Of course I have a wish list. Everyone has one, even if it's only for handcuffs and a bullwhip while your sexy spouse begs you for more. My particular wishes are usually practical ones, I guess because I've spent most of my life doing without. I tend to appreciate the more concrete things in life over the frivolous, although frivolous is fun from time to time.
So I thought I'd post my wish list here since Xmas isn't too far away. No I'm not asking people to buy me things nor am I using this journal to beg. I'm too busy using the comic to beg for cash to pay bills with. =^-^=; I just thought it would be an interesting post; something someone else might want to repeat on their own journal.
I'll try to keep the wishlist down to only a few things out of the plethora. Here goes:
1. World domination. Anything Obama can do, I can do better.
2. A bookshelf set. Since I'm wishing here, I'm going to be specific. I want one of those all wooden, durable, gorgeous bookshelf sets that cover and entire wall with accessories for other parts of the room. I want it to go here:
because this is the reading/meditation/quiet room of the house/temple. Those horrible boxes would then vanish as my home suddenly became more organized. A good score of our books would suddenly stop being damaged by circumstance. An entire shelf (if not two) would be devoted to the metaphysical sides of our lives.
Then the cheap pressed wood bookshelf you see there would be transported to my office, where it would serve a better capacity than it is doing now. *wistful sigh*
3. The altar's refurbishing work to be finished. Currently it looks like this:
The stripping had begun when I was staying in Tampa, but it was never finished for various reasons that no excuse can cover. =^-^= I have the material to finish stripping it. I don't have the health and/or time. I tell myself daily I'll get to it. Good thing rightly-placed metaphysical areas worry about looks only so much.
4. My very own personal-sized beamship and/or flyfighter. Any will do, so long as they work and the instruction manual is in English.
5. A greenhouse back here:
The desire for a greenhouse has obvious reasons, I would suspect, given that I despise drugs and drug-users. I want to grow some of my own food, and a greenhouse might let me do it for longer than just 2 or 3 months out of the year.
Besides. I'm fond of flowers and warm spots with glass windows.. and yes. My ideal greenhouse would look like a little cathedral with glass window decorations. It would be very stylized, neat and tidy.
6. A rope ladder for Stardrops's bed. We still don't have that, and we can't really afford it right now.
7. While I'm at this, let me take a moment to wish for greater success with the comic, better-paying clients, and less time being sick.
8. Last but not the last, I wish I could get my kitchen entirely redone. Currently it looks like this:
It looks like it might have been the original set up from when the house was built, even. The wallpaper is peeling, the cabinets are far too small and not very well laid out, and just gah. I need a better storage plan for this area.
But I'd placed this one last because, although it would be nice, the other wishes are more important. Especially the one about world domination.
Any charities out there looking to support your next and most creative megalomaniac? =^-^=