? not that long ... something about october 2007

34. What do you think makes them different from the other JE groups? well by now i don't know that much je bands.. but i think kattuns style is a bit more grown up..and every member is spesific in his own way

35. Being a KAT-TUN fan, what is the craziest thing you’ve done? trying to the dance moves infront of my boss ;) love you emre and thanks for your support ^^ yes i will make it and be a background dancer haha

36. To what lengths can you show or prove that you’re a fan? i like to listen to their music and watching the drams, i'm still looking forward to recive the dvd next month...and i'm fangriling arround ;)

37. Do you have anything in common with them? it's not important to have something in common with someone...it'S important to like everyone for the way he is ...

38. Is there something that you like for them to change? yes i like to see ueda in a drama..

39. Do you think they lack something? hm..not sure about it

40. Let’s say they can sing any song in any language, what would you have them sing for you? wow..thats a realy hard question...but i wouldnt change the language ..well for example i like tegomass a lot .but the english version of miso soup is awful..i like them when they sing in their own language..so i would like ueda to sing for me love in snow and kame to sing kizuna ^^

41. What other JE groups do you like? my big big love is news ^^

42. Other music aside from JE? him,the 69eyes,uniklubi,heijeste,sug,emelie autumn and many many more

43. Is there anything you want to say to Johnny? hm...dunno by now

44. What’s your favorite KT costume? the starting outfit from the real face dvd is love

45. What can you beat KAT-TUN in? making outfits ;)

46. What do you want to do for them? i want to be their costume designer ...

47. What do you want to teach them? they don't need my teaching ...

48. What do you want them to teach you? (What do you want to learn from them?) how to breath while singing...

49. Something that you want to do together. yes for sure ..have lunch and do some karaoke ^^

50. What is your special skill? ohm... i'm the pate !!!

51. What do you think separates you from other people? hehe..i'm the pate...i have my own la familie ..

52. Is there something that you want to try the most?yes some flying arround like news in the never ending wonderful story dvd haha but i'm to heavy i would fall down like a little elephant O_O

53. What have you been currently working hard on? hm...working hard on my new collection

54. Something that has caught your attention recently. yes my messy room...it took me 2 days to tidy up

55. What do you like doing best?sleeping

56. What is your best characteristic? if you are my friend i would give my life for saving you

57. What is your bad habit? sinig loud

58. Do you have any fetishes?yes i have some but i'n not going to tell you something about it

59. How do you release your stress? pump up the volume and talk about my stress with someone close

60. What activity completes your day? before i go to bed .i get to my notebook and start my sleeptime playlist which includes alot of kattun and news and cuddle my cow ernie

61. Do you have a favorite saying? i always say "ätzend" i hate it but i do so..i have to stopp it ^^

62. What motivates you in life? to show off that i can do something realy good. i want my father to see that i'm a good girl.well it's not that easy.. but i try hard...everyone thinks that he is a realy good man even my best friend so it's not easy to talk to someone about the stuff i hate about him

63. Where do you take inspiration from? music
64. In the future, I want to ________ Go to finland again..maybe buy a house and stay there for a long while after i've been to japan

65. What was the best thing that happened in your life? staying in helsinki for some days..well itwas a hard tripp but in the end it was amazing and i'm looking forward to get their again

66. Most embarrassing? hm everything i do is embarrasing ..so there is no most embarrasing ...my whole live is embarrasing ok??!!!

67. What is the funniest story that you could share? haha i'm not gonna tell you yet ^^

68. When was your first love? hm my first real love ..oh i was 11 years old and totally fallen in love at that time i did a lot of embarrasing things ;)

69. Describe him. he was tall good looking and such a kind person!

70. What action from a guy makes your heart flutter? the way they take a smoke from a zigarett,the smile ..the way they make their eyes smile

71. What qualities do you look for in a man? cute,sense of humor ,loveable...hm it depends on the guy..he needs to be a bit vain...

72. What type do you hate? Show offs.

73. What does a guy do to turn you off? scratchin his thing...

74. The easiest way to your heart? a good voice,understanding my personality...loving me the way i am and not trying to change me

75. The meanest way to be broken up with?oh it's realy easy...

76. What kind of people can’t you stand? two-faced people

77. Favorite food.rice

78. Something that you do not like eating. meat

79. Something that you would recommend to someone visiting your country. try some german food haha

80. What would you cook for KAT-TUN? hm maybe somehing farsi..

81. What would you like to show them? my love ? dunno...but yeah i think my love ;) there is enough for everyone ...don't bther ^^

82. Any CM you would like them to do? underwear ?

83. When are you at your happiest? fangirling arround with friends

84. What is it your most afraid of? never have money to make my dreams come true

85. What makes you throw a tantrum?what?

86. What new segment do you want CTKT to have?more crazy stuff

87. Anyone you want them to have as a guest? me!

88. Who is your fave KAT-TUN member? ueda for the look ...but it depends on my mood..i can hardly desice..but i love them all..but udea is the best looking...ahh kame is also extremly good looking...hm i say koki for the way he acts in dramas haha

89. Do you have anything you have in common with him?hha look at my answer ..then ask again

90. How did you end up liking him? the smiles.... it's all about the smiles and acting ...and dancing ...

91. If you could say ONE SENTENCE to him, what would it be? your hard work makes my day, thank you ..

92. More importantly, if you won a date with him, where do you want him to take you? having fun while staying at home having some good wine and watching some crazy dvds i think they have enough stress ...a smoth day at home would be a good choice

93. What is the best gift that you want to receive from him? some tickets for a show and the pay for my fly over there ;)

94. Who do you want as your boyfriend? kame

95. Your best friend? nakamaru

96. Your husband? ueda

97. Your brother? junno

98. Your pet? koki..i think he would be a very loveable and funny pet ^^

99. Your distant cousin? jin..the distant cousin from la ;)

100. What song would you want them to perform for you? kizuna
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