Mar 23, 2006 22:27
* If I get my house cleaned again and no one, and I do mean no one, comes over for over a month, I may never get it cleaned nor clean again. Seriously, right before I got it cleaned, and I admit it was a sty, three random people came over. I get it cleaned, and no one has been here since. And yes, it is nasty again. I work over 70 hours a week usually, so no judging.
* I work with the most naive, ignorant person who thinks all of her opinions are more valid than mine.
* I need another toga party. And the next one I promise not to pass out.
* I am mad at my mother for 'forgetting' again to let my dog out while I worked late. Just tell me!! I can probably find someone to do it.
* I got paid today for the first time in 45 days, ahhhhhhhh.
* God bless my cash under the table second job. I love you, John.
* I may never date again thanks to psycho stalker. One date, a missed date, and you freak out? Could you please text me a couple of more times on what a great guy you are, because the first 10 messages were a bit fuzzy. Please don't ever ask me why I don't want to date you, good thing I was feeling nice. If you had caught me on a bad night, you probably would have a permanent limp, asshole. I cannot believe that the first time I have had a date in an embarassingly long time, and this is what happens.
* One more week of training then I get thrown to the wolves. Bring it! (makes me laugh when people say bring it)